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Bush goes to Baghdad


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The gray area we get into is someone could consciously object to killing a peasant 2,000 miles from our shores because our government is unhappy with that governments idealogy but would not object to killing an enemy in the Port of New York.


Look at this from another prospective. A number of years ago Chicago had a horrific month where four innocent kids were murdered in random shootings on their way to or from school. If China decided that those kid's human rights were being violated and decided to commit Troops to Illinois to make sure those kids made it safely to school what would our reaction been? What if Russia decided our elections were wrong because the people in Florida could either mark a ballot properly or couldn't count a ballot properly and came in to create a new government and supervise an orderly transition of power?


We have half the world begging for us to help them and the other half thinking we are ass holes for doing it. We think we have a monopoly on morals and intelligence. When all the murders stop in the US, I'll start worrying about the murders in Iraq.

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PA, it's too easy, at my age, to say I would fight any fight my government decides is right. By the time we get to needing fat 40 year olds we're screwed man. But I can say I would object to certain perceived enemies and goto option B, whatever that is.


Our country is strong because individuals have stood up the government and said what is happening is wrong. I don't believe in fleeing and could almost agree with a one way door. I would not execute them when they returned.


I find it amusing that some people will criticize anyone for excercising their free speech against the military by stating the military died for that right. Yeah, they died for my right to free speech and they wouldn't want me using it?


Someone has to stand up and question our military. It keeps us from blindly following a Hitler.

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The United States has killed more people in war than any other civilization in history.  We are a lean mean killin' machine.

Just out of curiosity, do you know this to be a fact. I can't believe that this is true, unless you also figure in English civilization before 1776. I would have thought the Germans, even if you don't include the Holocaust as a true "war" death toll. 1,000,000+ Russians died in WW II at German hands. I'm sure we're up there, but can't imagine #1. Also, would Civil War deaths count, as we were killing our own?

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did you write that? cos that was rather intelligent:) are you sure you're a texan? obviously not an aggie!


Anyway, I wasn't saying that I'm in favor of capital punishment for those who dodge the draft and come back, I'm just saying my friends have advanced warning. If I go off to fight and they chose to skip town, I'm going to shoot them if they come back. I don't respect people who can't step up to their responsibilities. And the important part is that was ALL question whether our government is doing their job, in that same breath you should be able to step up and serve our country in time of need....whether that's serving the military, serving in some domestic program, or whatever. Just don't leave...cos you're not welcome back.

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son, please...


in the event of a non-volunteer draft, such as in the case of Vietnam, the government now has provisions for those who believe war is wrong.


If you disagree with that then...nevermind.

Why on earth would you join the military if you believe war is wrong? What is the purpose for a military in the first place. There are other national service options out there if you dont have the stomach for war.

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Why on earth would you join the military if you believe war is wrong?  What is the purpose for a military in the first place.  There are other national service options out there if you dont have the stomach for war.

Apu, I feel your pain...


nuke, I'm not talking about volunteers. I'm talking about the forced draft. you can object and file for an exemption for a number of reasons, cos there are some people who don't like war. we're not talking about the standing army.



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Apu, I feel your pain...


nuke, I'm not talking about volunteers. I'm talking about the forced draft. you can object and file for an exemption for a number of reasons, cos there are some people who don't like war. we're not talking about the standing army.



Well, we havent had a draft in 30 years.

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now you're just pushing it...haha


wasn't this thread about draft dodging?

draft dodging is such a harsh word. I believe Dan Quayle liked to call it alternative unofficial service to his country.


With all the WW2 veterans too old, for the most part, to run we are faced with the Vietnam generation. We will not find a lot of Nixons, Kennedeys, Carters, etc. in that group. By that I reference veterans with straightforward, honorable military service.


We elect Presidents with Ivy League educations and from wealthy families. The exact formula to avoid getting your ass shot off 2,000 miles away helping to protect US business interests in some screwed up third world country.

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As I recall he spent the war in Moscow of all places (the heart of the communist enemy) telling the soviets how much he hated America.  Wow there was a great qualification to be president & we gave him 2 terms. 


Maybe it was his sex appeal that snared the female vote? :bang

My God, you act as if he burned an American flag on Red Square while chugging Soviet vodka. He was a poli sci student, and a Rhodes Scholar student - and he went as a student. There's nothing weird about that.

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I missed a lot of this thread so let me say this. There's a difference between getting a deferment and going awol. People who defend Bush's going AWOL attack Gore for having a bodyguard in Vietnam.


Well Gore honored his commitment, Bush didn't show up to Guard duty for a year... and still hasn't given the same answer as to why more than once.


God, I'm defending Al Gore for Christ sakes... Al Gore! What's wrong with me?

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