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Gore endorses Dean


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Democrats let out a collective yawn. Clark better get the nod if Dennis doesn't. I'd just love to see the debates of:


Clark: I served my country and watched my friends die in the front lines while my chickenhawk opponent snorted cocaine off of a hooker's ass in the bathroom of a Senor Frog's in Texas when he was AWOL from the Air National Guard that his dad got him into.


Bush: Oh f***.

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Democrats let out a collective yawn. Clark better get the nod if Dennis doesn't.  I'd just love to see the debates of:


Clark: I served my country and watched my friends die in the front lines while my chickenhawk opponent snorted cocaine off of a hooker's ass in the bathroom of a Senor Frog's in Texas when he was AWOL from the Air National Guard that his dad got him into.


Bush: Oh f***.

collective yawn my ass. Sounds like there are some pissed off dems to me. Leiberman is out there b****ing, as was Gephart. And it really was a stab in the back to Leib and to Kerry who was one of the first to endorse Gore in 2000. You would think Al would have waited just as a return of a favor to Leib and Kerry.

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collective yawn my ass.  Sounds like there are some pissed off dems to me.  Leiberman is out there b****ing, as was Gephart.  And it really was a stab in the back to Leib and to Kerry who was one of the first to endorse Gore in 2000.  You would think Al would have waited just as a return of a favor to Leib and Kerry.

I really don't think Lieberman would have a chance in hell of winning. That's really what the dems need to look at if they are serious about putting a dem in office - who can beat the incumbant as well as who is the best candidate. It really must be a combo of the two, not an ass kissing charade.

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I still remember back in 2001, they were talking about Edwards as a handsome, outspoken JFK 2.0. Then they found out he was a Jew, I guess.....loolo


No, serisouly, It's Wesley Clark all the way. Greens have no chance and Dean? Puh-lease.


I guess I could with Dennis K....or McCain.


Hell, even Leiberman. Anything. But. Bush.

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Democrats let out a collective yawn. Clark better get the nod if Dennis doesn't.  I'd just love to see the debates of:


Clark: I served my country and watched my friends die in the front lines while my chickenhawk opponent snorted cocaine off of a hooker's ass in the bathroom of a Senor Frog's in Texas when he was AWOL from the Air National Guard that his dad got him into.


Bush: Oh f***.

Clark (Arrogant Prick), Dean (Democratic hack) , I really dont care. You know I kinda wish Kucnich would get the democratic nod. His utopian socialist platform would be the greatest gift the GOP has ever seen. It'd be like running against Karl Marx. LOL!!


It doesn't really matter who gets the nomination for the Dems cause Bush is going to whoop their ass this time around.

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Clark (Arrogant Prick),


Wow, if that's all you can say about him, I guess he is in a GREAT shape. Having someone with above-average IQ and actual charisma as the chief image of this country might be a plus.


You know I kinda wish Kucnich would get the democratic nod. His utopian socialist platform would be the greatest gift the GOP has ever seen. It'd be like running against Karl Marx. LOL!!


1. What do you know about Karl Marx? Die Kapital is so ABOVE your grasp, it's not even funny. If all you know about his ideas is what you took from 20th century totalitarian communist regimes, then you understand very little of it.


2. You need to understand there this is NOTHING wrong with "extended socialist programs" as long as the Constitution, governmental structure and the core of capitalism remain intact. It they will be. Relax. The money that will be taken out of your pocket will be put to good use, mostly. LOL.


3. I don't want K-man.

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Clark (Arrogant Prick), Dean (Democratic hack) , I really dont care.  You know I kinda wish Kucnich would get the democratic nod.  His utopian socialist platform would be the greatest gift the GOP has ever seen.  It'd be like running against Karl Marx.  LOL!! 


It doesn't really matter who gets the nomination for the Dems cause Bush is going to whoop their ass this time around.

Only in America! :lol:


Bush, are you serious! Hahaha

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Lieberman and Gore deeply disagree on the war in Iraq issue.


Liebrman made some nasty comments a few months ago about Gore's campaign - forgetting that Gore did get the most votes by almost 600,000.


Dean is running a Gore like "people/populist" and internet campaign.


The surprise is that Gore did this now, or did not endorse Clark, who is supported by many former Gore people.


Note: Edwards is not Jewish. He is a trial lawyer. To the GOP, same thing.

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Clark: I served my country and watched my friends die in the front lines while my chickenhawk opponent snorted cocaine off of a hooker's ass in the bathroom of a Senor Frog's in Texas when he was AWOL from the Air National Guard that his dad got him into.


Bush: Oh f***.

Lol, my roommate and I nearly fell off our chairs laughing.


But I agree, Kunicich or Clark are the best options--but their name recognition isn't so hot right now. Dean might have the big name and bandwagon, but I don't think he's a straight shooter--but I'm not 100% on any of them.

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Edwards was my favorite for the past year but signs are looking more and more like he has no shot at the nomination.


Howard Dean vs. George W. Bush sounds about as exciting as the 2000 election.  Political apathy at its finest right here.

I had hopes for Edwards but the campaign hasn't taken off (yet). He lost me with his vote for the war,


The union endorsements and now Gore make Dean very formidable. I doubt a Dean vs Bush election will really inspire apathy. I am uncertain if Dean wins or loses, but it should be entertaining on our part and a really dirty campaign on the Bush side. Remember what G W did to Arizona John McCain. Remember Dole attacking elder Bush on the Senate floor, quit lying about my record.


I am hanging in with Clark. I will support the Dem nominee regardless.

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Clark has no chance and the Dem's know it. That is why they never really pushed him for the nomination. They guy has been in public agreeing with the tax-cuts and agreeing with our reasons for war in Iraq, not lately but before he became a possible canditiate. He would be cannon-fodder for the GOP machine.


As of yesterday, there are no other Democratic canditiates besides Dean. Gore's endorsement ended any hope for anyone else. The other 8 running for the nomination just might as well fall into the party line.

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This is from MSNBC.com


The response to Gore’s stunning decision was precipitated when one of the debate’s moderators, ABC’s Ted Koppel, opened the debate by inviting the field of nine candidates to “raise your hand if you believe that Gov. Dean can beat George Bush.”

    Only one, Dean, raised his hand.

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Democrats let out a collective yawn. Clark better get the nod if Dennis doesn't.  I'd just love to see the debates of:


Clark: I served my country and watched my friends die in the front lines while my chickenhawk opponent snorted cocaine off of a hooker's ass in the bathroom of a Senor Frog's in Texas when he was AWOL from the Air National Guard that his dad got him into.


Bush: Oh f***.

:lol: :lol:

Sounds like some of my friends from college part I, and I wouldn't vote for any of them either.


In major league politics, the protocol, pomp and circumstance is every bit as much as important as what you do. Gore should have given a heads up to all the other candidates. You can't ignore party politics not matter to which side of of the aisle you've sold your soul. The same guys Gore blindsided with this, would be the guys he would need to be elected dog catcher, not to mention if he has any asperations down the road. You can screw the guy all day long if you follow the protocol.


He should have called up each candidate and said "hey your going to read tomorrow I'm backing (insert name here). I'm doing it because of X, Y, and Z (which each candidate would already know)"


It's a long way to go in this election with at least a surprise or two down the road. I'm already thinking about Dean-Gore. How about a career VP?



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