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Woman Gets Bank Deposit With Breakfast


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WESTON, Fla. (AP) - A mother of three got a lot more than she ordered at a McDonald's drive-thru. Janice Meissner ordered a bagel and a Diet Coke for breakfast last week, but when she got her food bag it seemed ``super heavy.''


That was because it had hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in a sealed plastic bag - money that turned out to be the restaurant's bank deposit.


McDonald's officials, who wouldn't say exactly how much was involved, said the deposit was placed in a food bag as a security procedure to make it less conspicuous before it was taken to the bank.


They said it was accidentally left too close to the drive-thru window of the Weston fast-food chain.


``Someone didn't check twice before sending it out the window, obviously,'' said spokeswoman Beth Plotkin.


Meissner, who had just dropped off her 5-year-old daughter at preschool, paused for a moment before backing up her minivan to the pickup window and returning the money to the employee who handed her the bag.


``I said, `Do you want to know what was in this bag?''' Meissner recalled. ``She turned white as a ghost. She didn't realize the money was missing yet. She thanked me. And that was that.''


McDonald's officials said Thursday they are going to send Meissner a thank-you letter and $50 in gift certificates.

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Cheap bastards - $50 in gift certificates?!  At least give her $50 in cash or a check.  I'm sorry I ate there last night (got home late because I went with my sister to take Nathan (her son) to see Santa - 4 1/2 months and didn't cry!).

Exactly what I was thinking! She could have made off with thousands and they give her gift certificates? Com on!

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