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Ryan Indicted

Queen Prawn

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last week...


a Republican congressman convicted of manslaughter after getting off on dozens of known speeding violations


a Republian governor sued for sexual harrassment


this week...


a Republican Senator who was on the forefront of "family values" revealed to have a child out of wedlock that he never acknowledged in his very long life


a Republican governor indicted for racketeering and corruption



just saying...

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last week...


a Republican congressman convicted of manslaughter after getting off on dozens of known speeding violations


a Republian governor sued for sexual harrassment


this week...


a Republican Senator who was on the forefront of "family values" revealed to have a child out of wedlock that he never acknowledged in his very long life


a Republican governor indicted for racketeering and corruption



just saying...

just saying...


Just what ARE you getting at, cw?




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last week...


a Republican congressman convicted of manslaughter after getting off on dozens of known speeding violations


a Republian governor sued for sexual harrassment


this week...


a Republican Senator who was on the forefront of "family values" revealed to have a child out of wedlock that he never acknowledged in his very long life


a Republican governor indicted for racketeering and corruption



just saying...

clearly only republicans sin :rolleyes: or that you're extrmely bias and your opinions are thusly compromised and invalid?


or what? :lol:

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clearly only republicans sin

or what? :lol:

oh everyone sins


some people just don't act like they are God's party and have all family values and equate their political partisanship with Christianity


that's my point


just saying



and what am I hearing on the news right this moment (NPR) about the Republican governor of Connecticut breaking the law on renovations, having lied about it, on his cottage paid for by the state and a corruption charge taking place....

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about the Republican governor of Connecticut breaking the law on renovations, having lied about it, on his cottage paid for by the state and a corruption charge taking place....


Occupational perk.


What's point of Senatorcy (all that fancy book learnin' and poon not-gettin' it takes to become one) if you can't steal a little?


Can I get an amen?

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It's also the party that is NOT in favor of murdering unborn children in this country.


Then of cousre, the grand poobah of tha Dems was both a Cheat and a liar.  "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

For the 2nd, if you mean Clinton and Monica and oral sex, research that has shown that most Americans do not regard oral sex or a "sexual relationship" but if you are to argue it was, then we'd have to look at the genital-genital sexual illicit relationships that the Republican President pro tempore of the Sentate Thurmond, Speaker of the House Gingrich, Speaker of the House Elect from Louisiana who had to resign before he took office in 1998, and House Judiciary Chair Hyde had - so then we could to the point that no party has a corner on morality so the republicans can quite acting as if they have it, because they certainly do not.


For the 1st, if you really want to get into the right of a woman to make a medical decision over her own body and what the right to life for those living is about, you can archive back to the last time there was a go around about that because no one ever answered my comments then or we could start it again - and who knows, I might get into it and rip very angrily at the total lies put forth by those who oppose choice and their hypocrasy regarding those who are in fact born - or I might ignore the whole thing because this is a very busy time of year for me and I don't feel like getting into it again. But whatever way it goes, be real careful about applying the term 'morality' to one's political positions.


And I would remind that there are prochoice Republicans - beginning with the late true conservative Brry Goldwater - and and many antichoice Democrats so that the simplistic and totally disgusting and vicious and I would say evil division of the parties into which supports killing babies and which doesn't is a lie of the first order.


and we could leave this whole thing alone because the passions are very strong on all sides, nothing will be decided here, and a ripping debate will not help soxtalk or bring peace with the coming holiday season

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from an email I just received



End War Profiteering in Iraq


In November, Republican House negotiators blocked a provision that would have created criminal penalties for war profiteers and cheats who try to defraud American taxpayers and cash in on the relief and reconstruction efforts in Iraq.


The provision has now been introduced as a stand-alone bill, and in light of recent questions about Halliburton and price-gouging, the bill should be passed quickly to ensure, as President Roosevelt once declared, that “a few do not gain from the sacrifices of the many.”


click here


The War Profiteering Prevention Act would penalize war profiteers who defraud American taxpayers — its objective is “to prohibit profiteering and fraud relating to military action, relief, and reconstruction efforts in Iraq.” This is hardly a radical or controversial proposal, as similar laws were enacted after World War I, World War II and the Korean War.


But House negotiators stripped the provision from the measure providing $87 billion for Iraq and refused to either negotiate on a compromise or even provide a strong argument for removing the provision (although rumors indicate they took their direction from the White House on the matter).


Urge your senators and representative to support, and if they don’t already, to co-sponsor the War Profiteering Prevention Act.


Please forward this newsletter to your friends and help spread the word about this important campaign!

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