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Teens want to wait for sex


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Two-thirds of U.S. teenagers who have had sexual relations wish they had waited longer, a new survey has found.

The survey conducted for the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy found that the number of people who wish they had delayed sexual activity rose 4 percent from three years ago. Of the 2,000 people polled, 67 percent said they wished they had waited. The new data also determined that 85 percent of teens believe sex should occur only in long-term committed relationships.


They should just get married

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it's hard to wait with all the preists, michael jackson, and boy scout leaders out there...


personally though, I'm still a virgin (as most can tell my angst)...as is miss sox4life. It's gonna be awesome to be able to give that gift to each other on our wedding night (over and over and over again :lol:)

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Two-thirds of U.S. teenagers who have had sexual relations wish they had waited longer, a new survey has found.

    The survey conducted for the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy found that the number of people who wish they had delayed sexual activity rose 4 percent from three years ago. Of the 2,000 people polled, 67 percent said they wished they had waited. The new data also determined that 85 percent of teens believe sex should occur only in long-term committed relationships.


They should just get married

PLease, they polled 2,000 kids, but where did they find those kids? Was it a fair representation of the various backgrounds and moral codes throughout the country? Doubt it. The survey was conducted by the National Campaign to Protect Teen Pregnancy, so I also doubt the questions were asked in a completely objective atmosphere either. What a garbage survey, IMO. Says nothing.

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The survey was conducted by the National Campaign to Protect Teen Pregnancy, so I also doubt the questions were asked in a completely objective atmosphere either.  What a garbage survey, IMO.  Says nothing.

Lol, great catch!

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Two-thirds of U.S. teenagers who have had sexual relations wish they had waited longer, a new survey has found.

    The survey conducted for the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy found that the number of people who wish they had delayed sexual activity rose 4 percent from three years ago. Of the 2,000 people polled, 67 percent said they wished they had waited. The new data also determined that 85 percent of teens believe sex should occur only in long-term committed relationships.


They should just get married

Unfortunatly, 80 % of our teens at school don't wait. I know three Juniors who have daughters.

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Teens want to have sex because it is thought of as this evil candy. All you hear is your whole life...wait wait wait...wait wait wait, but you also hear how great it is and eventually most say screw it.


Look at Europe... I don't know their STD rates, but Teen Pregnancy is insanely lower then it is in the US. They are a much more open society when it comes to Sex.


My thought is, just be smart about it. Use protection and me, I couldn't have a one night stand...because if she's willing to do me after one night I have to wonder how many others has she done the first night. And thats not cause I have a low opinion of myself..but still...one night, just couldn't do it.


Now if it was Kristin Kreuk...ya...that be another story :lol:

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Europe......They are a much more open society when it comes to Sex.


Be open about sex? No f***ing thanks. Sex is not just any ol' pastime or a mechanical, sterile chore or whatever it is that being "open about it" entails...


It's the BEST f***ing thing in life, and such routinezation and exposure of it detracts from the mystery, the sheer forbid'ness of it, all-around intensity and domination aspect......Man how FUN was it know know NOTHING about "IT" until the 8th grade Bio (9th grade in US)....just endless wonderment further fueled by peer pressure, magazines and all the good stuff......But that's just my opinion. Not very PC in this case.


Now if it was Kristin Kreuk...ya...that be another story


Man, that girl is like 5 races rolled into one. Very exotic and F-able, though my harem is presently occupied by Thandie Newton and Emmy Rossum. Bummer.

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