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Ann Coulter


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My brother went to see her, and talked to her and got her autograph, he said it was like a dream :lol: .


He told me that she is an excellent speaker and can fend off any liberal hardliner.


So I think I have an excellent idea for a national debate.


Micheal Moore (I think that is the guys name) vs. Ann Coulter.


I sure as hell would watch it.

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My brother went to see her, and talked to her and got her autograph, he said it was like a dream  :lol: .


He told me that she is an excellent speaker and can fend off any liberal hardliner.


So I think I have an excellent idea for a national debate.


Micheal Moore (I think that is the guys name) vs. Ann Coulter.


I sure as hell would watch it.

I finally got to read Michael Moore's book "Stupid White Guys" I think it was called last weekend and I thought it was absolutely hilarious. The chapter "The End of Men" showing guys how to use the toilet properly almost threw me off my chair. :lol:

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Michael Moore would absolutely destroy her. Remember, we're talking about the same b**** who said, and I quote "Liberals have joyless sex" or something along the lines of that. Ann Coulter is the same femnazi who got dropped off of a conservative radio network for saying something along the lines of "We should just go in there (the Middle East), take it over and convert them to our religion." The only positive imprint she could make on America as a whole is if she got demolished by a Mack truck.


I don't care if you're f***ing Steven Hawking, your credibility goes out the window when your botox injected face opens and says something so incredibly stupid.


By the way, I saw Bowling For Columbine last night and it was brilliant.

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I finally got to read Michael Moore's book "Stupid White Guys" I think it was called last weekend and I thought it was absolutely hilarious. The chapter "The End of Men" showing guys how to use the toilet properly almost threw me off my chair.  :lol:

I tried to read that book "Stupid White Men" it's called, a few month ago. I could see where it would be funny. But the way it was written, Pre-9/11, and the way I was reading it, a couple of years later, made the humor and arguments seem petty and whining. Although most of his points were valid, it was like showing up to a gun fight with a watergun, It was hard to see why I should care about some of his points when there was clearly bigger fish to fry. That being said, I think I would hhave enjoyed the book pre-9/11 and I intend to read his new one as soon as my brother finishes it.

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http://www.spinsanity.org/columns/20030630.html This is about "Treason".


http://www.spinsanity.org/columns/20020713.html This is about "Slander".


That is from one of my favorite websites, SpinSanity. They review books from both the right and left and fact check everything they say. Let's just say that Ann's books have events happening in the wrong years and things that supposedly happened never did. SpinSanity is not a leftist leaning organization...they attack both sides as their slogan says "countering rhetoric with reason".


Al Franken also gives her a good thrashing in his book "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" using a lot of the SpinSanity research.


And as for a debate I would rather see it be Joe Conason vs Ann Coulter.

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I tried to read that book "Stupid White Men" it's called, a few month ago.  I could see where it would be funny.  But the way it was written, Pre-9/11, and the way I was reading it, a couple of years later, made the humor and arguments seem petty and whining. Although most of his points were valid, it was like showing up to a gun fight with a watergun, It was hard to see why I should care about some of his points when there was clearly bigger fish to fry.  That being said, I think I would hhave enjoyed the book pre-9/11 and I intend to read his new one as soon as my brother finishes it.

Franken's new book you might like if you haven't read it yet. He attacks a lot of the main issues in a very humorous manner.


If you want a book that goes after the issues hard, then check out Joe Conason's book "Big Lies: The Right Wing Propaganda Machine and How It Distorts the Truth"...it checked out pretty well with SpinSanity as well with only a few minor errors in it.

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Michael Moore would absolutely destroy her. Remember, we're talking about the same b**** who said, and I quote "Liberals have joyless sex" or something along the lines of that. Ann Coulter is the same femnazi who got dropped off of a conservative radio network for saying something along the lines of "We should just go in there (the Middle East), take it over and convert them to our religion." The only positive imprint she could make on America as a whole is if she got demolished by a Mack truck.


I don't care if you're f***ing Steven Hawking, your credibility goes out the window when your botox injected face opens and says something so incredibly stupid.


By the way, I saw Bowling For Columbine last night and it was brilliant.

she is actually against feminism, so femnazi might be the wrong term

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Remember, we're talking about the same b**** who said, and I quote "Liberals have joyless sex"


Who is that conservative twat kidding! More like the other way around....no pun intended.


If anything, Botox Coulterrier looks like a poster child for frigidity.




I do like Michael Moore vs AC idea. Very much so.

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she is actually against feminism, so femnazi might be the wrong term

Of COURSE she against feminism- I would imagine she hates women even more than she hates men. Fits the profile to a T.


She is what Avril Lavine will be in 20 years, sans innate fascism.

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No way, put Anne Coulter up against someone who is actually INFORMED. My money would be on her up against Nadine Strossen (pres. of the ACLU)--Anne would get torn up. Either that or let Dan Savage finally get a clear shot at debating her. Anne Coulter is the Phyllis Schlafely of our generation and I wouldn't mind having a shot at debating her. :bringit

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No way, put Anne Coulter up against someone who is actually INFORMED


Michael Moore may be a muck-raking (no, more like smegma-raking) satirist with a dubious grasp on journalistic ethics and just a touch of self-important blowhard'ness.......But don't make a common mistake of underestimating his intelligence or debating ability. And he has balls the size of Texas.


Ann Coulter stands no chance in a shouting match.



Edited: Bowling for Columbine might not qualify as a documentary in the strictest sense, but then neither does the brilliant Hotel Terminus. Creative editing aside, show me a single instance where MM lied--the bank WAS a lisensed arm dealer just like the Lockheed Factoryt DID manufacture missile components. Heston's visit. Etc. People had the same beef with Roger and Me- as if MM's screwed up chronology changes the fact that chairman Smith is a corporate scumbag among other points the movie made.

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Ann Coulter stands no chance in a shouting match.

True, true, but I'd rather see a debate than a shouting match. When I saw Pat Buchanan all he could do was yell and belittle the person he was up against--it was thoroughly painful. ;) I would so much rather watch something that wouldn't degrade into fighting....

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When I saw Pat Buchanan all he could do was yell and belittle the person he was up against--it was thoroughly painful


Buchanan would be an ideal candidate to spar with Zirinovsky, tho.


Of course the latter has a tendency to literally b****-slap women reporters, so expect some sweet violence.

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No way, put Anne Coulter up against someone who is actually INFORMED. My money would be on her up against Nadine Strossen (pres. of the ACLU)--Anne would get torn up. Either that or let Dan Savage finally get a clear shot at debating her. Anne Coulter is the Phyllis Schlafely of our generation and I wouldn't mind having a shot at debating her.  :bringit

I'd hate to see that debate...


Coulter is slinging lies.. while Savage can't make an argument without using a 12" black didlo and a tube of KY jelly as visual aides.

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Edited:  Bowling for Columbine might not qualify as a documentary in the strictest sense, but then neither does the brilliant Hotel Terminus.    Creative editing aside, show me a single instance where MM lied--the bank WAS a lisensed arm dealer just like the Lockheed Factoryt DID manufacture missile components.  Heston's visit. Etc.    People had the same beef with Roger and Me-  as if MM's screwed up chronology changes the fact that chairman Smith is a corporate scumbag among other points the movie made.

You make an excellent point in pointing out that it is hard to show where Moore has lied. He doesn't, because there is no need and truth is more frighteng than fiction. With tthe high profile targets he chooses you can bet he would get his arse sued off if his criticisms and allegatiojns weren't on the monwy. Apu's comments reletive to his passing SpinSanity muster bear this point out. He has lots of fact checkers making sure what he says is the truth. That makes the prologue and epilogue chapters of "Stupid White Men" (the ones dealing with Bush, Bush and Co's exploits in fixing the Florida election in 2000 and later wranglings to make sure it stayed fixed) all the more chilling. If he could up with the resources/time to put the material from "Dude, Where's My Country" to film so the masses can see it, it would certainly make a difference in 2004.

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My brother went to see her, and talked to her and got her autograph, he said it was like a dream  :lol: .


He told me that she is an excellent speaker and can fend off any liberal hardliner.


So I think I have an excellent idea for a national debate.


Micheal Moore (I think that is the guys name) vs. Ann Coulter.


I sure as hell would watch it.

How about just put them in a steel cage mach on pay per view. Hopefully they would do the world a favor and kill each other.

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You make an excellent point in pointing out that it is hard to show where Moore has lied.  He doesn't, because there is no need and truth is more frighteng than fiction.  With tthe high profile targets he chooses you can bet he would get his arse sued off if his criticisms and allegatiojns weren't on the monwy.

I'll take it further: there is no way BfC would have been completed let alone released if facts weren't sound.


That kook has NO case because you CAN'T sue the truth (ie how your ignorant remarks and caricaturish mannerisms come off the screen). Er, you can't sue and WIN. Shouldn't have signed the release forms, pops.


Having said that, I don't think BfC is the polemical tour de force it has beeen dubbed. It's just that compared to the rest of the insipid, dumbed-down media coverage we normally get, it may come off as refreshingly sophisticated, piercing, courageous, human, humorous, etc. I have no idea how MM will tackle 9/11 project. I don't think he has the intellectual and creative wherewithall to do such complex issue justice. To say nothing of the obvious partisanship-- Ophuls didn't get his credibility overnight.


But who knows.

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