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WHATTA most thankful for?

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God's good Grace

miss sox4life (right steve?) lol....



contentmen with what I have and where I'm at.

southsider, texsox, cdub, jason, and the whole crew at soxtalk*










*are worth my toe jam... Happy Thanksgiving everybody! You guys are a great community, keep on keepin' on and hope for a better season next year! (notice the whitesox aren't on anyone's "thankful lists"... lmao

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Nathan (my 4 month old nephew) and Family



Stinkus and Stinky Butt II (my hamsters)

My life


Having a 4 day weekend

Carolina Hurricanes, Ottawa Senators, Cincinnati Hurricanes, Chicago Wolves, CWS, football - college and pro

Most of all - my family's and my health


This is the first Thanksgiving since my gramma died, so I am thankful that even though I did lose my gramma, that she is finally at peace and reunited with my grandpa.

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Wife and daughter

Family and friends

Good general health

Steady job

Nice house

Decent car

that beautiful Scrubbie choke job that brought SWEET SILENCE back to my workplace

Renovations at USCF


And OF COURSE, I am grateful for Soxtalk.....on those rare occasions that it's up and running, that is.... :P :D


Overall, life is good, and I AM very grateful and thankful for the good things I have.

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