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Eminem wishes the president dead in new song


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Actually....Killing someone so you can molest his pre-pubescent daughter would be a tad more immoral IMO




You think maybe he once SAW someone kill a man in Reno just to watch him die? That's how it happened with Phil Collins and drowning and stuff.



Edited:  Happy 2500th to myself.  I think I might make it to 3000 if I am still around next year.

To be fair to Mr. Cash, I'm pretty sure that the whole pre-pubescent daughter thing was still underground at that point in history, so watching a man die might have been the worst reason he could imagine.


And no, he said in the book that it was completely fictional, and not based on anything in particular. He did mention that he didn't fight the perception that he may have killed someone, since the publicity worked in his favor.

Notoriety = record sales?? Some things never change....

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It appears the Em-one might be a little scared of the can of worms that just got openned? Now they are saying the lyrics weren't meant to be released...


Eminem didn’t dis the president — or at least he didn’t do it for public consumption. Lyrics sung by the controversial rapper saying he’d “rather see the president dead” than sing for money were posted on the Drudge Report and are causing outrage among Bush supporters.   


      BUT NOW Eminem’s rep is fuming that those lyrics were not necessarily going to be included on one of his CDs.

    “That was from an unfinished track that was lost or stolen,” the rapper’s rep told The Scoop. “It was not anything we released, and may not have ever been released at all.”

    Another source says that Eminem may not be prepared to face the sort of wrath endured by the Dixie Chicks, who reportedly received death threats when one of them said she was embarrassed by Bush.

    “Eminem caused a lot of controversy — and publicity — with those homophobic lyrics of his,” says the source, “but this sort of stuff could get you some serious boycotting.”

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I'm one of the biggest supporters of W that you'll find, and I don't see anything wrong with those lyrics on their face. Yes, Free Speech does give you the right to yell "Fire" in a theater, but it also means you'll have to deal with the consequences.


Speculation here:


Eminem might have known this would cause a big stink. BUT, the people that are all up in arms about it weren't going to buy his album anyway. I wouldn't have known that he was coming out with a new album until I heard this, and I'm sure a lot of people are like me.


In short, relax people. It's just words. He didn't make an attempt on the President's life. Em knows his audience. They won't be too upset about this. On the other hand, The Dixie Chicks apparently didn't know their audience and made a big mistake, though they've come out of it O.K.

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Em is getting hosed a bit here IMHO. Even thought I believe it was monumentaly stupid and wrong to record those lyrics, all he has to say is he was considering this song and recorded it for review but he immediately decided against it and had no plans to release it. He could even continue and say that he disagrees with the president on X, Y, and Z


I was already a fan but have some new respect for him that he never denied the lyrics were his. I believe some artists would have tried the "I didn't say that" first.

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I gotta hand it to you, man, you have some class. I know that you're a fan of Eminem, and most others would retaliate just calling me a dumbass and whatnot, but you responded well. Touche.

And you took it as well as you dished it. This is what quality board posting is all about. While I'm not a fan of rap, I did buy The Eminem Show. Very good cd.

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Guest williestokes

Eminem also sings of killing his mother. In the Cleaning Out My Closet video, his moms abusing him in the beginning and hes digging a grave in the end. Do the math. But who really cares? I dont listen to the lyrics on these songs. I just like the beat of rap. Its good music. Who cares what he thinks? Im sure hes not the only one who wants Bush dead. And of those that do, Im sure hes the one who wont kill him. There are much more dangerous people out there than some rapper. Go find the terrorists, but damnit, leave the artists alone...

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The context seems a little weird to me. "I don't rap to dead presidents, I'd rather see the president dead" - its almost like a battle line then any kind of threat.


Then again, why use resources on real security threats when the Secret Service investigating an unreleased written line on a rap album by Eminem is so much easier?

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For the record (pun), nowhere in the lyrics of Cleaning Out My Closets does Eminen speak of killing his mother - nowhere.


The video does the imagry of a grave being dug but the allusion there is to - what? The death of Ronnie? The emotional and psychological death that every child feels when abused by parents, especially when a parent says to the child, "I wish you were dead" or "I wish you never were born." The video shows a grave - interpret as one wishes.


Anyway - is there one poster here who can truthfully say that they never wished their parents dead?


The subject of killing one's parents in literature is as old as writing. It is in the ancient Greek stuff, ancient Mesapotamian texts, in the Bible, anywhere one looks, Shakespeare (one of the themes of Lear among other places), alive and well in the current day.

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Guest williestokes

I guess thats a good interpretation cwsox, but-


Abused child + "I never meant to hurt you" + child digging grave = (to me atleast) he offed his mother!


But I could care less. He didnt off his mother and he didnt and wont off President Bush. Its good music and so I listen to it. Done.

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true story: how I first heard of Eminem before any of you -


I am a legal assistant and member of the state bar and monitor the defense attorney list, have done for years. Before the Slim Shady LP came out and anyone heard of him, some attorney posted that 'I am from Missouri and I have a client who wants to sue her rapper son for liberl, slander for saying she's a drugger alkie negligent parent sex crazed pill popping whore who abused her children.' The case info got forwarded and in a bout a week, like "warning warning Will Robinson" (you old enough to get that reference?) a bunch of Detroit area attorneys began posting, "don't take the mother's case, the rapper son has said all those things and his defense will be it is the truth and he will win." After I heard that from 6 or 7 attorneys who suually leap to take cases like that, I began to wonder who the mystery rapper was and what was he saying. Then Slim Shady LP hit...


Mom did sue, and lose.


In fact there is a cottage industry of people suing Em for what he says about them and Em defends by saying its the truth and Em always wins - just won one with the guy Em claimed beat him up daily and bullied him all through 7th grade. The dude denied it, said Em was slandering him, and then they opened up the school records... another slam dunk win for Marshall Mathers. (The judge did that decision in rap - funny as hell.)


There is the sense that for once, all the bullies, all the two bit tyrants, drug and sex obessed parents, all the rotten people, had no idea they were being rotten to that little skinny kid who was just like all the little skinny kids who get punched around and ridiculed and tripped in the hall and stuffed in the toilet excpet for one thing - this little skinny kid grew up to be the world's best rapper and has Dr Dre producing him. So the bullies are getting called out and they hate it. A true definition of poetic justice.

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The emotional and psychological death that every child feels when abused by parents, especially when a parent says to the child, "I wish you were dead" or "I wish you never were born." The video shows a grave - interpret as one wishes.


I never wished my Mom dead per se (in fact I am afraid that one day she will) other than imagining her die in a traffic accident, etc in the heat of a morbid curiosity momemt.


But I can understand eM because my Mom has HUGE TEMPER and issues and a peculiar child-rearing philosphy. When I was a kid and I disobeyed or made a mistake, her wrath was scary even though she rarely resorted to violence. She held me to a higer standard for some reason, so it happened a lot. The older I got, the more she used her wit and education to dent my self-esteem as a substitute for spanking. Even now, she often ridicules my lack of education, ill-advised profession choice, apperance, anything she can to make her point...Her specialty is uncannily using my friends and ex-girlfriends (thankfully she only knows two of them, lol) examples. She invents buttons to press, I swear lololol.


But I do know that she loves me instensely (which she manifests instead in things that really matter like her giving up lucrative jobs when I was little, financial support, constant presence in my life, fiersely standing up for me to strangers and teachers, fights with my father, etc, etc) and it's just her unconventional way of "tying to tell me something", challenge me or instill wisdom from her own mistakes at the same time. She just can't help herself and find less radical means, and I understand her now better than when I was an adolescent or kid and used to get quite upset, often reduced to tears (I inhereted her temper and also high emotionality and as a kid it was almost impossible to control).


I also promised myself a few years back that I would never be one of those people who pay for therapy decades later, all those pussyboys blaming everything on their mothers...... Afterall, all she did was call me variety of names, tell me I was a nature's mistake, hit semi-hard me a occasionally....


BUT she never molested me, never kicked me out on the street when i was in my early teens and was pretty f***ing difficult, never not paid for stuff I needed, never betrayed me in a real way--- all her mistakes and personality flaws now seem pretty minor in the grand scheme of things. I turned out alright and am now able to recognize some of the wisdom in her tough love. And even when there was no wisdon, I learned let it go after I cool down. I am also a LOT more resilent and tough emotionally and mentally because of the abuse I've taken, and I say this without any corn or exaggeration. Besides, I've known her when she was good-- and ther was alot of good times, probably much more than bad ones in retrospect. So I am not always being fare to her.


So from that standpoint, Eminem's anger pathology seems overly dramatic and childish. If as a 30+ yo adult he still can't understand and forgive, he is not a real man, but a self-involved baby. Let's hope he doesn't subject his wife and baby to what he went through--- and in most cases people DO repeat their parents mistakes, consciously and not.

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