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Hope I am not too late but France and the US have an extradition treaty, but France refuses to extradite anyone who is facing executable charges.

When are we gonna do the world a favor and conquer France? Should take all of about 2 hours or so for the entire country I figure.

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In Jackson's situation he has surrendered his passport. France would probably return him because he would be in the country illegally. Pulanski is a French citizen, he never denounced it. He is in France legally.


By-the-way, true story. There is a guy living in a French airport because of immigration paperwork. Long story, I'll find a link.

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I don't know if it is a formal thing or not but IIRC they have outlawed it themselves so they refuse to extradite to anywhere who still does have it.  Ira Eihnhorn was the big case to do with that.  He had been charged with killing his gf in the 70's and faced the death penalty here in the states and France refused to send him here unless the death penalty was taken off of the table.  We refused, and he stayed in France for something like 25 years.



The details of the Einhorn case were a little different than I thought... the problem was he was convicted in absentia and the US was refusing to give him a new trial.

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