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THE trial of German cannibal Armin Meiwes has shocked the world. He denies murder, but Meiwes admits slicing off his pal Bernd Juergen Brandes' manhood and frying it in butter for them BOTH to eat—before killing him hours later "by request".


NOW world cannibalism expert Jaques Buval, 61, right, reveals there are more perverts sharpening their knives, many in Britain, after feeding their appalling lusts on the internet. In this terrifying adaptation by JANE ATKINSON from an interview and his book The Cannibal Clan, he sounds a chill warning.


THEY'RE out there. They look like me and you, they're intelligent, they are in control of their faculties.


The only difference is that while you might fancy baked beans for tea they hunger for human beings—and only a feast of a friend's flesh will satisfy their sick craving.


No one should be fooled into thinking Armin Meiwes, pictured below—the cannibal standing trial in Kassel, Germany—is a one-off. There are hundreds of cannibals in each country around the world—and that includes Britain.


They live in England. They live in France. They live near the Spanish beaches where you take your children on holiday. And they're at work in Venice and Florence when you're on that romantic break.


But they are bound by desires that are sated only by killing and consuming human flesh. In 30 years of studying serial and cannibal killers I have noted the increasing frequency with which the former indulge in the latter.


Most share similar traits: abused or disrupted childhoods leading to speech impediments, chronic shyness, an inability to connect with others, an introversion of the soul.


Most keep their dark fantasies to themselves. But there are those—like Meiwes—who just can't.




Meiwes was tipped over the edge by the death of his mother. And the internet—that vast, anonymous universe connecting people at speeds once only dreamed of—has given him and his kind the opportunity to turn fantasy into reality.


Someone once wrote: "The serial killer makes room in his heart for the one he desires—the cannibal makes way in his stomach for the one he loves."


Armin Meiwes saw the act of consuming human flesh as a kind of benediction. Through it he consumed a little of the soul of his victim and retained that illusory friendship and warmth he never got from his bigger brothers or his mother when he was growing up.


Because psychopaths are incapable of experiencing empathy and love, this crude and primitive form of bonding becomes a sickening substitute.


One particularly gruesome example is the Japanese cannibal Issei Sagawa who killed and ate a Dutch student. He said: "My passion is so great I want to possess her. I want to eat her. If I do she will be mine forever."


This is a belief shared by Jeffrey Dahmer, the Milwaukee serial killer who ate parts of his many victims, and Armin Meiwes who killed and ate only one.


Make no mistake, Meiwes tried to get more and has told the judges of this at his trial.


But what separates the Dahmers from people like Meiwes is that the actual killing gave the German cannibal no pleasure. It was strictly the ritualistic eating of the flesh.


Why? The internet is awash with sexual perversions. There are sites devoted to people who achieve sexual satisfaction only through the amputation of one or more limbs. There are those who can only get off on sex with farmyard animals. We brand them perverts but never really understand what drives them.


The internet provides a way for people with specific and troublesome sexual or emotional problems to band together into online communities which make them feel "normal". Allowing people with these sorts of defects a space where their feelings are justified can only be dangerous and will ultimately lead to more horrific deaths. Controls are needed to ensure these people cannot find encouragement on the net.


For thousands of years mankind has controlled its baser urges through society. If the internet creates opportunity for micro-societies to grow with no reference to the wider moral code, what future lies ahead of us?


But there is a difference between sexual cannibalism and aggression cannibalism. Sexual cannibalism is a psychosexual disorder which involves a person "sexing-up" the consumption of another person's flesh.


Andrei Chikatilo, a Russian serial killer, was responsible for the murders of scores of boys and girls. He falls into this category, as do Dahmer and Meiwes.


Chikatrilo got turned on by violent porn films—Meiwes blamed zombie movies seen as a youngster for prompting his obsession.


According to Lesley Hensel, author of Cannibalism As A Sexual Disorder, eating human flesh can cause an increase in levels of vitamin A and amino acids. This chemical effect on the blood and brain could possibly lead to the altered states that some cannibals claim to experience—although there is no scientific evidence to back this up.


One of the only known academic studies on sex and cannibalism, at Eastern Illinois University last year, found that people were more likely to eat someone they found sexually attractive.




On the other hand, aggression cannibalism is motivated by feelings of hostility, creating an overriding need to exert power, revenge or control over the victim. And it is another German in recent times who fits this profile.


In 1981 Anna Zimmerman, a 26-year-old mother of two, murdered her boyfriend out of anger and vengeance, then dismembered his body.


She froze his remains and over time defrosted portions of them to eat with her unsuspecting children. Zimmerman is one of the few known cases of female criminal cannibals—but is probably not alone.


Whatever the outcome of the trial Meiwes must stay locked up. For cannibalism is like paedophilia. He will want to do it again—he has said as much.


It is not an urge that will vanish with the passing years.


He will need to kill and eat again—and there will be poor, sick people willing to let him.

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I saw that on the NBC5 website...bizarre to say the least.

Did you see where Eastern Illinois University has contributed to our understanding of this disorder?


One of the only known academic studies on sex and cannibalism, at Eastern Illinois University last year, found that people were more likely to eat someone they found sexually attractive.

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Mates on the menu


THE trial of German cannibal Armin Meiwes has shocked the world. He denies murder, but Meiwes admits slicing off his pal Bernd Juergen Brandes' manhood and frying it in butter for them BOTH to eat—before killing him hours later "by request".


NOW world cannibalism expert Jaques Buval, 61, right, reveals there are more perverts sharpening their knives, many in Britain, after feeding their appalling lusts on the internet. In this terrifying adaptation by JANE ATKINSON from an interview and his book The Cannibal Clan, he sounds a chill warning.


THEY'RE out there. They look like me and you, they're intelligent, they are in control of their faculties.


The only difference is that while you might fancy baked beans for tea they hunger for human beings—and only a feast of a friend's flesh will satisfy their sick craving.


No one should be fooled into thinking Armin Meiwes, pictured below—the cannibal standing trial in Kassel, Germany—is a one-off. There are hundreds of cannibals in each country around the world—and that includes Britain.


They live in England. They live in France. They live near the Spanish beaches where you take your children on holiday. And they're at work in Venice and Florence when you're on that romantic break.


But they are bound by desires that are sated only by killing and consuming human flesh. In 30 years of studying serial and cannibal killers I have noted the increasing frequency with which the former indulge in the latter.


Most share similar traits: abused or disrupted childhoods leading to speech impediments, chronic shyness, an inability to connect with others, an introversion of the soul.


Most keep their dark fantasies to themselves. But there are those—like Meiwes—who just can't.




Meiwes was tipped over the edge by the death of his mother. And the internet—that vast, anonymous universe connecting people at speeds once only dreamed of—has given him and his kind the opportunity to turn fantasy into reality.


Someone once wrote: "The serial killer makes room in his heart for the one he desires—the cannibal makes way in his stomach for the one he loves."


Armin Meiwes saw the act of consuming human flesh as a kind of benediction. Through it he consumed a little of the soul of his victim and retained that illusory friendship and warmth he never got from his bigger brothers or his mother when he was growing up.


Because psychopaths are incapable of experiencing empathy and love, this crude and primitive form of bonding becomes a sickening substitute.


One particularly gruesome example is the Japanese cannibal Issei Sagawa who killed and ate a Dutch student. He said: "My passion is so great I want to possess her. I want to eat her. If I do she will be mine forever."


This is a belief shared by Jeffrey Dahmer, the Milwaukee serial killer who ate parts of his many victims, and Armin Meiwes who killed and ate only one.


Make no mistake, Meiwes tried to get more and has told the judges of this at his trial.


But what separates the Dahmers from people like Meiwes is that the actual killing gave the German cannibal no pleasure. It was strictly the ritualistic eating of the flesh.


Why? The internet is awash with sexual perversions. There are sites devoted to people who achieve sexual satisfaction only through the amputation of one or more limbs. There are those who can only get off on sex with farmyard animals. We brand them perverts but never really understand what drives them.


The internet provides a way for people with specific and troublesome sexual or emotional problems to band together into online communities which make them feel "normal". Allowing people with these sorts of defects a space where their feelings are justified can only be dangerous and will ultimately lead to more horrific deaths. Controls are needed to ensure these people cannot find encouragement on the net.


For thousands of years mankind has controlled its baser urges through society. If the internet creates opportunity for micro-societies to grow with no reference to the wider moral code, what future lies ahead of us?


But there is a difference between sexual cannibalism and aggression cannibalism. Sexual cannibalism is a psychosexual disorder which involves a person "sexing-up" the consumption of another person's flesh.


Andrei Chikatilo, a Russian serial killer, was responsible for the murders of scores of boys and girls. He falls into this category, as do Dahmer and Meiwes.


Chikatrilo got turned on by violent porn films—Meiwes blamed zombie movies seen as a youngster for prompting his obsession.


According to Lesley Hensel, author of Cannibalism As A Sexual Disorder, eating human flesh can cause an increase in levels of vitamin A and amino acids. This chemical effect on the blood and brain could possibly lead to the altered states that some cannibals claim to experience—although there is no scientific evidence to back this up.


One of the only known academic studies on sex and cannibalism, at Eastern Illinois University last year, found that people were more likely to eat someone they found sexually attractive.




On the other hand, aggression cannibalism is motivated by feelings of hostility, creating an overriding need to exert power, revenge or control over the victim. And it is another German in recent times who fits this profile.


In 1981 Anna Zimmerman, a 26-year-old mother of two, murdered her boyfriend out of anger and vengeance, then dismembered his body.


She froze his remains and over time defrosted portions of them to eat with her unsuspecting children. Zimmerman is one of the few known cases of female criminal cannibals—but is probably not alone.


Whatever the outcome of the trial Meiwes must stay locked up. For cannibalism is like paedophilia. He will want to do it again—he has said as much.


It is not an urge that will vanish with the passing years.


He will need to kill and eat again—and there will be poor, sick people willing to let him.


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How do you think that goes down (no pun intended)


Hey buddy, why don't we cut off your penis, saute it in some butter, and eat it?

Sounds cool to me. Get a sharp knife.


You would think the guy in England who wanted his penis cut off could find the chick in the Philippines who wanted to cut one off. Then everyone could have been happy.


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