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Stranded, out of gas at the South Pole


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Antarctic pilot gets frosty reception


SYDNEY, Dec. 10 (UPI) -- New Zealand and U.S. scientists have given an Australian adventure pilot the cold shoulder in Antarctica, refusing him fuel to fly home.


Jon Johanson succeeded in his quest to become the first to fly a homemade, single-engine aircraft over the South Pole, but used more fuel than expected, his partner in Australia said Wednesday.


Sue Ball said Johanson was able to land at the joint U.S.-New Zealand McMurdo-Scott air base, where he requested about 100 gallons of fuel to fly to Argentina, Ball told The Australian newspaper.


Both scientific contingents refused, with one U.S. official saying neither country was there to operate a gas station for tourists.


The U.S. group is providing shelter and food for the pilot, while New Zealand said they would fly him home on the first available flight. Retrieving the aircraft would have to be at Johanson's own expense, he was told.


Johanson has previously flown the same plane around the world three times, including over the North Pole.


:o :canada :usa


Nothing like getting a :finger from a few scientists when you drop in on their party.

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I dunno, maybe that's why ya take extra gas?

My understanding from another source is that there was weight considerations involved. I still think it's funny. Imagine sitting at the South Pole and there's a knock at the door. Excuse you, might you have some petrol for my plane? I seem to have run out. (Pilot holding up gas can) :lol: :lol:


I wonder if his official energy contractor was Enron.


And the scientists telling him to get lost. Priceless.

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