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According to ESPN 1000 AM Bruce Levine:


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I've been dedicated to this team since 1980, when I actually knew what the hell a "grand slam" or a "double play" was. I was 10 years old, and thanks to my dad, who taught me all that stuff, I knew baseball.


I canceled my season tickets because mainly I didn't have the money. I could have got the money, but the Sox have done nothing to make we want to get the money.


I will still be out there 10-15 times this year, not just for the team, but for the atmosphere. I love sitting in the bleachers with my Kosher Dogs and my Cokes. I love to watch live baseball, even if the team sucks. To me it's a headrush. I would rather have a dominant team to watch, but that won't happen here anytime soon. However, I love my time at the park. As for the jerkoff fans, I'm large and intimidating enough to tell them to "shut the f-ck up." Let them respond, if they have the nuts.


I will take 10 games at "The Cell" over 1 game at "The Gum Bowl" anyday. Going to the park is a nice "getaway" for the little lady and me. We have a blast, we love watching the live action, and she always ends up buying me a jersey, hat, or baseball, so how can I lose? She's a Cubs fan (I'm working dilligently on that) , but she likes the park. At least she doesn't have to deal with drunken yuppies pissing on their shoes like at Wrigley. And people criticize OUR fan base. LOL!!!



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BrandoFan...I have been a Sox fan since 1972, you probably weren't even an acccident then!


If you want to have a mature discussion about the Sox, I will do so, and will teach you about baseball AND business. If you just want to have a "battle of wits" , I'll kick your un-armed ass! It's your call.


If you think that JR will spend money on players if more people come to the Cell, you are either naive or stupid. Like you said before, he's a businessman. The more money he earns form attendance, the richer he'll get.


JR has never shown any inclination to re-invest in the team!


So, keep on lining his pockets; I'm sure he appreciates it. Too bad he'll never return the appreciation to the fans!



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1) You're a jackass!


2) Maybe I missed something, but, didn't the Sox get their asses thoroughly kicked in 2000. They weren't even close to winning a game in the Seattle series. They were outhit, outpitched, outmanaged, outeverythinged!


3) You're still a jackass!


4) If you're going to follow your team with "blind-fanaticism", be a cubfan! If you can't be objective, we don't need you.


5) See #3!



Considering game 1 of that series went 10 innings and game 3 the final score was 2-1, game 2 was 5-2, I would say the Sox had a good shot to win at least 2 out of the 3. Definitely were close to winning a couple games.

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But...won NONE of the games. Zero, nada, nothing!



Pastime...I totally respect where you're coming from. I love the Sox, and still go to 15-20 games a year, (I'd NEVER go to Wrigley!!!).


JR has to do more, to entice me to more games...fielding a team in which I could be the #5 starter just isn't that enticing. (Although I might be able to break a pane of glass with my "fastball".)


I believe in the theory of "If you build it, (a competitive team), they will come.".



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2) Maybe I missed something, but, didn't the Sox get their asses thoroughly kicked in 2000. They weren't even close to winning a game in the Seattle series. They were outhit, outpitched, outmanaged, outeverythinged!

Not true. I was at 2 of those games and watched every moment of the 3rd. Not true.


We lost 3 close games, period.


No need to overstate.

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IlliniBob...how many games do you go to per year?


When you go to a Sox game, do you feel that you get your money's worth?


Do you feel you get out of the Sox "experience" what you invest in it?



not sure what IlliniBob does but I go to 20-30 games a year and live two states away so it is an effort in $$$ and time.


I get more than my money's worth.


It is a very worthwhile investment in being somewhere I love watching the team I love with the friends and family I love.

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But...won NONE of the games. Zero, nada, nothing!



Pastime...I totally respect where you're coming from. I love the Sox, and still go to 15-20 games a year, (I'd NEVER go to Wrigley!!!).


JR has to do more, to entice me to more games...fielding a team in which I could be the #5 starter just isn't that enticing. (Although I might be able to break a pane of glass with my "fastball".)


I believe in the theory of "If you build it, (a competitive team), they will come.".



The White Sox built a very competitive team in 2003. They were in first place in the middle of September. Their attendance was about half a million below average. What evidence to you have that Sox fans will support a competitive team?

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IlliniBob...how many games do you go to per year?


When you go to a Sox game, do you feel that you get your money's worth?


Do you feel you get out of the Sox "experience" what you invest in it?



For what it's worth, I enjoy every visit to USCF.


It's a beautiful park ( moreso every year, thanks to the cellphone company ).

The team is usually competitive, if not championship calibre. They will be competitive next year, too, on a game-to-game basis. This team will NOT be the Milwaukee Brewers, I am sure of it. There are many talented major-league players on the Sox roster, despite the grousings on the board ( my own included ) about how they stack up against the elite teams in MLB.

Back to the "Sox experience":

The food is great, the atmosphere is great, 90% of the fans are great - a MUCH higher percentage than can be said for Chewing Gum Park.

I loved taking my daughter there for the first time on a fireworks night - she had a BLAST, and so did my wife and I. We will do that again, for sure. I'm also going to sign her up for the Silver and Black Pack, now that she's old enough to enjoy it.


I'm at the point now where I don't invest as much angst and venom in professional sports anymore - maybe it's been beaten out of me by the owners of this city's franchises, but when I go to sporting events now, I go for entertainment, and I always find it in one form or another.


I'm not saying my way is right, I'm just saying that it works for me.

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I go for entertainment, and I always find it in one form or another.


I'm not saying my way is right, I'm just saying that it works for me.

only way to do it


nothing in life (and baseball is life) is guarenteed except, as Bart Gimatti wrote, baseball is designed to break your heart,


and IMHO what you get out it is what you decide to put into it.


I put into it fun, familyu, and friends, and what I ahve gotten out of that are memories that will real forever - 70 years from last June my grandson will remember the overnight with me, and 70 years from last July he'll rememebr going to the all star game with me, along with all the stuff we do at USCF, and what price to put on that - no monument will ever bear one's name that can't be destroyed but the memories of good times weith oens you love, that can never be taken away



now I wish the could remember watching the Sox win the world series with me but if that never happens in my lifetime, my life is worth not a single thing less because of that not happening

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If you want to have a mature discussion about the Sox, I will do so, and will teach you about baseball AND business. If you just want to have a "battle of wits" , I'll kick your un-armed ass! It's your call.


Ma shlom'cha? Tov ma'od? Ani ratze lalechet eretz momo.


Now teach me about baseball, business, cleverity and maybe even a little about gay sex as you promised.


If I am interested enough, I might actually reply. You may commence.

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