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Black people


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One thing I can't stand are those black people who think the world owes s*** to them when it was their ANCESTORS who were the oppressed ones!

Wow. (stunned silence) :o


It was on this very day (Dec 1) in 1955 that Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up here seat at the front of a Montgomery, AL, bus. This leads to a black boycot of the Montgomery bus system that lasts for more than a year, until the US Supreme Court finally outlawed bus segregation there. This was the begining of the US Civil Rights movement, from whence so many strides towards racial equality have sprung.


1955. Not 1855. Would you care to reconsider your views on when blacks stopped being oppressed?

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My question is why am I lumped in as an oppressor when my dad arrived in this country from Ireland in 1971 and my mom's family arrived here from Poland in the nineteen-teens?


Throughout history there is always one culture or another oppressing another, it's called human nature, no, not a pretty side of it, but a real side of it. Also, I don't think the fact his ancestors were slaves has anything to do with why my nephew's father is a deadbeat. Then again, what the f*** do I know?

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Wow.  (stunned silence)  :o


It was on this very day (Dec 1) in 1955 that Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up here seat at the front of a Montgomery, AL,  bus.  This leads to a black boycot of the Montgomery bus system that lasts for more than a year, until the US Supreme Court finally outlawed bus segregation there.  This was the begining of the US Civil Rights movement, from whence so many strides towards racial equality have sprung.


1955.  Not 1855.  Would you care to reconsider your views on when blacks stopped being oppressed?

Maybe the older black people have been oppressed. But these black people my age have no reason to say that they've been oppressed! That's ludacris.

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I did a major double take when I was scrolling down the page and saw a thread titled 'black people' :lol:


Anyway, I am fine with people of all races, creed, and nationality.


I listen to rap music, I like to wear jerseys on occasion, I own a throwback hat, and I often say "Tupac was 'da s***".

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