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call me crazy but d-rays will win


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The problem will always be getting enough people into that dome to keep players playing there.

That's it exactly. My family and I usually have an entire section to ourselves at games. And in truth, it's NOT the worst dome stadium -- I'd take it over the Baggie any day.


Nobody in AL East is going to be able to compete with the Yankees and BoSox until they stop spending like there's no tomorrow, let alone the D-rays. Without a sizeable payroll, it ultimately won't matter what kind of talent they have in their farm system. They'll have to let it be raided by other teams when they put together any big trades in the unlikely event they do find themselves in contention. And they'll continue to lose players on the roster from the big club to FA and when they don't have enough to take players to arbitration.

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If Delmon Young pans out then they r gonna hav one hell of a outfield with him Crawford, and Rocco Baldelli. But they need startin pitchers badly, Brazelton needs to pan out for em.

right with you on that one....they have awesome young talent, just need pitching, and alot of it, of course, they didnt have a problem against our sox :lol: ...anybody know how there farm system is? :headbang

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It should be interesting what the Yankess payroll is in 5 years. They really dont have to good of a farm system of what I understand, they just traded what I think was a fututre Yankee star in Johnson. Im sure they will just keep loading up on 30 year old FA, but it will be crazy to think what the payroll could get up to.

In ten years, the Yankees' payroll will be $100,000,500,000,000...



...ours will be $50 (and I don't mean $50 million).

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It should be interesting what the Yankess payroll is in 5 years. They really dont have to good of a farm system of what I understand, they just traded what I think was a fututre Yankee star in Johnson. Im sure they will just keep loading up on 30 year old FA, but it will be crazy to think what the payroll could get up to.

They'll just sign him when he becomes a free agent. So, you see, he still is a future Yankees star. George figures if he has to pay part of the Expos salaries, he might as well use them as a developmental team.

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