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whoever yanked that thread...


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I was in the midst of replying (debating in my head the pros and cons of deleting the thread) when it disappeared --



wow! fast! :lol:




this is the reply I was making to that poster:


you will lose a lot of respect this way


everyone may need to relax, in fact, I whole heartedly agree but bulls*** thread titles do not help that cause, or help anyone's reputation



the thread, in case anyone wonders, was a total bulls*** announcement that Mags was traded -


practical jokes and bulls*** don't help soxtalk get any cred as being worthwhile - plenty of ways to have fun without fraud -


and again, whoever pulled that - wow, that was speedy!

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You need a sense of humor old man...There is no better way to easy the tension then a little joke, and it should be taken as nothing more, but once again you have managed to blow things out of proportion.


Losing lots of respect??? Whatever makes you sleep better at night old man? Most people have the common sense to comprehend it for what it is, a joke.


Soxtalk losing credibility??? Once again most people understand that it is just a joke to easy tense, and people aren't going to judge the site as a whole by a joke. You are clearly blowing this out of proportion and taking this stuff way to seriously. Please tell me you have more to your life then monitoring a message board?


It was a joke and nothing more, but your response was a clear example of a person that is too tense and impatient at this time. You need to find a sense of humor buddy.

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You need a sense of humor old man...There is no better way to easy the tension then a little joke, and it should be taken as nothing more, but once again you have managed to blow things out of proportion.


Losing lots of respect??? Whatever makes you sleep better at night old man? Most people have the common sense to comprehend it for what it is, a joke.


Soxtalk losing credibility??? Once again most people understand that it is just a joke to easy tense, and people aren't going to judge the site as a whole by a joke. You are clearly blowing this out of proportion and taking this stuff way to seriously. Please tell me you have more to your life then monitoring a message board?


It was a joke and nothing more, but your response was a clear example of a person that is too tense and impatient at this time. You need to find a sense of humor buddy.

Who was the author of the thread?


I think the above post answered your question.


And whitesox61382, CW was not the one to remove the thread. He sad as much in his post. So why bother attacking him?

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You need a sense of humor old man...There is no better way to easy the tension then a little joke, and it should be taken as nothing more, but once again you have managed to blow things out of proportion.


Losing lots of respect??? Whatever makes you sleep better at night old man? Most people have the common sense to comprehend it for what it is, a joke.


Soxtalk losing credibility??? Once again most people understand that it is just a joke to easy tense, and people aren't going to judge the site as a whole by a joke. You are clearly blowing this out of proportion and taking this stuff way to seriously. Please tell me you have more to your life then monitoring a message board?


It was a joke and nothing more, but your response was a clear example of a person that is too tense and impatient at this time. You need to find a sense of humor buddy.

Of all the things I may need, patronizing advice from you on how to live my life is not needed - however, I was not the one to delete the thread -


justify ourself in your own mind but I would have just responded - someone else felt a lot more strongly about it than I did -


if you wish to discuss something worthwhile, as I recall, you played Divison II NCAA football - if I am wrong, I am wrong, but tomorrow everyone around here is getting ready for the championship game tomorrow

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I am not mad that it got removed...in fact thats what I expected to happen...but I do think you overracted a tad by questioning my credibility as well as the sights over a joke that was posted solely to easy some of the tension of the slow moving offseason.


I did play D2 football at Bryant College in Rhode Island for 2 years before I transfered to the University of Arizona. Unfortunately I had to accept the reality that I just wasn't good enough to play big time D1 ball(as terrible as the U of A football team is). Everyone is getting ready for the D2 championship game??? I didn't know that D2 football was that big of a topic. To be honest with you I really haven't followed the D2 level besides a few calls to some of my old teammates asking how the season went.

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I am not mad that it got removed...in fact thats what I expected to happen...but I do think you overracted a tad by questioning my credibility as well as the sights over a joke that was posted solely to easy some of the tension of the slow moving offseason.


I did play D2 football at Bryant College in Rhode Island for 2 years before I transfered to the University of Arizona. Unfortunately I had to accept the reality that I just wasn't good enough to play big time D1 ball(as terrible as the U of A football team is). Everyone is getting ready for the D2 championship game??? I didn't know that D2 football was that big of a topic. To be honest with you I really haven't followed the D2 level besides a few calls to some of my old teammates asking how the season went.

Once again. This is not the ESPN boards. Nobody thinks that crap is funny, and nobody wants to see it. Grow up.

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I yanked the thread. At first I started to post on it about the problems with such a thread title, no matter how innocent the author's intentions. I won't even say who the author was but the thread title was something like "MAGGS JUST TRADED!!!" Rather than allow a flame war to start on such a thread, I simply pulled the plug.

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