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Any interested Sox fans can go to NYPOST.COM and look at the baseball sideline in the sports section.It looks like Sox fans are being hoodwinked again (SURPRISE,SURPRISE!!).

Should I (or any Sox fan) believe what we are reading in today's Scum Times, Cub-une and Daily SouthTown??

Or should we believe the report out of the NY Toast (I mean Post) that Thomas has demanded a trade,and the "Ozzeroo" has told management to trade Lee,Konerko and Ordonez as well??

This is only heresay for now,but if it is true,Ozzie,WHAT THE f*** ARE YOU DOING??

Getting rid of Thomas and Konberko is one thing,but Lee and Ordonez have speed and power.Shouldn't the team be built around them??

Oops,forgot about our cheapskate owner.My bad. :angry: :angry:

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Any interested Sox fans can go to NYPOST.COM and look at the baseball sideline in the sports section.It looks like Sox fans are being hoodwinked again (SURPRISE,SURPRISE!!).

Should I (or any Sox fan) believe what we are reading in today's Scum Times, Cub-une and Daily SouthTown??

Or should we believe the report out of the NY Toast (I mean Post) that Thomas has demanded a trade,and the "Ozzeroo" has told management to trade Lee,Konerko and Ordonez as well??

This is only heresay for now,but if it is true,Ozzie,WHAT THE f*** ARE YOU DOING??

Getting rid of Thomas and Konberko is one thing,but Lee and Ordonez have speed and power.Shouldn't the team be built around them??

  Oops,forgot about our cheapskate owner.My bad. :angry:  :angry:

This is as I suspected, Ozzie sucks. I hate him already.

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Whether it's there or not, it HAS to be bulls***. There is no way in hell that a rookie manager can come in and dictate to the GM who is to be traded. Anyone that gives any credence to an article like that, well, I have some ocean front property in Arizona I'd like to talk to you about.

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Whether it's there or not, it HAS to be bulls***.  There is no way in hell that a rookie manager can come in and dictate to the GM who is to be traded.  Anyone that gives any credence to an article like that, well, I have some ocean front property in Arizona I'd like to talk to you about.

But one would question a rookie manager basically scolding a future Hall of Famer at his press conference to announce his hiring. It probably is BS, but who knows.

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But one would question a rookie manager basically scolding a future Hall of Famer at his press conference to announce his hiring. It probably is BS, but who knows.

He is also an ex-teammate that is very familiar with Frank. I'm sure he had something in mind when he did that. Like that he knows which buttons to push.

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Any interested Sox fans can go to NYPOST.COM and look at the baseball sideline in the sports section.It looks like Sox fans are being hoodwinked again (SURPRISE,SURPRISE!!).

Should I (or any Sox fan) believe what we are reading in today's Scum Times, Cub-une and Daily SouthTown??

Or should we believe the report out of the NY Toast (I mean Post) that Thomas has demanded a trade,and the "Ozzeroo" has told management to trade Lee,Konerko and Ordonez as well??

This is only heresay for now,but if it is true,Ozzie,WHAT THE f*** ARE YOU DOING??

Getting rid of Thomas and Konberko is one thing,but Lee and Ordonez have speed and power.Shouldn't the team be built around them??

  Oops,forgot about our cheapskate owner.My bad. :angry:  :angry:


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But one would question a rookie manager basically scolding a future Hall of Famer at his press conference to announce his hiring. It probably is BS, but who knows.

One would also question why that same rookie manager has yet to even talk to Frank even (though he presumably had the chance to do so face to face last month in Vegas), and is already spouting off to the media moving him down in the lineup without even meeting with him. I know it usually blows up in Frank's face when he tries to talk to the media, but I'd sure like to hear him comment on all this, confirm or deny the alleged trade demand, etc.


People wanted some off-season excitement - here it comes.

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