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25 albums that should not have been recorded


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Yeah you are sooo lucky you didn't say anything about chicken f***ers or you would never have been able to set foot in Indiana :lol:

not to mention being blacklisted by most beastly-ality organization.



Southsider's apparently a member of THAT group :lolhitting :lolhitting

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Post-1991 Metallica songs that were pretty cool were "King Nothing", "Until it sleeps" & Unforgiven 2  but thats about it really IMO

Sorry, Nuke, but "Until It Sucks" is the song I point to as the death of Metallica.

The song itself is bad, but then you throw that REM video they made for it onto the pile and it justs reeks of sucklitude.

In one fell swoop they became EVERYTHING they claimed to be against.


...didn't really like King Nothing or either Unforgiven...or anything else they've done in the past 10 years or so...it's amazing how far they've gone from the band I knew and loved...

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Sorry, Nuke, but "Until It Sucks" is the song I point to as the death of Metallica.

The song itself is bad, but then you throw that REM video they made for it onto the pile and it justs reeks of sucklitude.

In one fell swoop they became EVERYTHING they claimed to be against.


...didn't really like King Nothing or either Unforgiven...or anything else they've done in the past 10 years or so...it's amazing how far they've gone from the band I knew and loved...

what what what?


Unforgiven 2 was a GREAAAAAAAAAAaaaat idea...

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They just released a full-length DVD.  Hopefully it will be a stocking stuffer from the Missuz.

I already got it FSJ....good stuff....although I like some of the less covered Foo songs in concert, the DVD shows the thought process they put into their set lists. Interestingly, one sone from the first self titled CD that always seems to find its way on the list:


"For All the Cows"


:lol: Interesting choice.

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haha, i could just see gash sitting behind his computer thinking this was the post that would sink the SS Sox4life.


first of all, I said that Korn was crap, which many people echoed. So, my point was made. Futhermore, you are correct, there no doubt will be some people out there who will say Korn is in fact great. There are, however, people out there that enjoy goat sex over intercourse with human beings and individuals that think it's ok that Michael Jackson plays "rubba rubba" with little boys. In all cases, they are incorrect. I'm not saying that you can't like them, I'm not necessarily saying that I'd judge you for liking them, but you must realize that there is no arguement for this band having songwriting ability. Melodies, themes, structure, lyrics, they don't possess the talent of such bands as the beatles, REM, Coldplay, Sly and the family stone, Paul simon, the buggles or Tiffany.


You won't find anyone to agree with ya bud. THAT was my point.


Smug? yes. Like I winoj, I have alot of exposure to music (not men:lol:) both as the listener, the producer, the performer and the writer. Probably more than most people here....and definitely you. I go to a dentist when my tooth hurts. you can come to me when you want to listen to something new and good...


good night. ;)


(p.s. Chris martin of Coldplay does NOT have a whinny voice...) listen to Jeff Buckley if you're interested...

SIGH.... :rolleyes:

Let me respond to your post..even though I made all my points I needed to on the last one...and it's old :rolleyes:


haha, i could just see gash sitting behind his computer thinking this was the post that would sink the SS Sox4life.


Oh yeah, that just what I was thinking..a 3 year old could "sink" you if need too..

and I could say the say the same about you..instead of responding right away your brain going into overdrive trying to respond to the unrespondable..not that the post was that great..because I made all the points I needed to..and good points at that..

Why were they good points???? Well, read the post again

thank you


first of all, I said that Korn was crap, which many people echoed. So, my point was made.

Read my previous post

thank you


Futhermore, you are correct, there no doubt will be some people out there who will say Korn is in fact great. There are, however, people out there that enjoy goat sex over intercourse with human beings and individuals that think it's OK that Michael Jackson plays "rubba rubba" with little boys. In all cases, they are incorrect.


I could say read my other post..but I'll reiterate

Korn has proven to be a great band...how?? Longivity...hit singles...platinum albums...you seem to be under the impression that I think they are great like the Beatles were great..REM..whoever..

Those bands are GREAT for reasons that are many...Great lyrics...great sound..more fan appeal..

But soft rock..pop rock is gonna have more fan-wide appeal than a band like KORN who would appeal to Nu-Metal bands..Hard rock bands..whatever..


Korn are great in their own right..in what kind of music they do..

People who like bands like Good Charlotte, AFI, Blink 182, Coldplay..are MOST likely NOT gonna be into korn cause all they hear is noice..and they just may not be into that kinda sound..

That's fine...but don't confuse Korn being great like The Beatles were great..that's two different greats..

Korn is a good Metal-Nu-Metal band..

Beatles, Zeppelin, etc are just great musicians all around..

That's not fair to compare Korn with bands like that.


It's Tyson against..well, you....a beat down


But you seem not to get the point that I'm making...You say they suck cause "there is no arguement for this band having songwriting ability. Melodies, themes, structure, lyrics" or whatever reason..you don't like the guitar rifs..metal licks..arangments of the songs..I don't know

Korn as a whole aren't lyrically incline like REM or Coldplay lyrics are..but bands write from their lives..their experiences..John Davis I think does a good job of doing that in the kind of music he makes..Nu-metal.But they certainly have melodies and structure..you have to to be in the game as long as they have..


That's why "Untouchables" is such a good album..they moved forward lyrically in their own right..all major music critics also think so, and that's why that album has gotten great reviews all across the board...Good bands are great cause cause of the reasons I mentioned above...longivity

sucky bands die and wither away never to be heard of again...Korn...still around

Cause they make good, rockin songs..


How can you argue that? Like i said, some people hate Streisand, Beck, The Ramones,..whoever..people have diff things they like and consider good or great..

Band slike Green Day, Jane's Addicton, Chilli Peppers, REM, SexPistols, Smashing Pumkins are better bands than Korn as a whole

But Korn is great in what kind of music they do.


Being completely ignorant and just saying they suck cause of reasons like you or Cali brought up is just an opinion..A ton of people like Korn..millions I would say

Just cause you're not one of the millions doesn't mean Korn is bad..just means YOU don't like them.

A different thing..


Smug? yes. Like I winoj, I have alot of exposure to music (not men:lol:) both as the listener, the producer, the performer and the writer. Probably more than most people here....and definitely you.

I listen to enough music myself to know what's good and what's bad...Who are you to judge that you "definitely" know more music than me when you don't know what i know..what kind of collection i have or anything?

I know how to play the guitar and the drums..cause my dad has a whole set up down in the basement at his house..Where I practiced every week through out my childhood..I also have a couple guitars..1 electric

I love music..have over 300 albums from all the classics(not cds) albums.

have over 150 CDs..over 100 cassette tapes..


I know a thing or two about music..I've been surrounded with it my entire life..listening, playing with my dad and brother..playing at family events..

So DON'T tell me you you know more than me..I too have alot of exposure to music also..I'm not saying i know more than you or anyone else about music..but i don't blatantly say i know more than anyone else..and "especially you"

Like you just said.


p.s. Chris martin of Coldplay does NOT have a whinny voice...) listen to Jeff Buckley if you're interested...


I don't think he has a whiny voice either..was just making a point that some people may think that..and that's why they don't like him or whatever..didn't you see that Coldplay was in my top 5 fav bands right now?!?!?


Concluding this post...I have given reasons on why Korn is a good band in their own right..in what sorta music they do..Longivity, hit songs, platinum albums, rave reviews on their albums by major music critics..like I said before..they have led the genre and have led it well....

Thank You and good evening


Oh, and you're still a smug :dips***

shape up..you come of bad :fthecubs

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but what about the goat f***ers? :bang :lolhitting :lol:



my "blatant" statements about knowing more than you are qualified by my professional status as a musician and critic. I'm glad you have a family history of playing music with your family. My older brother's had the same kinda of listener exposure I have, but I play in bands, do studio work on albums, and write as well. While I won't say I know EVERYTHING, cos there are lots of things I don't know and lots of people that know more than I, I will say, I've got experience and history which usually makes someone qualified to talk about something.


Let me just say that you're kidding yourself if you think platinum albums=good albums.


Millenium by backstreet boys is a mult-platinum album and "the bends" by radiohead was a gold certified record (probably single platinum now)


Longivity? certainly there's something to be said about that, but I hate Aerosmith...so I think we can disregard that point.


hit songs? um. 4 words. Hootie. and. the. blowfish.


rave reviews on their albums by major music critics.. um, name one?


like I said before..they have led the genre and have led it well.


led the rap/rock genre realllllll well. :rolleyes:


fun discussion.

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but what about the goat f***ers? :bang  :lolhitting  :lol:



my "blatant" statements about knowing more than you are qualified by my professional status as a musician and critic.  I'm glad you have a family history of playing music with your family. My older brother's had the same kinda of listener exposure I have, but I play in bands, do studio work on albums, and write as well. While I won't say I know EVERYTHING, cos there are lots of things I don't know and lots of people that know more than I, I will say, I've got experience and history which usually makes someone qualified to talk about something.


Let me just say that you're kidding yourself if you think platinum albums=good albums.


Millenium by backstreet boys is a mult-platinum album and "the bends" by radiohead was a gold certified record (probably single platinum now)


Longivity? certainly there's something to be said about that, but I hate Aerosmith...so I think we can disregard that point.


hit songs? um. 4 words.  Hootie. and. the. blowfish.


rave reviews on their albums by major music critics.. um, name one?




led the rap/rock genre realllllll well. :rolleyes:


fun discussion.

but what about the goat f***ers? :bang  :lolhitting  :lol:


Bad people..bad, bad, bad :D


Also you can't compare boy bands to rock bands..that's two diff animals..two diff mediums..two diff audiences

Teeny boppers and will buy anything cause they think the band is cute..they buy 3 or 4 albums at a time of the same cd..it's a joke

So comparing a rock bands album sales and a boy bands album sales are just not a comparable thing..that's why you hardly ever see a rock bands albums at #1 on the Billboard charts or whatver..it's always rap bands..R&B, boy bands and Britney Spears...


The teenage girls out there are more likely to buy cds than male teenagers are males in gerenal..we download are songs for free at Kazaa.. :D


Hootie had more than 1 hot song :huh:


and I get Blender mag and Rolling Stone and they both gave it great reviews..I'm sure you can do a google search to look for all the reviews of the albums yourself....


And they are more than just a rap/rock group...Limp s*** is just that..

They're good at what they do and the kind of music they do...simple as that

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TRL...korn shared the same list as backstreet and britney.


different "animals" ok... different mediums? no, they're both released on the same audio formats.


media/medium- A means of mass communication, such as newpapers, magazines, radio, or television.


just so you know.


Meh, there's no resolution for this arguement, so I'm done.

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TRL...korn shared the same list as backstreet and britney.


different "animals" ok...  different mediums? no, they're both released on the same audio formats.


media/medium- A means of mass communication, such as newpapers, magazines, radio, or television.


just so you know.


Meh, there's no resolution for this arguement, so I'm done.

There's alot of definitions for the word "medium" including "the surrounding environment" which I meant..their surrounding environments are different..pop music and rock music are diff..including their main core fans


just so ya know

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I disagree with the Tin Machine pick. That was actually a really good record, I thought. I'd rather hear that record than anything he made between that record and Let's Dance. And Reeves Gabreels does rock.


St. Anger is a good song. Too bad the rest of the album is so bad. There's a reason nobody's heard a second single from it.


Album that should never have been made: Sid Vicious - Sid Sings... if you don't believe me, I'll sell you my copy.


Korn is ok, but nu metal is so over. They should stop chewing on Faith No More's worn jock. Really.

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I disagree with the Tin Machine pick. That was actually a really good record, I thought. I'd rather hear that record than anything he made between that record and Let's Dance. And Reeves Gabreels does rock.


St. Anger is a good song. Too bad the rest of the album is so bad. There's a reason nobody's heard a second single from it.


Album that should never have been made: Sid Vicious - Sid Sings... if you don't believe me, I'll sell you my copy.


Korn is ok, but nu metal is so over. They should stop chewing on Faith No More's worn jock. Really.

I also liked the Tin Machine releases, but the first one quite a bit more than TM II. As far as it being the best thing put out since Let's Dance, I'll only disagree on a technicality, since the Ziggy Stardust Motion Picture Soundtrack was released in 1983. Now THAT'S MY BOWIE. Compared to dreck like "Never Let Me Down" though, Tin Machine was brilliant.


Have you heard the tracks Bowie wrote/co-wrote and performed on for Adrian Belew's 'Young Lions' album? It came out in 1990, and the Bowie-written "Pretty Pink Rose" (there was a video that got some airplay) and the Belew/Bowie piece "Gunman" are both very much in the Tim Machine mold. Adrian also does a nice new take of "Heartbeat" from his King Crimson days and also covers the Roy Orbison/Wilbury's "Not Alone Anymore."

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I also liked the Tin Machine releases, but the first one quite a bit more than TM II.  As far as it being the best thing put out since Let's Dance, I'll only disagree on a technicality, since the Ziggy Stardust Motion Picture Soundtrack was released in 1983.  Now THAT'S MY BOWIE.  Compared to dreck like "Never Let Me Down" though, Tin Machine was brilliant.


Have you heard the tracks Bowie wrote/co-wrote and performed on for Adrian Belew's 'Young Lions' album?  It came out in 1990, and the Bowie-written "Pretty Pink Rose" (there was a video that got some airplay) and the Belew/Bowie piece "Gunman" are both very much in the Tim Machine mold.  Adrian also does a nice new take of "Heartbeat" from his King Crimson days and also covers the Roy Orbison/Wilbury's "Not Alone Anymore."

I haven't heard the Young Lion stuff... but somewhere I have a bootleg of Tin Machine live at La Cigale in 89. Kick ass live version of Maggie's Farm. Bowie has made some of his best music since Low/Lodger/Heroes in recent years. "The Heart's Filthy Lesson" and "Earthling" are really really underrated albums. I also liked a good portion of the Buddha of Suburbia soundtrack album.


Speaking of Bowie, have you seen the commercial they ran briefly for his last album? It was actually a Vittel water commercial for Europe they ran all summer. Weird.

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I know..I know

You must have willpower like iron to try and not respond to someone so smug .. :bang

smug- n. "Studiously neat or nice, especially in dress; spruce; affectedly precise; smooth and prim."



I thank you, kind sir.



smug- n. "Exhibiting or feeling great or offensive satisfaction with oneself or with one's situation; self-righteously complacent"



Ohhh, I thank you again!


You're entitled to your opinion gashyson. If you love Korn, then have at it. It's difficult to argue one's preferences, however, I can argue that my opinion is more qualified and informed because I have more experience and knowledge on the subject.


sometimes confidence is mistaken as smugness. ;)

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I haven't heard the Young Lion stuff... but somewhere I have a bootleg of Tin Machine live at La Cigale in 89. Kick ass live version of Maggie's Farm. Bowie has made some of his best music since Low/Lodger/Heroes in recent years. "The Heart's Filthy Lesson" and "Earthling" are really really underrated albums. I also liked a good portion of the Buddha of Suburbia soundtrack album.


Speaking of Bowie, have you seen the commercial they ran briefly for his last album? It was actually a Vittel water commercial for Europe they ran all summer. Weird.

I've only heard the Pablo Picasso cover from the new album, never saw the commercial. I heard some of Heathen and liked it, but have not picked up anything since before Outside. Based on your feedback I might be missing out, I'll have to fix that.

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