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going to see The Return of the King tonight


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I think I'm going....wait I wouldn't pay 10 cents to see that bulls***.



Bunch of dwarfs trying to destroy a ring doesn't sound interesting to me. Dont need to see the movie to realize that they probably destroy the ring and either one of the two main characters (Elijah wood or the fat kid) die. Whats worse is these nerd movies never get old and live on forever. In twenty years, when it seems everyone has forgotten about LOTR some nostalgic asshole will re-release the film and start this obsession up again.

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Bunch of dwarfs trying to destroy a ring doesn't sound interesting to me.  Dont need to see the movie to realize that they probably destroy the ring and either one of the two main characters (Elijah wood or the fat kid) die.  Whats worse is these nerd movies never get old and live on forever. In twenty years, when it seems everyone has forgotten about LOTR some nostalgic asshole will re-release the film and start this obsession up again.

What gets me is the people standing outside to see the movie in the freaking cold wearing LOTR t-shirts talking like this is the biggest moment of the year for them. I'm sorry, it's one thing to want to see a movie and see it on the opening day. It's totally different to pay inflated prices (I believe it was $9 where I was) and stand outside in the middle of December to see a movie and mingle among a bunch of tools who think these movies are the coolest thing ever filmed.

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