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Arod Deal will happen, Mags going to be traded


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Is it my understanding that Danny Evans would rather eat razor blades than to give KW anything of value?


Giving up both Rauch and Cotts is so f***ing short-sighted it's not even funny. While they are not going to help the Sox in terms of starting rotation, their effectiveness might increase as inning-eaters in BP (where they can learn ala Burhle and Barcelo in 2000), especially the former.

Speaking of Lorenzo Barcelo, what the hell happened to him?

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Nobody really knows what the f*** is going on. So don't get to excited or pissed until something happens.

exactly. I've limited my time on this board today, cause i learned my lesson yesterday. Nobody has any idea what is going on and what's gonna happen.

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But if we have the money to keep Nomar around....why don't we just nix the deal altogether and sign Mags?

We have the money. I just think we need to win in order to convince Reinsdorf to spend it. I mean, this guy has to be making money, why else would he have owned this team so long?

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I personally see nothing beneficial in this Mags trade to Boston...We'd have nothing to show for it after the '04 season.  I think we'll be decent, but I really don't see us winning it ALL in '04, so what's the point of this trade.  Can anyone tell me anything beneficial of this deal?

I will. If we traded Nomah to the Dodgers we will have a couple of good arms and maybe a slick fielding SS with some potential

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maggs is worth more than just perez and mota... maybe even more than that package plus 2 prospects.....


1. LA realizes Maggs is taking up 25% of our ENTIRE payroll, which is more than any baseball player not named Barry Bonds/A-Rod/Pedro/Prior deserves. They KNOW that with Bos thing not coming to fruition, Sox are running out of options to free up some money for starting pitching and BP help. They are not stupid, so you KNOW Sox are not going to get for Magglio what they would have gotten same time LAST year.


2. Perez may not be all that, but he is no Jim Parque either; he KNOWS how to pitch and actually has a legitimate TALENT. That raises his value quite a bit. Let's not pretend they are trying to dump Kevin Appier-type bum on us, OK? They can EASILY afford to just keep the 26yo Perez without it hurting them much financially.


3. It depends which "two propects" you are talking about. You don't mean Greg Miller and Edwin Jackson by any chance, do you? Zero chance.


What I think the offer is is Perez and Mota for Magglio and Cotts.

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1.  LA realizes Maggs is taking up 25% of our ENTIRE payroll, which is more than any baseball player not named Barry Bonds/A-Rod/Pedro/Prior deserves.  They KNOW that with Bos thing not coming to fruition, Sox are running out of options to free up some money for starting pitching and BP help. They are not stupid, so you KNOW Sox are not going to get for Magglio what they would have gotten same time LAST year.


2. Perez may not be all that, but he is no Jim Parque either;  he KNOWS how to pitch and actually has a legitimate TALENT.  That raises his value quite a bit.  Let's not pretend they are trying to dump Kevin Appier-type bum on us, OK?  They can EASILY afford to just keep the 26yo Perez without it hurting them much financially.


3. It depends which "two propects" you are talking about.  You don't mean Greg Miller and Edwin Jackson by any chance, do you? Zero chance.


What I think the offer is is Perez and Mota for Magglio and Cotts.

They can go to hell with that offer. Evans back is as much, if nor more than Kw's, against the wall. He needs a bat as much as we need pitching, and Magglio is one of the top 3 RF's in the game. As for Mota, I'd restructure the deal without him but they'd have to give us 2 of those 4 prospects and one would have to Jackson or Miller.

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They can go to hell with that offer.  Evans back is as much, if nor more than Kw's, against the wall.


YASNY, we're talking about two radically different walls here:


--Our wall is "57 Mill payroll and a must-win-the-division-or-the-fansbase-will-start-to-disband predicament "


--While theirs is "near 120 Mill payroll and up to 35 Mill to spend AFTER all the raises and contracts are added up.....knowing full well that if worst case scenario they don't make playoffs in 2004, they'll still be a hellava draw in 2005, with another 115 Mill to spend"


He needs a bat as much as we need pitching, and Magglio is one of the top 3 RF's in the game.


Knowing that the Sox are already many millions OVER the target payroll.....while looking at Dodgers' "wall" described above.....do you think they *need* Maggllio as much as we *need* to dump his leaden albratrosse of a salary to be able to fix major holes???


As for Mota, I'd restructure the deal without him but they'd have to give us 2 of those 4 prospects and one would have to Jackson or Miller.


Mota is gonna make about 1.5 Mill next year, exactly HALF of what Scott Williamson would have ended up costing us.....Both Miller and Jackson are supposed to be TOP 5 prospects in all of baseball, naturally costing Dodgers nothing for years to come...........Knowing, worst-case scenario, they cold get Juan Gonzalez for abot 6 Mill a year with performance-based incentives.........WHY in the world would they be DESPERATE to par witht either of the three?


Perez I can see, he will make 5.00 to 5.5 Mill and is far from a sure thing..........But Mota, Miller, Jackson IMO are untouchable. Hell, the Dodgers could get a MUCH more marketable Vladimir Guerrero by paying him about 15 Mill a year and they wouldn't have to give up either of the 3.


No, as mediocre a GM as Danny Evans is, he can SMELL our DESPERATION all the way from the West Coast.

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I wasn't talking about the Dodgers. I was talking about Evans. If he doesn't get this done, he's done as GM of LA. KW probably does not have that immediate pressure hanging over him. So, yes, Evans' back is more firmly pressed against the wall than KW's.

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I wasn't talking about the Dodgers. I was talking about Evans. If he doesn't get this done, he's done as GM of LA.


Oh, common, if Kenny Williams gets hosed on the trade (and Cotts and Maggs for Mota and Perez will be just that), he'll be canned by June.


My point was, if LA doesn't get Ordonez, they could get Ponson and One Gone for that money....and if One Gonzalez has anything close to 2001 season, having him and Ponson for 13 Mill will be MUCH preferrable to Maggs for 14, and they don't have to give up Mota, Jackson OR Miller.....While the Sox MUST move Ordonez in order to SURVIVE in 2004...............Again, Danny Evans has A TON of ways to spend that 30-35 Million, YASNY.


For him to get canned, he must hand out Kevin Appier and Kevin Young-type contracts by Opening Day. He is facing more pressure than ever, true, but it's HARDLY a do-or-die type thing for him in the next few months. He has a TON of options, I can't stress it ENOUGH.

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Let me simplify this to its very core:


Dan Evans - MUST WIN this year, or is gone.


Kenny Williams - MIGHT win this year, or not. However he will be back.


So who is the GM with the most pressure and heat up his ass?


And better yet, who is most likely to be employed next year as a MLB GM?


Enough said. :headbang

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