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OPEC wants aid for Kyoto


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So apparently after running a cartel for 30 years that breaks just about every trade law known to the free world, OPEC wants economic aid if the rest of the world approves the Kyoto accords and goes away from fossil fuels as a source of energy. :rolleyes:



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So apparently after running a cartel for 30 years that breaks just about every trade law known to the free world, OPEC wants economic aid if the rest of the world approves the Kyoto accords and goes away from fossil fuels as a source of energy. :rolleyes:



They better save their money now and get fat while times are good cause potentially within our lifetimes they will have nothing to sell and nobody that would want it anyway.

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They better save their money now and get fat while times are good cause potentially within our lifetimes they will have nothing to sell and nobody that would want it anyway.

You are correct about the supply of currently tapped sources running out. 50 years, give or take a decade, and depending on how well we pursue alternative fuels. The oil will likely disappear before the world's dependency on it does. We'd certainly be farther along on the road toward realistic alternatives if the major energy interests of today were not engaged in the difficult juggling act of trying to keep us hooked exclusively on oil today, trying to stifle the emergence of real altternatives today, and jockying into position to be the sole purveyors of thos alternatives down the line when the oil does dry up.


I understand the motive of corporate self-preservation, and I expect most of the western world's key players in today's energy economy will also be the key players in tomorrow's energy economy. I just wish they would get on with it already, let the new technologies develop, fund them like crazy, and do their best to profit from them (somebody has to).


As far as OPEC looking for an international bailout, I don't know much about it but I don't think the world ever promised eternal oil-dependency to the oil-producing nations. And you're right, those countries had better save up now. The world doesn't come in and provide subsidies to US industries when they can't compete on the world market, we do. I expect it would be the same in the case of the OPEC nations. I actually think that OPEC has been urged to raise a stink by us and other anti-Kyoto nations at a pivotal point in the ratification process to help ensure ratification does not happen. Like I have said before, I think International pressure through WTO actions against anti-Kyoto member nations will become important sources of pressure. Encouragingly, the Inuit nations have begun to explore another novel pressure avenue. They are looking into the possibility of claiming that nations contributing to climate change/global warming are guilty of human rights violations. Once the Pacific Island nations most endangered by sea-level rise sart to pursue similar paths, the US has to worry about potentially b eing labelled as a human rights violator if we don't pursue clean energy strategies.

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Once the Pacific Island nations most endangered by sea-level rise sart to pursue similar paths, the US has to worry about potentially b eing labelled as a human rights violator if we don't pursue clean energy strategies.

Human rights violator if we dont pursue clean energy strategies? I dont think that's going to fly very far. We'll have the proper technology in place by the time we run out of oil but until we are down to our last few drops on the planet dont look for it to be implemented widely.

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