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Led Zeppelin


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You know what other band kicked some ass, the Yardbirds.


At one point or another they had Jimmy Paige, Eric Clapton and one other awesome guitarist whose name passes me by.


But Led Zepplin was really good. Did you know they were originally going to be called the "New YardBirds" but someone said nah..that crash like a Led Zepplin and hence their name.

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You know what other band kicked some ass, the Yardbirds. 


At one point or another they had Jimmy Paige, Eric Clapton and one other awesome guitarist whose name passes me by. 


But Led Zepplin was really good.  Did you know they were originally going to be called the "New YardBirds" but someone said nah..that crash like a Led Zepplin and hence their name.

The name you are searching for is Jeff Beck. You young folks... :)


And the person who said the band would go over like a lead zeppelin was none other than recently expired Who bassist John Entwistle. The band literally was the most recent in a continually changing Yardbirds lineup.

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Damn Brits, so interchangeable.  :D


Who fronted Cream, then?

One of the points in forming "The Cream" was that there was not supposed to be a 'front man,' or you could have considered it a band with three fromt men. Jack Bruce and Eric split the vocal chores pretty evenly. Bruce, Clapton, and talented but very ugly drummer Ginger Baker (ugly on an Edgar Winter level of ugly!) all said that each other Cream member was their favorite musician, and the band is widely held to be the first rock "supergroup."

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Speaking of the Brits, we have any pink floyd fans?


I only like a few of his songs.  Such as Money.

"His songs??"... ouch Jas, now you are showing your age. Yep, I hear old Pink used to hang out with that guy Jethro Tull. Sometimes that guy Steely Dan would show up too ;)

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Clapton left to join Creme.  And your right the Brits were damn good.  Speaking of the Brits, we have any pink floyd fans?


I only like a few of his songs.  Such as Money.

Oh God Jason Pink Floyd rocks.


Dude, if you have high speed internet and a free 1.4 gigabytes on your computer, talk to me, I know the fix and where to get 22 Pink FLoyd CDs.



I love all of Pink Floyd, from Piper at the Gates of Dawn with that looney acid man Syd Barret (who is a great musician, IMO, I want to check out some of his solo stuff) to the amazing Dark SIde of the Moon, the excellent The Wall. I love all of Pink Floyd. My favorite band. EVER.

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The name you are searching for is Jeff Beck.  You young folks... :)


And the person who said the band would go over like a lead zeppelin was none other than recently expired Who bassist John Entwistle.  The band literally was the most recent in a continually changing Yardbirds lineup.

Yep...Beck was who I was thinking of. My mind goes blank all the time.

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Barrett pretty much went insane due to his drug addictions and lives in solitude with his mother in a remote area of England last time I heard. I really don't care much for his stuff. I am a big fan of Roger Waters and Dave Gilmore though. Too bad they have bitter blood between them and won't have a tour. That could be a lot of fun. I really like them a lot.


Oh, and I thought it was kinda funny when Jason called Pink Floyd "He". Nothing against you or anything Jason. My friends do that all the time. Their name actually came from two blues musicians. Sorry, just a useless fact for ya.


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Barrett pretty much went insane due to his drug addictions and lives in solitude with his mother in a remote area of England last time I heard.  I really don't care much for his stuff. I am a big fan of Roger Waters and Dave Gilmore though.  Too bad they have bitter blood between them and won't have a tour.  That could be a lot of fun.  I really like them a lot.


Oh, and I thought it was kinda funny when Jason called Pink Floyd "He".  Nothing against you or anything Jason.  My friends do that all the time.  Their name actually came from two blues musicians.  Sorry, just a useless fact for ya.


Yeah, another useless fact is, that I think David Gilmore was quoted as saying, "If you ever visit Syd's house/apartment (?), and he offered you a glass of water or something to eat, you do not take it, because he put acid in it, you had to get your own water or food."


Quite interesting, poor guy. I really did like his work on Piper at the Gates of Dawn and Saucerful of Secrets (?).


Also, another little tidbit, Barret's cat was always always high on acid. :lol:

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Bah...I meant the band, Jethro Tull...I only know of them cause its one of my dads favorite groups. 


But STeely Dan, he's the coolest guy I ever met  ;)

Just having fun with you instead of doing work I should be doing :)


Also, for those keeping score...


Jethro Tull: named after the 17th-18th century English Agrarian who invented the horse-drawn plowshares and the mechanical seeder.


Steely Dan: Named after a dildo mentioned in Beat Generation author William Burrough's "Naked Lunch."


More useless trivia. Gotta scrub the mental hard drive before it all goes bad...

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Did you hear how he kidnapped a producers cat and gave it acid during the recording of one of their early works?

Did not, but that's pretty funny.


Boy I could go on and on about how I would drive down desolate roads in the middle of the night listening to Dark Side of the Moon, surrounded by a forest, and ahead is a blinking red stop light, freaky stuff.


Also how on the same night, while listening to DSOTM, we were climbing a hill in our car, and there were lights on the other side of the hill, right as the song reached it's climax, the car popped over the hill, and I mean RIGHT ON THE DOT.


I love it.

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You know what other band kicked some ass, the Yardbirds. 


At one point or another they had Jimmy Paige, Eric Clapton and one other awesome guitarist whose name passes me by. 


But Led Zepplin was really good.  Did you know they were originally going to be called the "New YardBirds" but someone said nah..that crash like a Led Zepplin and hence their name.

Dude, now your talking about my kind of music.


Yardbirds, Cream, Derek and the Dominoes, solo s***....... Clapton IS god. Of his work: Layla and Sunshine of your love are probably two of my favorite songs.

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Did not, but that's pretty funny.


Boy I could go on and on about how I would drive down desolate roads in the middle of the night listening to Dark Side of the Moon, surrounded by a forest, and ahead is a blinking red stop light, freaky stuff.


Also how on the same night, while listening to DSOTM, we were climbing a hill in our car, and there were lights on the other side of the hill, right as the song reached it's climax, the car popped over the hill, and I mean RIGHT ON THE DOT.


I love it.

Something similar happen when I was driving from a friends house and went past an old chemical refinary plant in Blue Island. It had to be 12:30 at night and I was driving through an area which is mainly industrial complexes for several blocks. Flipping around channels I came right into the part of "Welcome to Machine" where they play all the weird techno s***. It was f***ing creepy.....it fit the mood/scenery perfectly.

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My dad was in a band called "the inrhoads" and then "Future" in the 60s in Southern Cal. His band opened for the Yardbirds right after clapton left. (he left because "for your love" was too pop for his tastes)


love the yardbirds....I'll stay away from this topic for peaceful reasons. Although I will say that every band I like today, is majorly influenced by the aforementioned bands. So I can recognize their brilliance, without actually liking the bands themselves.

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