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Time Cube

Wise Master Buehrle

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This guy is crazy, you should read what he proposes.


I don't have the energy nor the idiocy to convert his insane ramblings into simple sentences, but you can read the first few paragraphs and get the gist of his whole ramble.


I feel like knowledge has been sucked out of my brain after reading/hearing it. I listened to radio interviews. :angry:

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This guy seems to believe that a "cube creation" proves how there are really 4 24 hour periods in one day. Though he really isnt scientific (doesnt explain his equation) or intelligent (insults people who dont believe him). The website is huge so I took out some of his bulls***:


"University of Michigan is a racist and anti-white institution - offering 20 points for registration, if you are not white. It is already evil in that they suppress student free speech for discussing and debating Nature's Harmonic Time Cube Principle. Integration equates unnatural racial slop. Does black mentality need the 20 points to equate the mentality of the white race, or is it an evil ploy to subdue the white race? What anti-white force is behind this evil? I will not receive one educator reaction, as their power is in ignoring ineffable Truth. How can such an evil school exist in USA"



"Evil Ass Educators Suppress Time Cube, and dumb ass students condone such evil. Cubeless institutions are spreaders of evil,

and students lack mentality to challenge it."

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More quotes from this guy:


"My Cubic wisdom is above 1 - day Gods and Scientist. Ignoring Time Cube is Evil."


"Your own people will kill you to prevent this 'Forbidden Truth Cube'

from ever being known. Socrates was killed to hide Truth from public. 1-corner god is a fraud. Are you afraid to know?"


Make sure to email him at [email protected].

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Haha, me and a few friends found this back in high school about 3 or 4 years ago. We were in the library and could not stop laughing. It was the most ridiculaos and funny s*** we had ever read. I really think the guy is insane. I also found a guy who claimed to be from the future on a message board once and was predicting all these stupid things. It was pretty amusing too.

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One of the symptoms of some mental diseases is trying to place everything in these sorts of patterns. The person will try and put their entire lives into, in his case, this 4 even space theory. If you look at his room it will be divided into 4 quadrants, pictures will be arranged that way, etc.


The scary thing is the long list of now reputable scientists who were considered crack pots in their day. Newton, Galileo, etc.


I obviously do not believe his theory but imagine some weird crackpot telling you the earth revolved around the sun whenb everyone knows that everything revolves around US Cellular Field

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One of the symptoms of some mental diseases is trying to place everything in these sorts of patterns. The person will try and put their entire lives into, in his case, this 4 even space theory. If you look at his room it will be divided into 4 quadrants, pictures will be arranged that way, etc.


The scary thing is the long list of now reputable scientists who were considered crack pots in their day. Newton, Galileo, etc.


I obviously do not believe his theory but imagine some weird crackpot telling you the earth revolved around the sun whenb everyone knows that everything revolves around US Cellular Field

He is not crazy, he is FLAMBOYANT......Besides, just yesterday, super-string theory of universe was ridiculed...

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