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I apoligize for making fun of terrote syndrome.

Be Good

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you mean Tourette's Syndrome?


I know I am very ancient and no fun, but making fun of things which afflict a person are not funny. Some day it may be you being mocked - and that is what it feels like, mocking.


Do unto others, ok?


I have a client who is in a world of her own and she wrote to me in a lucid moment, "it is not easy being a paranoid schizophreniac." No, it is not easy being anything outside of the norm. To not have control of your own body and to not be able to do what you want, not be able to be what you want, at all times, is not pleasant. And to find your body doing things that you wish it wouldn't and you can't stop it - that is traumatic.


Be happy for what you have and don't make fun of what other people have.


Again, I realize I am old and no fun. But I do find no humor in the afflictions of others, and I sure hope no one finds humor in mine.

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you have a point there but I didn't read all of the other thread either.


if I am guilty of piling on, I am guilty, but I still get to say what I want since it is a new thread and calls attention to itself. And if the lecture was given, good, and not so bad to hear it again sometimes. Or not.


the best place to apologise I think is in the original thread - had it been there I would not have known about any of this and life would be just fine. As it was, the word in the title puzzled me and it took me a few minutes to figure out what the thread was about.


But your point of piling on is noted and considered and perhaps is very well taken, so, thank you.



Edit note: I have read the other thread. I know why i reacted to this thread. My older sister is mildly mentally retarded. I have vivid memories of people making fun of her, imitating her. Kids at church youth group, neigborhood kids, cousins. I could never stop them. Sometimes to be like others, I made fun of my sister too. I was sometimes embarrassed she was my sister.


That is a guilt that I carry every day of my life and can never make up. But I am overly sensitive about people making fun of others because I flash to people doing it to my sister.


My former wife has a child who is now 31 who is profoundly developmentally disabled. Because of her I saw many, many children in that situation.


I am the chaplain of a two adult foster care homes with people with all kinds of developemntal disablities. Maybe I am trying to make up for childhood things. I over react sometimes. The problem is mine. I am still trying to make up for things - but I also see my sister's face when she was taunted when people mock others and I will react, just a part of who I am.

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Be Good, while we are on the subject of you. Sometimes it seems like you feel people don't respect you. I think it might have to do with the whole Be Good thing and how you post. Might not hurt to not capitalize the first word of each sentence and looking stuff over quick to make sure it is spelled right.


Just my two cents. :)

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Be Good, while we are on the subject of you. Sometimes it seems like you feel people don't respect you. I think it might have to do with the whole Be Good thing and how you post. Might not hurt to not capitalize the first word of each sentence  and looking stuff over quick to make sure it is spelled right.


Just my two cents. :)

Punctuation can do wonders.


Although, I personally enjoy the whole "BE GOOD" deal. :lol:

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I have not been here too long or that much, but I have seen this BeGood kid doing some things and getting banned.

Tip: If you saying stupid things, then you wouldn't have to apologize all the time. As you get older, you'll realize that much.

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When we stop laughing at out problems we become even more screwed up. God gave us the ability to laugh for a reason. Just remember when it is your turn to be in the barrel to take it and not whine. I always have said that I wan't to die in a very funny way. I would love to have everyone walk up to my casket and have a bad case of the giggles recalling the stupid thing I had done to be the guest of honor.

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