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Foulke is wearing Sox again


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Sox will be World Series Champs in 04! as in the RED sox.


Good for keith, i like him alot he deserves to go to a team that believes he can help them win it. Not like the white sox who gave up on him after a down year.

Yeah a Down year where he blew important games. A year when he was b****ing cause he wanted to be a starter..


Good Riddance Keith

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everyone has their opinions on the guy, thats fine. but if we didn't give up on him we wouldnt be looking for a closer or hoping that Koch is back to normal(which i hope he is) would we? Also talking about blowing games remember what koch did on July 4th this past year? and there is a few more just like it

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everyone has their opinions on the guy, thats fine. but if we didn't give up on him we wouldnt be looking for a closer or hoping that Koch is back to normal(which i hope he is) would we?  Also talking about blowing games remember what koch did on July 4th this past year? and there is a few more just like it

Good Riddance Billy

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everyone has their opinions on the guy, thats fine. but if we didn't give up on him we wouldnt be looking for a closer or hoping that Koch is back to normal(which i hope he is) would we?  Also talking about blowing games remember what koch did on July 4th this past year? and there is a few more just like it

I was at Tropicana for that miserable game, and I still can't see straight when I think about it. The momentum of the entire team disappeared with a swing of the bat from freaking Carl Crawford of all people. Making it worse was the smug satisfaction my Florida-born wife threw in my face afterward.

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everyone has their opinions on the guy, thats fine. but if we didn't give up on him we wouldnt be looking for a closer or hoping that Koch is back to normal(which i hope he is) would we?  Also talking about blowing games remember what koch did on July 4th this past year? and there is a few more just like it

We would be looking for a new closer cause there is no chance Foulke would be around next year as he would of left the Sox for more money. I couldn't possibly see the Sox offering him a 3 yr 21 mill deal.

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Sox will be World Series Champs in 04! as in the RED sox.


Good for keith, i like him alot he deserves to go to a team that believes he can help them win it. Not like the white sox who gave up on him after a down year.

Agreed, but the White sox didn't give up on him after a bad year, they gave up on him after 2 bad months....Foulke's 2002 stats


Good for you Kieth, you deserve to be treated better...good luck in '04

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anybody who thinks Foulke is a $7 million reliever raise their hands?


Not me.


Wait til he blows a game or two for Pedro or Schilling in Fenway and the Boston fans/media sink their teeth into him.


If he couldn't handle it in Chicago ("Jerry, take me outta the closer role," he said.), he'll fold even quicker in Bean Town.


shoulda stayed in Coke-land, where the harsh winds don't blow as hard.


In Boston, anything less than a world series appearance will be considered a failure.


Rotsa Ruck, Foulkie.


You're gonna need it.

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Yeah sure, waaaaaaahhhhh ... why did we trade this guy???


How'd you like to be Oakland right now? They got one year of service from Foulke, a career year (go figure ... in his contract year).


They also got the immortal Mark Johnson, since released, that so many "esteemed" posters on the official site were soooooo pissed about.


And then there's Joe Valentine, that several other of the "insider" posters were sooooooo pissed at KW for trading.


Or whoever "actually" did the trade ... since that was when KW was GM in name only, no wait, that was before, no ... if it was a bad trade it was KW, if it was a good trade it was the genius Ron Schueler ... no wait, that was before ... no, it was after ... oh no wait, did Baggs or whomever the hells computer crash before or after that trade ... blah blah blah blah ncori-blah blah blah blah HSC blah blah blah lol ... lol ... your wrong, lol ... ;) ... lol ... thanks Eddie and Jerry, blah blah.


Oh, forget it.


Bottom line ... Koch sucked (to borrow a Quickman term) this past year, but at least he's got a chance to rebound for the Sox. Unlike Oakland, they're sitting out there with only a draft choice and their dick in their hands.


We also have Cotts waiting in the wings. I'd rather have him than whatever Oakland is sitting with as a result of that trade.


But whatever ... I'm just a season ticket holder, what the hell do I know?

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