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Evil Sadaam CAPTURED!!!!!!


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Here's a quick AP rundown of the Iraqi Tribunal, which was just OK'd this week and details are still to be worked out.  Apparently still unclear was whether the death penalty would be an option for those tried.

The US isint going to try him. The new Iraqi government will. They are going to try him then I hope they hang his ass in central Baghdad for all his formerly oppressed people to see.




Saddam, when they execute your ass the devil is waiting and I dont think he's going to let you f*** him in the ass like on South Park. Death is going to be the least of your problems.

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It is especially nice to see the pictures of the people celebrating on the streets. During the news conference, Iraqui reporters shouted "Death to Osama" when his image was shown.


The people of Iraq are truly liberated now.

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Good god, I thought me posting this thing this morning was a good dream, lololololololol..


Crook Bush and his scum cronies and spineless Democrats aside........there are very FEW things in the world that make one feel more elated than seeing a TRULY EVIL cocksucker get his cumuppance.


The only thing I regret is that he is going to get a death penalty. People like him should be TORTURED (I am talking about balls in a vice style) for years and years, making him PAY for all the pain and death and destruction and suffering he inflicted......before finally giving him a one-way ticket to Hell Hotel.


Let the trial begin.

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This whole thing is by no means over at this moment. There's still s*** that needs to be done on the Afghanistan front with the Taliban and getting Osama Bin Laden now that one of the problems has been solved.


But this capturing of Sadaam might increase Dubya's popularity if just a little bit. Hopefully it won't that much, because he's been dedicating all of his attention to the war effort and very little to domestic issues.

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Watching the press conference on the TV last nite and just seein the Iraqi news reporters and photographers standing up, pointin to the air and screamin profanities I'm sure at Saddam in Iraqi language was just one of those great moments, and it shows how much his capture is goin to mean to the people of Iraq.

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I will be extremely interested to see how much media coverage is allowed during the trial, and how much of the trial will be readily available to the public.


I am also curious as to how he will be punished. I think simply sentencing him to immediate death is not the best way to go. You don't want to provide the resistance with a martyr while they are still strong. Perhaps it would be prudent to wait until a new Iraqi government has firm control over the country before sadaam is executed.


(of course they could always just do it mussolini style and let angry mobs mutilate him in the center of baghdad.)

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I will be extremely interested to see how much media coverage is allowed during the trial, and how much of the trial will be readily available to the public.


I am also curious as to how he will be punished.  I think simply sentencing him to immediate death is not the best way to go.  You don't want to provide the resistance with a martyr while they are still strong.  Perhaps it would be prudent to wait until a new Iraqi government has firm control over the country before sadaam is executed.


(of course they could always just do it mussolini style and let angry mobs mutilate him in the center of baghdad.)

It's going to be a while before he even goes on trial. It's going to take time to debrief this assclown and then the trial probably will take time.

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It's going to be a while before he even goes on trial.  It's going to take time to debrief this assclown and then the trial probably will take time.

Do you think he will say anything of any value?


If our interogation strategies got some stuff out of him it could really secure a second term for Pres. Bush. Imagine if he were to say "Yes, we had weapons of mass destruction, and we also funded an Al Queda mission within the united states". That would be the mother of all confessions.


If there is one reason why I would hope he doesn't confess like that, would be so we can all continue to read apu's criticism's of the war in Iraq :lol:

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Do you think he will say anything of any value?


If our interogation strategies got some stuff out of him it could really secure a second term for Pres. Bush.  Imagine if he were to say "Yes, we had weapons of mass destruction, and we also funded an Al Queda mission within the united states".  That would be the mother of all confessions.


If there is one reason why I would hope he doesn't confess like that, would be so we can all continue to read apu's criticism's of the war in Iraq :lol:

Well, if Iraq was involved with any of that stuff then I guess we have the right guy to tell us about it all.

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He's already said there are no WMD. But they've said they'll keep asking.

Its only been two days. Just wait until he has been a week without food. He will say he slept with Osama if it will get him a burger (or whatever the hell it is he wants).

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Hes probably studying for finals.

Correctamundo. I have 2 finals tomorrow.


But I did happen to catch the news today and saw everything. Also, the media didn't mention that the commander of US forces in Iraq said he doesn't think that this arrest will curb the attacks on US troops.

And funny how this comes out at the same time that Halliburton is found to have gouged the US for $67 million in overcharging for oil from Iraq.

I just wonder if at this trial if the US brings up like his 1988 gassing of that village [the name escapes me right now] that he can respond, "Hey you know I'd been doing stuff like that to my people...and you gave me the weapons that made it possible."

Granted, I am happy that the asshole that is Saddam is captured but I don't think the precedent we set in doing so was the best thing to do for our foreign policy or as a precedent for the world [see India/Pakistan, Israel/Palestine etc. saying "We can pre-emptively invade a country that has WMD to make ourselves secure." That's a scarier prospect to me than any WMD Iraq could have had.

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Granted, I am happy that the asshole that is Saddam is captured but I don't think the precedent we set in doing so was the best thing to do for our foreign policy or as a precedent for the world [see India/Pakistan, Israel/Palestine etc. saying "We can pre-emptively invade a country that has WMD to make ourselves secure." That's a scarier prospect to me than any WMD Iraq could have had.

Welcome to the New American Century. WMD has nothing on PNAC in terms of striking fear in my heart.

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Welcome to the New American Century.  WMD has nothing on PNAC in terms of striking fear in my heart.

PNAC scares the f*** out of me.


I can't find the photo now but I used to have one of Bush in front of a TV with the TV tagline of Iraq:Quagmire and then Wolfowitz standing there with the PNAC manual saying "The book is a lot better than the movie."

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If our interogation strategies got some stuff out of him it could really secure a second term for Pres. Bush. Imagine if he were to say "Yes, we had weapons of mass destruction, and we also funded an Al Queda mission within the united states". That would be the mother of all confessions.


In war, confession = guilt, fact


Seriously, put a knife to any one of my balls (esp the left one, my favorite) and I'll tell you that not only did I have WMDs with intent to destroy America but also that I sponsored Bin Laden and the late 'tolla Khomeini and Allah knows what else.

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Looks like Saddam ain't bein very co-operative.


SADDAM Hussein has denied he had any weapons of mass destruction and has not been very cooperative since his capture, according to a US intelligence official.


"No, of course not," Saddam was quoted in Time magazine as saying about Iraq's alleged weapons programs, "the US dreamed them up itself to have a reason to go to war with us".

Time said in extracts of a report to be released in its latest edition tomorrow that after being captured in a hideout near his hometown of Tikrit, Saddam was moved to an isolation cell at the American base at Baghdad airport.


The US intelligence official said: "He's not been very cooperative."


The report said Saddam did not answer all the questions directly and was at times not coherent.


The transcript of interviews was full of "Saddam rhetoric type stuff", said the official.


Time reported the official paraphrased some of the discussion.


When asked "How are you?" said the official, Saddam responded: "I am sad because my people are in bondage."


When offered a glass of water by interrogators, Saddam replied: "If I drink water I will have to go to the bathroom and how can I use the bathroom when my people are in bondage?"


When asked why Iraq did not let UN weapons inspectors in if it had no weapons, Saddam was quoted as replying: "We didn't want them to go into the presidential areas and intrude on our privacy."


The official was doubtful that much significant intelligence will come from the questioning, adding that other high-ranking officials had also given little away.


Giving an account of yesterday's raid, which resulted in the capture of Saddam from a hole under a remote farmhouse in the village of Ad Dawr near the northern town of Tikrit, the official said initially nothing was found.


"Then one man on the property, apparently realising the game was up, pointed out a bricked-in wall inside the basement of a small house on the property.


"'Saddam is in there', he told the special forces operators," the report read.


"They couldn't get him out at first and had to dig, from either side of the hole," said the official.


"He looked like a homeless man at the bus station," said the official, who confirmed that $US750,000 in cash was found with two AK 47 rifles and a pistol.


He said there was also a briefcase that contained a letter from a Baghdad resistance leader. The official said the names found in the letter could lead to the capture of other insurgency leaders.

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Welcome to the New American Century. WMD has nothing on PNAC in terms of striking fear in my heart


See, I wouldn't put it that way. If WMD is used and you and your family and friends die, the rest of it doen't really matter.


PNAC? Is it really any scarier than FRC has been for, what, 80 years now?


BTW, have I mentioned how much I loathe Cheney?

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