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Why All of the Stress on Offseason Deals?


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Lately, a lot of folks have been getting all bent out of shape both on the internet and on talk radio about how the Sox aren't making any deals, how the Cubs, Yankees and Fake Sox are making deals and the Sox aren't. Allegedly, the Sox by not making any deals outside of Uribe/Miles, are letting themselves slide behind the rest and how disaster looms in 2004 as a result.





The Sox still have one of the best minor league systems in MLB and have lots of promising players up and coming through the system. Players like Kris Honel, Jeremy Reed and Ross Gload who can fill whatever gaps there are next year. What KW can't get through deal-making, he can get from the farm clubs.



Just relax and at least wait until Opening Day 2004 until making any conclusions about the merits of the Sox team.


Your heart will thank you.

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Lately, a lot of folks have been getting all bent out of shape both on the internet and on talk radio about how the Sox aren't making any deals, how the Cubs, Yankees and Fake Sox are making deals and the Sox aren't.  Allegedly, the Sox by not making any deals outside of Uribe/Miles, are letting themselves slide behind the rest and how disaster looms in 2004 as a result.





The Sox still have one of the best minor league systems in MLB and have lots of promising players up and coming through the system.  Players like Kris Honel, Jeremy Reed and Ross Gload who can fill whatever gaps there are next year.  What KW can't get through deal-making, he can get from the farm clubs. 



Just relax and at least wait until Opening Day 2004 until making any conclusions about the merits of the Sox team.


Your heart will thank you.

I wouldn't call Ross Gload much of a prospect but you're rite we do hav one of the better farm systems in the Major League but it was a shame we gave up so many good 1's for Alomar and Everett who in all likelihood won't be returnin in 2004. Hopefully we'll hav a good draft again to restock our system. :headbang

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The Sox still have one of the best minor league systems in MLB and have lots of promising players up and coming through the system.  Players like Kris Honel, Jeremy Reed and Ross Gload who can fill whatever gaps there are next year.  What KW can't get through deal-making, he can get from the farm clubs. 



Just relax and at least wait until Opening Day 2004 until making any conclusions about the merits of the Sox team.


Your heart will thank you.

Let me explain why some want deals to be made.

When you bring up your farm system to play, that is called rebuilding. After being in contention in September and winning the division in 2000, we do not need an era of rebuilding.

KC and Minn are putting their hopes on youth next season.

We have a strong core of a team already and with the right help could win this thing easily.

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I wouldn't call Ross Gload much of a prospect but you're rite we do hav one of the better farm systems in the Major League but it was a shame we gave up so many good 1's for Alomar and Everett who in all likelihood won't be returnin in 2004. Hopefully we'll hav a good draft again to restock our system.  :headbang

Plus most people would agree that Honel is not ready, and it's likely Reed isn't either.

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The Sox still have one of the best minor league systems in MLB and have lots of promising players up and coming through the system.  Players like Kris Honel, Jeremy Reed and Ross Gload who can fill whatever gaps there are next year.  What KW can't get through deal-making, he can get from the farm clubs.

While I applaud your optimism, your statement about the Sox farm system couldn't be more wrong. The Sox have one of the 10 worst farm systems in baseball at this present time, if not worse. Throw in the fact that they traded away several of their upper tier prospects (Ring, Webster, others) this past season and the system is even worse. Sure, the lower levels of the system has some promising players like Sweeney, Anderson, Nanita and there are some solid prospects in the higher levels like Reed and Honel, but there's really nobody that stands out who is ready to come in and contribute right away. I think you will see when Baseball America releases its final rankings of all of the farm systems in baseball, the Sox will be in the bottom 10. Therefore, it's not unreasonable for Sox fans to grow restless while other teams make moves that significantly improve their teams. Right now this organization has done absolutely nothing to show that it's committed to improving next season.


(By the way, I haven't posted in a while because my computer crashed and right now I have limited access to the net until I get my new hard drive up and running next week.)

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I agree with Aboz - the Sox don't seem to have many "ready right now" youngsters, and they have holes that need to be filled right now.


There is a great opportunity to win the AL Central in 2004, with Minny downsizing, KC having to show that 2003 wasn't a fluke, and Cleveland still growing up. If the Sox pass on this opportunity, they may fall behind the Tribe by the time the cavalry arrives from A and AA ball.


Another reason to be players in the off-season is to give the fanbase something to be hopeful about. If you sit on a disappointing team over the winter after blowing a great chance to make the playoffs, that will not inspire anyone to jump on the Sox bandwagon or purchase season-ticket plans. Bad for business to rest on an underachiever, or even to give the impression of sitting on it.

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