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25 albums that should not have been recorded


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I can't believe this is still going on. This has gotten to the point where it is so counterproductive it is pointless. It is obvious people aren't going to agree here. And the discussion has been at least decent (not cursing or personal insults) for the most part so I really don't want to lock this thread, but maybe it needs it? Just let it go guys. Please :ph34r:

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I can't believe this is still going on.  This has gotten to the point where it is so counterproductive it is pointless.  It is obvious people aren't going to agree here.  And the discussion has been at least decent (not cursing or personal insults) for the most part so I really don't want to lock this thread, but maybe it needs it?  Just let it go guys.  Please :ph34r:

I'll take a reasonably heated debate over a lobotomy of pleasantries.


I thought you were against pussy-footing. Besides, no egos were irrepairably damaged in this thread. No worries.


Let's ressurect Doug Jones thread next week.

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I'll take a reasonably heated debate over a lobotomy of pleasantries.


I thought you were against pussy-footing. Besides, no egos were irrepairably damaged in this thread.  No worries.


Let's ressurect Doug Jones thread next week.

The easy treading is because of the fact that I have a ton of respect for the main guys involved in this thread, and there are two mods involved in here as well. It isn't like Roman or someone is in here acting stupid. And really it isn't like any rules are being broken, more like out of respect for people involved, I want to make sure no one saids anything that they will regret.


LOL at the Doug Jones thread. Ah memories... Too bad old Roman isn't around to see our new member Israel4ever, oh the possibilities. :lol:


BTW "No worries"? Are you orignially an Aussie, just curious?

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I can't believe this is still going on.  This has gotten to the point where it is so counterproductive it is pointless.  It is obvious people aren't going to agree here.  And the discussion has been at least decent (not cursing or personal insults) for the most part so I really don't want to lock this thread, but maybe it needs it?  Just let it go guys.  Please :ph34r:

Come see the violence inherent in the system,


Help! Help!, I'm being repressed!

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The easy treading is because of the fact that I have a ton of respect for the main guys involved in this thread, and there are two mods involved in here as well. It isn't like Roman or someone is in here acting stupid. And really it isn't like any rules are being broken, more like out of respect for people involved, I want to make sure no one saids anything that they will regret.


Say no more!


But who are the mods you speak of, other than yourself? I ask because I may have unwittingly signed my own Soxtalk death warrant. Is it PA? Tolleson?


LOL at the Doug Jones thread. Ah memories... Too bad old Roman isn't around to see our new member Israel4ever, oh the possibilities. 


I know! Roman.....the kid always flew his windsock high, didn't he?


BTW "No worries"? Are you orignially an Aussie, just curious


Ты же знаешь что я родом из России.

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Say no more! 


But who are the mods you speak of, other than yourself? I ask because I may have unwittingly signed my own Soxtalk death warrant. Is it PA? Tolleson?




I know!  Roman.....the kid always flew his windsock high, didn't he?




Ты же знаешь что я родом из России.

Gash and PA are both mods.


Death Warrant on Soxtalk, lol. You saw what the trio had to do to get banned... :lol: I see pretty much nothing wrong with the way you post, or what you say. I don't always agree with it, but that doesn't matter.


And as for your last line, I am going to let my American ignornace show, but I have no idea what text that is, or am I just missing a joke?

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Gash and PA are both mods.

Oh no, I knew it! I can be my own worst enemy sometimes.....I just want to say that I am truly sorry if one of my posts can be construed by some as possibly implying that PA dabbles in hard-core goat porn. There is no excuse.


Re: Trio: All I remember from digging up that thread when I came back is someone mentioning that Roman, BMR and Clu were victims of civil war, that they talked s*** or something. It was a strong message sent by SoxTalk bosses to the rest of the board: toe the line and you'll be fine.


OT: How come there is no quote-in-quote option anymore???

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Yes.  Immigrated roughly 5 years ago.



Born here, but I have dual citizenship with Ireland (my dad came here when he was 22). My mom is Polish - her dad's family is from the Highlands in Galacia and my gramma's family is from a villiage near Warsaw.

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Born here, but I have dual citizenship with Ireland (my dad came here when he was 22).  My mom is Polish - her dad's family is from the Highlands in Galacia and my gramma's family is from a villiage near Warsaw.



I just became eligible for US citizenship myself. The process itself takes 6 months to get it I hear. Still pondering whether I want it or not, tho. Mom says there is nothing to think about. She is not a boss of me.

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I just became eligible for US citizenship myself.  The process itself takes 6 months to get it I hear.  Still pondering whether I want it or not, tho. Mom says there is nothing to think about.  She is not a boss of me.

Are you being truthful, Brando?


If so, you might have the best command of the English language for a foreigner that I have ever seen. The immigrated/emigrated thing notwithstanding.

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I just became eligible for US citizenship myself.  The process itself takes 6 months to get it I hear.  Still pondering whether I want it or not, tho. Mom says there is nothing to think about.  She is not a boss of me.

Everytime my dad looked into citizenship here, he got seriously ill (almost died the last time) so he has been leary about looking into it again. My godfather (my dad's older brother) is his only immediate family here and he became a citizen 20 or 30 years ago.


My dad had to wait 6 years to get here (he started the process when he was about 16) and once he was here he was almost refused because his uncle didn't show up at the airport - luckily his other uncle picked him up and took over sponsoring him so he could stay. He met my mom the first night he was here and married 3 years later.

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Are you being truthful, Brando?


Do you have any reason to think otherwise? Please share.


If so, you might have the best command of the English language for a foreigner that I have ever seen.  The immigrated/emigrated thing notwithstanding.


Either you're trying to make me feel better about my linguistic handicap (aw, shucks), or you've been hanging out with some retarted-ass foreigners. ;)

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Either you're trying to make me feel better about my linguistic handicap (aw, shucks), or you've been hanging out with some retarted-ass foreigners. ;)

My dad still has a thick brogue all these years later. Alas, I can't hear it all because I've heard it all my life. The only time I can really hear it is after he's been hanging with friends and family from the 'old country.' It's actually really funny because I have to play the role of translator to my friends, Brian and sometimes store clerks.

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My dad still has a thick brogue all these years later


He was 22 when he came over you say? That figures, though Irish and Americanish are not as far apart on the phonetic scale as say Bengalese or Russian . My mom has a b****in' accent that never fails to crack me up. I hear Hell is wonderful, why do you ask?

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What a fibber.


And it's "emigrated," comrade.

Not so fast on the grammatical correction, WayneGhost. Emigrating is the act of leaving the old - and immigrating is the concommitant act of entering the new, usually non-native, country. Unless good tovarich Brando (big surprise, btw) spent a year or so lost at sea or else hopped about between several countries before finding his way to the States, he in fact immigrated to America immediately after emigrating from Russia 5 years ago. Da?

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Either you're trying to make me feel better about my linguistic handicap (aw, shucks), or you've been hanging out with some retarted-ass foreigners. ;)**NOT AT ALL, I JUST THOUGHT YOU WAS YANKIN' OUR COLLECTIVE CHAIN.

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Not so fast on the grammatical correction, WayneGhost.  Emigrating is the act of leaving the old - and immigrating is the concommitant act of entering the new, usually non-native, country.  Unless good tovarich Brando (big surprise, btw) spent a year or so lost at sea or else hopped about between several countries before finding his way to the States, he in fact immigrated to America immediately after emigrating from Russia 5 years ago. Da?

Re: immi/emi: Tolleson tried to pull the ol' philological switcheroo, knowing full well I am not smart enough to call him on it. Thanks for the heads up, Jimmy.


One more thing: did you learn Russian from Burgess? :lolhitting

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