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SouthSide...all I'm saying is that MArk had more leverage after the Colon situation...he should have "sweated" the team a little more.

And israel.. you are wrong. Mark had no leverage.. He would have NEVER been awarded $10 million in arbitration.. and had he asked for it, he would have been told to go talk a long walk off a short pier.. and the fans would have definitely sided with mgmt on that one. When they have been clear that they are NOT exceeding a $58 million payroll.. and Mark strolled in there demanding $10 million of it.. I for one would have helped him pack his s*** for St Louis...

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SouthSide...all I'm saying is that MArk had more leverage after the Colon situation...he should have "sweated" the team a little more.

Without being a free agent Mark Buehrle has zero leverage. Colon could (and did) sign with another team, Mark is stuck here until 2006. At worst he can make us go to arbitration for 3 straight years. Either way we could technically NEVER negotiate with him, and just submit a figure to the arbitor each year, and never have to worry about it. And there is not a damn thing Mark could do about it.

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I'm here Steve!


Here's the deal...I know that MB couldn't be free agent for 3 years, but, the press, i.e. ESPN,WSCR, both papers are down on the Sox for losing 6 players!


The press would crucify them if they pissed off Buehrle (AGAIN!).


Finally, all this talk about "fiscal responsibility" is bulls***! The Sox have a responsibility to their fans first!!!

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I'm here Steve!


Here's the deal...I know that MB couldn't be free agent for 3 years, but, the press, i.e. ESPN,WSCR, both papers are down on the Sox for losing 6 players!


The press would crucify them if they pissed off Buehrle (AGAIN!).


Finally, all this talk about "fiscal responsibility" is bulls***! The Sox have a responsibility to their fans first!!!

israel... seriously, think before you type. Mark has NO leverage. None. Zip. Zero. Zilch. If he asked for $10 million the fans would turn against HIM.. just like they did to Colon. Asking for that much $$ at this point, and when it's been made clear it's NOT a possibility, is selfish.

And no.. their first responsibility it to their players and employees. They need to be paid first. Whatever the financial restraints.. they need to make the most of that $$. Giving Mark $10 million would be more stupid than him asking for it.

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I'm here Steve!


Here's the deal...I know that MB couldn't be free agent for 3 years, but, the press, i.e. ESPN,WSCR, both papers are down on the Sox for losing 6 players!


The press would crucify them if they pissed off Buehrle (AGAIN!).


Finally, all this talk about "fiscal responsibility" is bulls***! The Sox have a responsibility to their fans first!!!

So basically you want MB to make more money that Zito, Hudson, Mulder, and this decent pitcher from Toronto (I think his name is Halladay or something like that). While MB is trying to take that money from us, he would be hurting the team. He would also make himself look greedy, and less apealing even for his beloved Cardinals. The White Sox would not look like the bad guys in that one, MB would. He would be labeled as trying to bring the White Sox down. The deal he got is fair, and great for both sides.


FYI, he has a $9 million option for 2007...his salary increases over time.

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The Sox are a PR nightmare.


They have to compete not only with the rest of the AL, but with the sCrUBS too! (When I say I want them to be competitive, I don't mean to do enough to win their division; they should be pennant contenders EVERY year.


In order to do that, in today's MLB, ya gotta spend MONEY!!!


If Reinsdorf can't or won't, he needs to sell the team!!!

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The Sox are a PR nightmare.


They have to compete not only with the rest of the AL, but with the sCrUBS too! (When I say I want them to be competitive, I don't mean to do enough to win their division; they should be pennant contenders EVERY year.


In order to do that, in today's MLB, ya gotta spend MONEY!!!


If Reinsdorf can't or won't, he needs to sell the team!!!

I don't know about the rest of you.. but I'm done..


:banghead :banghead :banghead :banghead

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The Sox are a PR nightmare.


They have to compete not only with the rest of the AL, but with the sCrUBS too! (When I say I want them to be competitive, I don't mean to do enough to win their division; they should be pennant contenders EVERY year.


In order to do that, in today's MLB, ya gotta spend MONEY!!!


If Reinsdorf can't or won't, he needs to sell the team!!!

Do you like anything about the White Sox? Why are you even here?

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When were the Sox last in the playoffs???







2000. What's your point? When we DO spend the big bucks we do it unwisely. I don't see how 100 million of bad contracts will help us? 60 million well spent is better than 180 or 100 million that doesn't flow together as a team or that's slumping.

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2000. What's your point? When we DO spend the big bucks we do it unwisely. I don't see how 100 million of bad contracts will help us? 60 million well spent is better than 180 or 100 million that doesn't flow together as a team or that's slumping.

I would honestly bet he is either a troll, an ignorant fan, or a retarded kid...



...wait, I am going to go with all of the above.

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I would honestly bet he is either a troll, an ignorant fan, or a retarded kid...



...wait, I am going to go with all of the above.

Yeah, yikes, that's all I have to say about it. Just yikes. YIKES. :) That boy ain't right.


But I mean he's right, look at it this way: 100 million dollar plus payroll did great things for the Mets last year--oh wait...

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Am I the only one that understands why a team that averages 19,000 per game would have a limited budget? I really get a kick from people who b**** and moan about the White Sox not spending money, when they are consistently in the lower third in attendance.


The fact is that over the past three seasons the Sox have been ranked higher in payroll than in attendance.


Year Attendance rank Payroll rank

2003 21st 17th

2002 23rd 18th

2001 26th 16th


So, what is there to b**** about? Maybe I should call some people making $30,000/year and demand to know why they don't buy a house going for $300,000.

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I'm not complaining--I understand the economics of it completely. And that's was sort of the underlying point of my previous point. I agree that ownership shouldn't have to go into the red to lure fans, but without a winning a team it's harder to get fans to come. It's just sort of a circular debate. But I do see your logic, Bob, and I DON'T see the Sox being a high spending team until attendence goes up. I also see how that sucks for those of us that go to games. It's tough.

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