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Anyone good at math


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Yeah, I know Heather is a teacher and all, but she ain't around.


I need help with stuff like this, but ya can't use a calculator (answers can contain logs it says):

Sorry man, I think that's our next chapter in Analysis. I can bore you to death with inverse trig functions though: cos^-1(cos(3/5)) ...that's an easy one. Right now we are covering periods and sinusodial waves.

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Yeah, I know Heather is a teacher and all, but she ain't around.


I need help with stuff like this, but ya can't use a calculator (answers can contain logs it says):

I mite be able to help ya out, lemme go find my maths book. :D

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damn...I haven't taken a math course since my freshman year of college. I'm much happier with social sciences.


"I wouldn't have a chinamen's chance in hell to solve that problem...HA, there we go... Bob Dole, chinaman. hardworking, good at math."

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Yeah, I know Heather is a teacher and all, but she ain't around.


I need help with stuff like this, but ya can't use a calculator (answers can contain logs it says):

What your gonna want to do is clear the log log in the first part. I have no idea what log times log is but I'm assuming thats somewhere in your book (I only remember the processes, everything else is very fuzzy). That may work out to an even number and then you'd just do the x-15 to work it to zero. In this instance I think x just has to be 15.

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