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Russia will not ratify Kyoto


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Yeah, it's pretty much been the case when Putin intimated they would not ratify back in October. The Milan conference will be a pretty impotent one, as opposed to what should have been a coference steering a Kyoto Treaty already in effect.


There is a very finite window of opportunity in which we can throw money at the global climate change crisis and have it actually amount to something. If I didn't have children I'd almost enjoy seeing the look on the face of the international corporate world when it's finally ready to throw money at the problem after we've gone past the point of no return, and scientists can just smile and say sorry, you should have done something 50 years ago when it mattered. Humans are pretty dumb f***ing monkeys. :fyou :angry:


On the bright side, from today's news it looks like we'll soon have some b****in' bunker-busting tactical "mini-nukes." :fyou :angry: :fyou

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Kyoto was way too lobsided. It punished the U.S. more than anyuone else. Yes, we produce 40%? of the world's polution, but we produce 80%? of the world's goods. It stands to reason that we'll polute more than say...Argetina or Italy.

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The Kyoto accords are now effectively dead.





You environmentalists crack me up. 20-25 years ago when we had a string of really cold, nasty winters your "science" said that we were heading into a new ice age cause of pollution. Now we pollute a lot less and the planet is going to melt cause of air pollution.


The world has gone through warm and cold spells since the beginning of time & whichever way the wind is blowing thats the way the world is going to end according to you chicken little's. The sky is not going to fall in our lifetime, or the next one or any after that so go find something else to scream about.

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especially bush and putin mokeys

Don't lump them together.


They are both ugly as sin, but Putin is HIGHLY intelligent, a keen political mind, a charismatic manipulator of the people.


Plus, as a black belt in tziudo, he'd kick Debya's ass, even tho he is a tiny man.

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The world has gone through warm and cold spells since the beginning of time & whichever way the wind is blowing thats the way the world is going to end according to you chicken little's.  The sky is not going to fall in our lifetime, or the next one or any after that so go find something else to scream about.

And if it really does get dicey the world can just finally wake up and throw a bunch of money at the problem and make it go away. Nope.


Dumb. f***ing. Monkeys.

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For our Geography Class this year, one of our Global Phenomenon's that we did was Global Warming, and I couldn't believe how much some countries polluted everyear. Bush is an idiot who's got no idea what he's doin, (just hav a look at the Steel Tariffs) and I really think the US prob should hav agreed on the Kyoto Agreement. I mean they emit sumthin like 25.6% of the world's pollution I think.

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For our Geography Class this year, one of our Global Phenomenon's that we did was Global Warming, and I couldn't believe how much some countries polluted everyear. Bush is an idiot who's got no idea what he's doin, (just hav a look at the Steel Tariffs) and I really think the US prob should hav agreed on the Kyoto Agreement. I mean they emit sumthin like 25.6% of the world's pollution I think.

And did you happen to get a total of the world industrial complex that comes from the US?

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And did you happen to get a total of the world industrial complex that comes from the US?

Thank you!


How come it's always the U.S.'s fault? I'm sick and tired of it! We do more than any other country to curb polution and to advance ways of desposing of waste, and still take s*** from not only the rest of the world, but people from within as well.

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We do more than any other country to curb polution and to advance ways of desposing of waste, and still take s*** from not only the rest of the world, but people from within as well.

Saying a thing doesn't make it so.


The United States actually IS on the forefront of developing (BNUT NOT IMPLEMENTING) strategies such as the EPAs waste minimization (WM) and pollution prevention (P2) strategies, and in the development of potential 'green' product design and waste management technologies designed to recover and conserve resources. The problem is, much like all aspects of corporate environmental stewardship under the current administration, utilizing the waste minimization technologies and strategies is entirely VOLUNTARY. How many power plant upgrades are going to include expensive, satte-of-the-art pollution reducing technologies now that the pending energy legislation is not requiring them to do so? That's about the same number of big companies that are voluntarily implementing WM and P2 strategies. Big buisness will not self-regulate if there is a cost attached. As a result, the EPA under Bush is forced to lower the bar when it comes to compliance until even the worst offenders are given a free pass.

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You environmentalists crack me up.  20-25 years ago when we had a string of really cold, nasty winters your "science" said that we were heading into a new ice age cause of pollution.  Now we pollute a lot less and the planet is going to melt cause of air pollution. 


The world has gone through warm and cold spells since the beginning of time & whichever way the wind is blowing thats the way the world is going to end according to you chicken little's.  The sky is not going to fall in our lifetime, or the next one or any after that so go find something else to scream about.

I hate to say it but you have no idea what you are talking about.

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