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Holocast-In cross configuration with Night

The Beast

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Ellie’s Hell

Arbeit ist Freiheit!


We had arrived to hell.

I was checked in to my coffin.

We had been separated from the women and children, among the weak and elderly.

In front of us flames.

In the air that smell of burning flesh.

A lorry drew up at the pit and delivered its load-the little children.

Babies too!

Never shall I forget the little innocent faces of the children, whose bodies I saw turned wreaths of smoke beneath the silent, celestial, blue sky.



Away turned into the ashes.

I hated the Germans, they killed what I valued most-my family.

Never shall I forget those flames, which consumed my faith forever.

And I did not know in that place, at that moment I was parting from my mother and Tzipora forever.

I became A-7713.

After that I had no other name.

I was stripped of my dignity and pride.

We were naked, our shoes and belts in out hands.

The command of “Run!” was yelled and we ran.

We were a pack of leprous dogs hanging onto our lives.

We were shaved in all places, leaving us cold and itchy pains on our bodies.

By now terror was stronger than hunger.

It seemed as though a dark flame had come into my soul and devoured it.

Never shall I forget this moment, which murdered my god, my soul, and turned my dreams to dust.




Now it all consumes me.

Where is mercy?

Where is god?

Where is righteousness?

Blessed be eternal?

Why shall I bless him?

That night the soup tasted of corpses.

All I know is you must never lose faith, even when the sword hangs over your head.

Recalling all this, I remembered the depths of that mirror, in which a corpse gazed back at me.

The look in his eyes never left me.

Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp…never.


A summary poem from Ellie Weisel's "Night" by Ross Meister.

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Ross, I was going to congratulate you on the fine job with the poem


but then I saw replies and the other comments by those who are sick, just sick of having to learn about hate in human history and how affllicted your suburban lives are by these unwarranted intrusions into your lives


Mentally challenged people (the "retarded" such as my daughter and my older sister) were among the first the be taken into the camps and gassed and burned in the ovens''


and after the Jews, the next largest population of people but into the camps and killed were the "homosexuals"


and then I was going to say something about the nature of the comments of the two of two but then I realized -


how wrong it was that your school asked you to read one of the classic books of the 20th century


how wrong it is that your pursuit of boobs and c*** and ass (whether in pictures or in pseduo real life) was interrupted by education


how horrible that really important issues like the cubs sucking was interrupted by reading about reality


you poor boys, your lives interrupted by education into hate, education in history, education in the genocidal attempt to destroy an entire race of people - two races actually when you consider the gypsies - as well as whole classes of people such as gays, the mentally challenged, communists, trade unionists, clergy of ther Confessing Church and other church boides who opposed Hitler, and in fact any person who opposed genocide and was a part of the Resistance


how selfish of the school to ask you to have to read something that wasn't sex or sports


how really retarded and homosexual of the school to expect that as you await the thousands of dollars of Christmas presents that you will be getting from your parents and grandparents and others, that you are asked to think about all of those who had everything taken away from them and left nearly naked, with nothing, to work as slave labor in the camps before their extermination


how utterly wrong of the school to ask that you have compassion on the victims of hate, on 6 million Jews and maybe another 6 million others executed by being gassed, or shot, or starved to death, or in whatever way, when that interferes with your so very important lives


I hope that as you await your material possession being increased with gadgets and toys and as you obssess on sex and sports and maybe even as you go to Church to sing about Peace on earth and about Jesus who would have been killed in the camps had he been born in the 1939, I hope that no where ever again your so very important lives will be disturbed with images of the suffering, of the dead, of the victims, of hate, of human intolerable cruelty to other humans, of the effects of language on thinking, and meek acceptance with evil and those who would rather look away than acknowledge the reality of other people suffring around them


because sports and girl body parts that you want to look at and fondle, those are far more important than reality


how selfish of the schools to ask to you to feel and think and know and have an intelligent response when it is just such a disturbance in your pursuits of pleasure - I feel for all of you - how selfish it is for them to ask you to be informed of how 6 million Jews and 6 millions others came to be slaughtered in the camps in the Nazi era, how utterly selfish of the school - I feel for you so much -


If I were you, I would go to the school board and ask them to leave you alone with their cruel demands on your lives and minds - how do you poor children bear it?



edited by cwsox 12-20-03 because some things were clarifed and thus other things not needed to be said; the first line of the post reminds that Ross did a fine job on the poem

Edited by cwsox
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personally, cwsox, I would have just gone with" hey beastly and cubsuck.....shut the f*** up..."


but that's me.


my take on it is, Ross Meister, is that you need to learn that there are some subjects out there that you really must be careful with. While I believe it was more of the actual having to do work that you were upset with, a subject such as this needs to be carefully discussed. While at 15 and self-described as well off, it may be hard to relate to the experiences of someone forced into starvation, torn from their families and pushed to the brink of death, I think you can understand that life is fragile and there are some, such as Cwsox, who take offense to people whom do not share the depth of their appreciation.


just think twice about things like that. I'm not sure "homosexual" is quite the word. I think teacher's need to experiment with how they try to reach kids with their message. I think a trip to the Halocuast museum or watching Schindler's List are excellent ways to express the horror and evil of that event in history. I can understand being annoyed at writing/reading, if you're not a reader/writer. Pander to your audiences teachers, everyone needs to learn and everyone learns differently.


*steps off unintended soapbox*

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Or maybe just make friends with some of the gays and lesbians at your school...A couple of years ago at my college there were some chalkings that said stuff like Kill all the f*gs and AIDS cures homosexuality. When your first friend comes out, and your first reaction for them is genuine fear for their safety, I think you'll probably understand more...When you see stuff like that it really makes you think twice before dropping the word gay as a negative adjective.

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Well not once did I say I hated Jews, hated the reatrded, hated homosexuals, or anything of the like. I do think it is retarded (stupid, etc, I know I made a poor word choice) that we simply cannot take a book for what it is worth, but must continually over-analyze again and again and again by writing a poem which i did not consider to be worth the while. That was the point I was trying to state.


But, cw, I do have problems with your post. For making one "mistake" on the boards, I think it is overwhelmingly unfair for you to jump on me and rip into me. My whole life is not sports. My whole life is not sex. Why you would insinuate this I do not know.


Also, how can you possibly jump on me with your rant, for my post which I do not think was so horribly bad, when you are such a big 'supporter' of eminem? You can say all you want not to take his lyrics out of context or take one thing he says against him, but then I would ask you to do the same to me. If we will have people on the boards who just watch over our every move and wait for us to stumble, then why even come here? I doubt the one word which I said was as bad of half of the garbage eminem preaches. So I ask you, cwsox, to not be a hypocrite and please do not hold one post against me. I'm definetly not taking back any of what I said, but simply clearing it up. I am completely taken by surprise that you would jump on me for saying the word 'retarded', yet glorify rappers like eminem who use much harsher of language. So once again, please do not be a hypocrite and rant on to me over one instance.


I like to consider myself mature for someone in high school. I am well aware that there are those much older than I on the boards who have said much worse. So could you possibly spend your time scolding those people, and leave me alone. I am sure you can find other people much worse than me.

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Cw, you have to relax. They weren't referring to the people taken to the camps. They were referring to the school aspect. While it was a bit harsh, you don't have to jump on them and make it sound like what they did was the worst thing in the world. I think it would be much better if you tell them this in PM and let it pass. You are only stirring comotion this way.

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I think a trip to the Halocuast museum or watching Schindler's List are excellent ways to express the horror and evil of that event in history.

I have been the the museum in DC. It was very moving and I think did a good job of commemorating those lost ones. Howerver the experience I had there does not change my opinion that writing a poem (which was simply taking sentances, word for word, out of the book and putting them on your own paper) was worth the time. Frankly, I think it insulted my intelligence,and insinuated I could do nothing but copy from a book. I still think the assignment was stupid (or 'retarded', which i have already said was a bad word choice).

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Cw, thank you for correcting what I had said.


No a correction would be "the word 'parallel' is spelled with two L's, kid".


What CW gave you is a very important lecture, a valuable perspective that will hopefully jolt you into evolving into an all-around human being and a credit to society.


because saying the cubs suck and sports and girl body parts that you want to look at and fondle, those are far more important than reality



Now let's not start underselling the virtues of Cubs misery and ladybit-fondling, ok? You had me up until that point.

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it's not about being insecure...cwsox isn't the mentally challenged person. It's just a sign of ignorance and inconsideration.


nothing big....

Yeah. I guess all I'm saying is that it wasn't meant in a bad way. Sure, it sounded bad, but you have to think about the source. No offense to cubssuck or beastly, but you guys are young and haven't learned what is and isn't pc yet. Not to say I have, but you begin to understand it with age (not that I have much of you). I hope I don't sound like a know-it-all, which I'm sure I do. ;) If you get what I'm saying they just made a mistake and shouldn't be ridiculed for it.

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1. No offense to cubssuck or beastly, but you guys are young and haven't learned what is and isn't pc yet.


2. If you get what I'm saying they just made a mistake and shouldn't be ridiculed for it.

1. That is total f***ing bulls***, danman. Offensive language or mocking the suffering of others and defending that by saying "well just because it isn't 'pc'" is a cop out and an excuse for nothing. In the light of all of our material abundance as we are on the cusp of secular vactions or meaningful Holy Days where in our abundance we will gift ourselves with more, to refer to the sufferings of the victims of Holocaust as if that is an incovenience in one's life, what is wrong there is very apparent.


Especially when a root of human suffering is in lessening or making light of the pain of others by saying to recognize it is to be "pc." That is immoral or ignorant take your pick.


And too young? Anyone posting here is playing in the big leagues. And there are things that my 4 year old grandson knows, or is being taught. No one posting here is too young.


2. Let's see, calling people "retarded" or "homosexual" or whatever is not ridiculing, but calling others to account for that is ridicule.


Let's see, calling people "retarded" or "homosexual" for whatever reason is not ridiculing, but calling others to account for that is ridicule.


Let's see, calling people "retarded" or "homosexual" for teaching the Holocaust is not ridiculing, but calling others to account for that is ridicule.




In actuality the original post by Ross was a very excellent poem. What followed stunned me. Maybe it is because when I was a child I knew that people being arrested and stripped and murdered because they were Jewish was what was offensive; being asked to learn about that was not offensive.



On November 30th the Chicago tribune ran a special section on Sonia Reich, an elderly woman now, a survivor of Holocaust. The special supplement spoke of how her family was among the tens of thousands herded into the local ghetto, how families were marched down the street to their executions, how one local gravesite contains 30,000 bodies and that is only one local execution place, how people were buried alive, how Sonia saw her mother burned alive, her father killed, her brother killed...


Is it "pc" to think that was the most important writing in the Trib that day, far more important than any sports news?

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Ross, I was going to congratulate you on the fine job with the poem


but then I saw cubssuck disgusting comment and your equally disgusting reply and the other comments by those who are sick, just sick of having to learn about hate in human history and how affllicted your suburban lives are by these unwarranted intrusions into your lives


Mentally challenged people (the "retarded" such as my daughter and my older sister) were among the first the be taken into the camps and gassed and burned in the ovens''


and after the Jews, the next largest population of people but into the camps and killed were the "homosexuals"


and then I was going to say something about the nature of the comments of the two of two but then I realized -


how wrong it was that your school asked you to read one of the classic books of the 20th century


how wrong it is that your pursuit of boobs and c*** and ass (whether in pictures or in pseduo real life) was interrupted by education


how horrible that really important issues like the cubs sucking was interrupted by reading about reality


you poor boys, your lives interrupted by education into hate, education in history, education in the genocidal attempt to destroy an entire race of people - two races actually when you consider the gypsies - as well as whole classes of people such as gays, the mentally challenged, communists, trade unionists, clergy of ther Confessing Church and other church boides who opposed Hitler, and in fact any person who opposed genocide and was a part of the Resistance


how selfish of the school to ask you to have to read something that wasn't sex or sports


how really retarded and homosexual of the school to expect that as you await the thousands of dollars of Christmas presents that you will be getting from your parents and grandparents and others, that you are asked to think about all of those who had everything taken away from them and left nearly naked, with nothing, to work as slave labor in the camps before their extermination


how utterly wrong of the school to ask that you have compassion on the victims of hate, on 6 million Jews and maybe another 6 million others executed by being gassed, or shot, or starved to death, or in whatever way, when that interferes with your so very important lives


I hope that as you await your material possession being increased with gadgets and toys and as you obssess on sex and sports and maybe even as you go to Church to sing about Peace on earth and about Jesus who would have been killed in the camps had he been born in the 1939, I hope that no where ever again your so very important lives will be disturbed with images of the suffering, of the dead, of the victims, of hate, of human intolerable cruelty to other humans, of the effects of language on thinking, and meek acceptance with evil and those who would rather look away than acknowledge the reality of other people suffring around them


because saying the cubs suck and sports and girl body parts that you want to look at and fondle, those are far more important than reality


how selfish of the schools to ask to you to feel and think and know and have an intelligent response when it is just such a disturbance in your pursuits of pleasure - I feel for all of you - how selfish it is for them to ask you to be informed of how 6 million Jews and 6 millions others came to be slaughtered in the camps in the Nazi era, how utterly selfish of the school - I feel for you so much -


If I were you, I would go to the school board and ask them to leave you alone with their cruel demands on your lives and minds - how do you poor children bear it?


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Apparently, you students are not getting the reason you are being asked to do these assignments. Not only is it to expose you the history and imhumanity of those times, but it is also to get you think about and to teach you how to express yourselves.


It's not about taking someone else's sentences and putting them into a poem, or whatever the assignment was. It was all about making you use your brain to try and generate a point of view which you could then express within the context of the assignment. Don't take your education lightly, as it truly is the key to your future.


Take it from someone that made the wrong choices at your age in regards to priorities. You life will be so much easier if you take your education seriously and pursue it with vigor.

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Apparently, you students are not getting the reason you are being asked to do these assignments.  Not only is it to expose you the history and imhumanity of those times, but it is also to get you think about and to teach you how to express yourselves.


It's not about taking someone else's sentences and putting them into a poem, or whatever the assignment was.  It was all about making you use your brain to try and generate a point of view which you could then express within the context of the assignment.  Don't take your education lightly, as it truly is the key to your future. 


Take it from someone that made the wrong choices at your age in regards to priorities.  You life will be so much easier if you take your education seriously and pursue it with vigor.

I do not think you understood my point. I did not think we should not study the holocaust, read night, or do any projects/work about the book. IMO, we did not 'express ourselves' at all by 'writing' this poem. Simply taking the words straight from the text. We did not show any point of view at all (It's not like you could write about supporting the Nazis, not that I would have). So basicly, I do not think their was any need for this poem other than another grade for the semester. That is why I called it 'retarded', especially because I was up so late doing this poem, on a night when many other things had to be done, which may surprise you cw, but was not sex or sports. I had 3 big tests I needed to study for in Geometry, world studies, and biology. That's just my opinion about the situation, but whatever..

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