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X-mas Presents

The Beast

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I don't care, as long as its from the heart is all i care about.

Sex comes from the heart. :D


Damn, maybe it IS a good thing I don't have a girlfriend. $200 bucks for Christmas gifts? Son of a b****, what kind of job to you have? Do you own your own store or what the hell? Wanna drop me a couple hundred or something? :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting

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this is the time of year when you dump your girlfriend and then on the 27th you tell her you messed up and you want her back, it saves you and her alot of money ;)

It's so nice to see such true wisdom. I've also found that just tieing a nice ribbon around your johnson can work very well. :D

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200 bucks seems like a lot, simply because in high school, relationships don't last (99% of the time). Then again this is coming from me, I'll probably spend 200 bucks on all my friends, my sis, my dad and my mom combined...and part of that 200 will include the gift I end up buying myself when I'm out xmas shopping (I always find something I like and say what the hell...I've been good this year, lol).


On the brightside, my last serious relationship (By serious I mean over a month :lol: ended during December last year (Long Term relationships I suck at...mine last a few weeks and then ehhh, my wallet just starts getting thin). By the bright side, I'm referring to the fact I never had to buy a gift, although I like buying people gifts...but when the term jewlery gets thrown around, I don't like to buy gifts :lol: .

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