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sox4life sig request


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no, I'm quite happy, and I'm going back to PA for a visit in January...and then moving back in May. Miss sox4life will be waiting for me, as she is now.


supersteve seems to enjoy picking at this subject that he obviously doesn't understand.

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no, I'm quite happy, and I'm going back to PA for a visit in January...and then moving back in May. Miss sox4life will be waiting for me, as she is now.


supersteve seems to enjoy picking at this subject that he obviously doesn't understand.

First off, who says I am single? Second, the only reason I always say something about your spouse is because ya never stop talking about her.


I am telling ya guys that I bet she is the first girl to ever give him the time of day. I bet she is tired of you not putting out, and has already cheated on you.

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First off, who says I am single? Second, the only reason I always say something about your spouse is because ya never stop talking about her.


I am telling ya guys that I bet she is the first girl to ever give him the time of day.

when did I talk about her today? this week? except for when you brought her up?


f***in' a dude, are you jonesin' my girlfriend?



regardless, whether she's my first girlfriend or not, if I want to talk about her I will. You talk about your "girlfriend," wrestling, as much as I do mine...so piss off.


haha, and if this is the first girl to give me the time of day, then consider my batting 1.000 for hot girlfriends :fyou


I bet she is tired of you not putting out, and has already cheated on you.


We both decided to take it easy on that stuff, but you're sophmoric sorry ass has no understanding of that. Grow the f*** up dude and get some class.

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I am not following, take it easy on what stuff? You always make rude comments, yet cry like a little girl when someone is rough on you. I bet you got beat up alot in high school and need to come on a message board to feel tough.


Also, in the picture you posted, she is NOT a prize, I wouldn't even look twice at her on the street.


Grow up and get some class? Why do you say I need to grow up. I don't smoke, drink, and I rarely go to parties. Many of my friends drink very often, yet I don't. I also juggle a heavy school schedule and a heavy workout load. Oh yeah, did I mention I do some volunteer work? Never been arrested, nor in trouble with the law.


Well class, where have I shown I have no class? Really? I try not to put anyone down on here (except for you because you deserve it). I have no problems with anyone in my life, I have it super easy and nice. Class has never been a question for me, it is not an issue.


I am done talking with you sox4lifeinpa. Don't bother me, and I won't bother you.

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I am not following, take it easy on what stuff? You always make rude comments, yet cry like a little girl when someone is rough on you. I bet you got beat up alot in high school and need to come on a message board to feel tough.


Also, in the picture you posted, she is NOT a prize, I wouldn't even look twice at her on the street.


Grow up and get some class? Why do you say I need to grow up. I don't smoke, drink, and I rarely go to parties. Many of my friends drink very often, yet I don't. I also juggle a heavy school schedule and a heavy workout load. Oh yeah, did I mention I do some volunteer work? Never been arrested, nor in trouble with the law.


Well class, where have I shown I have no class? Really? I try not to put anyone down on here (except for you because you deserve it). I have no problems with anyone in my life, I have it super easy and nice. Class has never been a question for me, it is not an issue.


I am done talking with you sox4lifeinpa. Don't bother me, and I won't bother you.

I am not following, take it easy on what stuff? You always make rude comments, yet cry like a little girl when someone is rough on you. I bet you got beat up alot in high school and need to come on a message board to feel tough.


When did I say "take it easy?"


I make "rude comments" to people like Texsox and southsider, because they get it and respond with "rude comments" And the only other time I get pissed is when people talk about my life in an inappropriate or condescending manner.


funny story about almost getting beat up by a football player, but no, I generally stuck to my group of friends in HS.


Also, in the picture you posted, she is NOT a prize, I wouldn't even look twice at her on the street.


ok guy, I don't care either way...but ten bucks says you're a closet homo in 10 years.


don't smoke, drink, and I rarely go to parties. Many of my friends drink very often, yet I don't. I also juggle a heavy school schedule and a heavy workout load. Oh yeah, did I mention I do some volunteer work? Never been arrested, nor in trouble with the law.


but you make f***ing comments about how insane it is that in my relationship me and my girlfriend are taking it slow, 1) because she doesn't have alot of experience and 2) because I do and I've seen how it can easily destroy relationships.


I try not to put anyone down on here (except for you because you deserve it)


cool man, no sweat off my sack. and to quote vince vaughn from Swingers "And I'm the asshole?"


thanks for your holier than thou approach to life.


I am done talking with you sox4lifeinpa. Don't bother me, and I won't bother you.


f*** you very much


p.s. suspend me or ban whatever...if the mods can't see the truth behind this crap, then I'm outta here anyway.

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Hmmm....didnt see all that coming from that first post by sox4life. C'mon guys, theres no real need for all that. Lets not get into the, what George Carlin calls "The Bigger Dick Policy". Lol, sorry, that was funny stuff by Carlin--"What?!? They have bigger dicks than us?!?! Bomb the f***ers!!!"


Seriously, though, no need for all this.



Locking this one up with a key. Other Mods, if ya don't want it that way, please IM me.

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