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Whats holding up the Arod Deal?


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When you've worked this hard and this much money involved, 5 mill isn't going to stop the deal.


The question is will one play really hard to get and force the other one into the corner. You know Texas wants Arod and his contract out of there big time (They will save like 80 mill..if not more) and Boston wants to show up the Yanks big time..both are incredibly motivated. One of them will bite or they will just split the difference.

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Exactly Jason. Everyone has worked way to hard for this deal to not get done. Rodriguez to Boston also makes lots of money for Major League Baseball.

Oh for sure...having the best player in the game playing in a city like Boston will make a lot more money then in a place like Texas...plus there is the whole east coast bias.

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The report I read said Texas wanted $5 mil a year for the length of the Ramirez contract... that is a big difference

If thats the case and its a 5 mill difference a season...then I'd say it would be a MAJOR stumbling block and I wouldn't do the deal if I were Boston. Thats a ton of money when you think about it.


Hopefully its not the case.

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Oh for sure...having the best player in the game playing in a city like Boston will make a lot more money then in a place like Texas...plus there is the whole east coast bias.

Selig and the union are bending rules for this thing to happen. I think this deal happens for sure.

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Oh for sure...having the best player in the game playing in a city like Boston will make a lot more money then in a place like Texas...plus there is the whole east coast bias.

well of course there's gonna be a bias when it's the only part of the country that matters.

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Unfortunately, that is the case. Texas wants $5mil a year...



The Red Sox and Rangers have been discussing a trade of the sport's only $20 million men for more than a week. Talks bogged down over the sheer magnitude of the money involved -- more than $300 million remaining on the two contracts -- and the Rangers' demand that Boston pay up to $5 million a year for the next six years, in addition to more than $179 million due Rodriguez.



Boston has said it will not chip in a substantial amount toward Ramirez's salary. Even without it, the Rangers would already save about $81 million in the deal. Talk has reportedly focused on whether the Red Sox would include another player in lieu of cash.

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