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Cross your fingers for me please!

Queen Prawn

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Brian is taking his final exam for his last class towards his journeyman's card. If he passes this test (and class) he can take the exam for his card which entails running a multi-color printing press on his own (those machines that he works on are huge). He is terrible at taking tests, but he has passed the other three courses he needed for his card and this being the last one is making him panic. :o


He had to wait 3 semesters before Triton finally offered the class and now because the union is talking about changing schools, this is his last chance (for a long while) to pass the course - I guess it will take a long time before they set up with another school to get the classes going again.


If he passes this class, I plan on taking him for a steak dinner. So that means I get a steak dinner out of it as well.


Thanks for all the finger crossing! :)

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LOL! You are on one heck of a roll lately Tex!


Oh and THANKS!!!!


I am going to be jittery all day until I talk to him to see how he did. I wish he had more confidence because I know he knows this stuff like the back of his hand (not the hand he broke working on the press, the other one, of course).

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He definitely has the skills as a printer, his problem is his hate of taking tests. He works himself up over taking a test. Well, he should be either done or have about 30 minutes left for the test (his class is 9-12). Here's hoping for the best.


Thanks for all the best wishes and crossed fingers! :cheers

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  Texsox said:
Well?? How did he do or when will you know?

He's not sure when they will send the grades out. He doesn't think he did well at all, but then again he didn't think he did well on the other three finals, but still managed to pass the courses - which is the objective here! ;)

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