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Jealous Wife Cuts Off Husband's Penis


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I dunno, I was thinking along the lines of "breaking a few dishes" or "threatening to divorce".....NOT f***ing ENDING the man's  life--  I don't know about you, but  sex and its various incarnations are a HUGE part of MY life.  Without it, life is not worth living.


And, Tex.....LMAO!!!!

Like I said, know thy wife and her reactions to things before cheating, hell, before marrying her.


A friend of mine says that if she ever catches her hubby cheating, she'd go Lorena Bobbitt on him...I really think she would too!

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That's like saying to an abused woman, "Don't mouth off and your face will be fine."

I do not agree with that analogy at all.


"Mouthing off" - hell, everyone gets mad and yells.


But cheating on one's spouse - that is far more controllable.


I don't justify the action, but those who play with fire run the risk of getting burned.

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I do not agree with that analogy at all.


"Mouthing off" - hell, everyone gets mad and yells.


But cheating on one's spouse - that is far more controllable.


I don't justify the action, but those who play with fire run the risk of getting burned.

My point was the punishment doesn't fit the crime, but my scenario is the only one some people seem to sympathize with.


But reverse the original one, say a woman cheats on her husband and gets her nose broken or something, it seems less likely that anyone would make a comment along the lines of "well that what happens, play with fire you're gonna get burned..."

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A friend of mine says that if she ever catches her hubby cheating, she'd go Lorena Bobbitt on him...I really think she would too


Does her sense of self-worth rely ENTIRELY on her man's fidelity? Is she willing to rot in jail because of some dog?


Finally........it's ADULTERY not GENOCIDE.....my god! The f***ing EGO one must have to believe the other person is something that belongs to you and you ONLY....


(For the record, if somebody messed with my boys, I would end my life but not before killing the woman and possibly a person(s) who put the f***ing idea in her head in the first place.....serenity now!)

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But reverse the original one, say a woman cheats on her husband and gets her nose broken or something, it seems less likely that anyone would make a comment along the lines of "well that what happens, play with fire you're gonna get burned..."

Most women I know (including me) would say she deserved that at the minimum. A family member is going through a divorce where his wife cheated and if the women in the family had their way, she'd have much worse than a broken nose.

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My point was the punishment doesn't fit the crime, but my scenario is the only one some people seem to sympathize with.


But reverse the original one, say a woman cheats on her husband and gets her nose broken or something, it seems less likely that anyone would make a comment along the lines of "well that what happens, play with fire you're gonna get burned..."

You know what they did in some tribes in Biblical times to a woman who cheated?




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Or if you think cheatings that bad you could, you know just, leave them...

I told my fiance if I he ever cheated on me, I'd sell his Mercurys (he's got about 6 available for this) on him and then leave. It would hurt almost as much as losing his schlong and a lot less bloody.

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I told my fiance if I he ever cheated on me, I'd sell his Mercurys (he's got about 6 available for this) on him and then leave.

That's a hell of a lot better than maiming or scarring or beating someone. I must admit. If someone feels the need for revenge (which I wouldn't advocate) at least be creative--the physical pain thing has been done.

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I told my fiance if I he ever cheated on me, I'd sell his Mercurys (he's got about 6 available for this) on him and then leave.  It would hurt almost as much as losing his schlong and a lot less bloody.



A relatively sane extreme way to get inside a cheating spouse's head that cheating is not right. You do NOT have to touch the weiner and use a sharp object(which can be a knife or scissors or something to the extent) on it.


Damn, that hurts just thinking about that. I am not sure what life would be like without my dong.

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My point was the punishment doesn't fit the crime, but my scenario is the only one some people seem to sympathize with.


But reverse the original one, say a woman cheats on her husband and gets her nose broken or something, it seems less likely that anyone would make a comment along the lines of "well that what happens, play with fire you're gonna get burned..."

spiff, I have no heart to play semantics now and I don't mean that in a negative way, implying anything - I ahve thought about what you said as I always do and the conversation in my head is too complex to put all down here because there are a lot of shadings to everything


surely what she did was very wrong and in fact disproportionate and yet


those who live by the sword die by the sword


all violence is wrong


and there is not a jurisdiction in this country that I know of where she is not going to be prosecuted


but every guy who thinks his penis is important, don't risk it - that is just street smarts

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The last time I hit a girl was when I was about 10-12, so it's not like mysoginy and violence is a burning issues with me (unlike, say, fidelity).



Having said that,


those who live by the sword die by the sword


all violence is wrong





Are you equating a black eye/broken rib with a CUT-OFF DICK/BALLS?




I am f***ing stunned.....

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Are you equating a black eye/broken rib with a CUT-OFF DICK/BALLS?




I am f***ing stunned.....

no I am not saying that


in fact, read the sentence above the one you quote


I am saying that life is not fair


and that actions have consequences (law of physics, yes?) and some people play and get away and some people play and don't and there is no fairness - but if you play in the street, you may get hiot by a car - surely may be the driver's fault - but street smarts have to apply -



like in Casabalanca when they found gambling at Rick's, the realities of what can happen should not leave us shocked, shocked


the actions are wrong and I spoke of very disproportionate in a prior post


whart she did is wrong

he is no innocent bystander

life is not fair


like wearing a condom, if you are going to play - and remember, he could have given his wife AIDAS or an STD and given her a death sentence with AIDS - you do it with protection - street smarts - don't leave the goods unprotected if you have given any occasion for an act of revenge even if, maybe especially if, the revenge would be grossly wrong and disproportionate


all violence is wrong and so is the black eye and the broken jaw and the non visible damaage that violence does and its not equal per se but life is not fair so don't be shocked shocked when unfairness happens


and I can't parse this much more, just please look at all I am saying and not a sentence out of it

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I am saying that life is not fair


I agree. Sleep on the stomach and prepare your own food.


and that actions have consequences (law of physics, yes?)


Only if you subscribe to Newton.....


AIDS IS a death sentence....but I wonder how many adulteries/cheating lead to contraction of it. Besides, like I said, you harm my stuff and you die, plain and simple. That is a self-imposed death sentence, so pick your poison.

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I promise you, I will never, ever do that.

Sadly, not all women are like you.


And just so you don't think I am a woman-hating asshole with no sense of fairness and for whom cheating is a sport........take my money, my house, cars (when I have them, that is, lol), embarss me publicly if you must.......but my DICK and BALLS stay with me.....or it's your life.

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