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Sad story of PC gone too far


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Here is the text of the story.


A 7-year-old boy was scolded and forced to write "I will never use the word `gay' in school again" after he told a classmate about his lesbian mother, the American Civil Liberties Union alleged Monday.


Marcus McLaurin was waiting for recess at Ernest Gaullet Elementary School on Nov. 11 when a classmate asked about Marcus' mother and father, the ACLU said in a complaint.


Marcus responded he had two mothers because his mother is gay. When the other child asked for explanation, Marcus told him: "Gay is when a girl likes another girl," according to the complaint.


A teacher who heard the remark scolded Marcus, telling him "gay" was a "bad word" and sending him to the principal's office. The following week, Marcus had to come to school early and repeatedly write: "I will never use the word `gay' in school again."


A phone message left for Lafayette Parish schools superintendent James Easton was not immediately returned.


The ACLU is demanding the case be removed from Marcus' file and that the school apologize to the boy and his mother, Sharon Huff.


"I was concerned when the assistant principal called and told me my son had said a word so bad that he didn't want to repeat it over the phone," Huff said. "But that was nothing compared to the shock I felt when my little boy came home and told me that his teacher had told him his family is a dirty word."

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It's amazing how screwed up school administration priorities are.

You've got that right. My wife recntly entered the public school system as an 8th grade science teacher. The stories about backwards administrative policies and decisions are truly too strange to be fiction.

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It really is amazing how stupid people can be. What I found really mindboggling was at the end of the article. The word "gay" is so bad the school official couldn't say it over the phone? Good Lord.


Our son was disciplined by his day care provider when he was 5 for calling his penis a "penis". Yes, he used the legitimate word and got in trouble. He was told that it's called a "pee-pee" We told him that penis is fine and isn't something that needs a cutsie name.

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Here is the text of the story.


A 7-year-old boy was scolded and forced to write "I will never use the word `gay' in school again" after he told a classmate about his lesbian mother, the American Civil Liberties Union alleged Monday.


Marcus McLaurin was waiting for recess at Ernest Gaullet Elementary School on Nov. 11 when a classmate asked about Marcus' mother and father, the ACLU said in a complaint.


Marcus responded he had two mothers because his mother is gay. When the other child asked for explanation, Marcus told him: "Gay is when a girl likes another girl," according to the complaint.


A teacher who heard the remark scolded Marcus, telling him "gay" was a "bad word" and sending him to the principal's office. The following week, Marcus had to come to school early and repeatedly write: "I will never use the word `gay' in school again."


A phone message left for Lafayette Parish schools superintendent James Easton was not immediately returned.


The ACLU is demanding the case be removed from Marcus' file and that the school apologize to the boy and his mother, Sharon Huff.


"I was concerned when the assistant principal called and told me my son had said a word so bad that he didn't want to repeat it over the phone," Huff said. "But that was nothing compared to the shock I felt when my little boy came home and told me that his teacher had told him his family is a dirty word."

I feel so bad for children with gay parents. Kids get teased for the silliest things in school, I can only imagine the amount of scorn and abuse they get from their peers in school having gays as parents.

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Our son was disciplined by his day care provider when he was 5 for calling his penis a "penis". Yes, he used the legitimate word and got in trouble. He was told that it's called a "pee-pee" We told him that penis is fine and isn't something that needs a cutsie name.


I beg to differ. Referring to one's reproductive anatomy by its proper name should only reserved to medical professionals. They're ugly-sounding.



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I never take any of these stories at face value.


IBob, I agree, always teach a child tom use the real names.


Nuke, it is far better to teach other kids not to make fun of anyone's family. And that begins by each family teaching that to one's own children. One could mock anyone's family out there.

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Should he have said lesbo?

All too often it comes down to a policy that some board member introduces because a "concerened citizen" forces the issue. All these zero tolerance policies come to mind. I'll bet they inacted a long list words you can't say and gay was on there along with all the slurs we are use to calling PA and Southsider. Once that becomes the misguided stupid ass policy, teachers and administrators have to enforce the policy.


I'll bet when the rule was being thought of they didn't ponder the reality that one of their students may have gay parents (they can't reproduce, can they?)


We all know if this kid was in high school he buddies would have said cool! can we watch?

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How come people get their knickers in a twist over small inconveniences inherent in Political Correctness.....all the while completely ignoring the decades of social progress and mountains of good will PC originates from? Forrest for the trees much?


There are other problems out there more worthy of righteous outrage IMO.

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How come people get their knickers in a twist over small inconveniences inherent in Political Correctness.....all the while completely ignoring the decades of social progress and moutains of good will PC originates from? Forrest  for the trees much?


There are other problems out there more worthy of righteous outrage IMO.

:headbang :headbang :headbang



:usa :usa :usa



:cheers :cheers :cheers

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How come people get their knickers in a twist over small inconveniences inherent in Political Correctness.....all the while completely ignoring the decades of social progress and mountains of good will PC originates from? Forrest  for the trees much?


There are other problems out there more worthy of righteous outrage IMO.

Brainwashing, political correctness...meh.


The only way you learn anything is through a frank and open dialogue. If you have to pussyfoot around everything because you might step on ultrasensative toes you never get anywhere. Look at Sex Ed in the US. Why do you think AIDS and teen pregnancy rates are so high here? The PCites make sure we can't talk about the S-word in school. It is also what gives the stigma to words. If people could use "hate" words to dispell myths they wouldn't have so much power to hurt. Instead of gay referring to a different lifestyle, and being able to talk about it, it becomes a national incident.

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that was meant as total agreement with you, to signify one of the wisest posts ever made


I agree with you - totally

Look CW, just because you happen not to agree with me on this issue, it doesn't give you the right to dismiss my viewpoint with prejudice as half-baked or ill-thoughtout.

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I beg to differ.  Referring to one's reproductive anatomy by its proper name should only reserved to medical professionals.  They're ugly-sounding.



If people were taught the correct names of the reproductive organs from childbirth, perhaps those words would not have those "ugly" connotations.

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Look CW, just because you happen not to agree with me on this issue, it doesn't give you the right to dismiss my viewpoint with prejudice as half-baked or ill-thoughtout.

Huh? Brando I believe he IS agreeing with you, am I missing something here?

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If people were taught the correct names of the reproductive organs from childbirth, perhaps those words would not have those "ugly" connotations.

'Vagina' is an ugly word. Its humorous vernacular equivalent is greatly preferred.


Furthermore, had IllBob's kid used 'cock', the embarassing ordeal could have been avoided.

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yeah, "penis" doesn't really describe my MONSTER COCK...anyway :lol:

mon·ster ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mnstr)



An imaginary or legendary creature, such as a centaur or Harpy, that combines parts from various animal or human forms.

A creature having a strange or frightening appearance.

An animal, a plant, or other organism having structural defects or deformities.

Pathology. A fetus or an infant that is grotesquely abnormal and usually not viable.

A very large animal, plant, or object.

One who inspires horror or disgust: a monster of selfishness.



PA, this was just too easy.


:D :D :lol: :lol:

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