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According to ESPN 1000 AM Bruce Levine:


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HELL f***ING YEA BABY!!!!!!!!!  WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!  I'M SUPER STOKED HERE!!!  Carlos Lee will tear it up even more this year...You all watch!


Let's start the Carlos Lee for team MVP in 2004 campaign right now!!!  :headbang

Well Heather at least 1 guy in ur siggy in definitely stayin, we all hope Cotts does as well. :o

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Of course he has money.  He is a rich man. He didn't become rich by blowing lots and lots of it on a baseball team.


And he is not about to lose HIS and his partners' profit so YOU can watch the team win a few more games on public TV.


Get your (and your fellow Sox fans') ass to the park, eat a lot of nachos, buy every T-shirt and baseball poster you can find......In short, make JR a TON of cash and he will graciously up the payroll by 10-15 Mill.


Help HIM help YOU.  End of story.

You know, I can see both sides of this argument.

On the one hand, you have JR's basic argument of not spending money unless people show up.

On the other hand, don't you have to give the customers something they want to see?

To give a movie analogy, should people have to go to the theatre and pay $8 to see a movie starring nobody with poor lighting and shot on Super 8 film, under the premise that "if you show up to THIS movie, I'll have the money to show you a GOOD one later"?


It's a tough question - I guess the Scrubs are proof of the "crappy movie now, good movie later" concept, though. The Tribune has made so much money from them that they've finally allowed Hendry to pay some people.

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BrandoFan...do you work for the Sox?


I have put a lot of money is JR's pockets, and have NOTHING to show for it. The more money he gets, the more he pockets...he doesn't spend it to make the Sox better.


"Fans" like you want it both ways; you want the Sox to spend like a small-market team, (even though they are a big market team), and you want them to compete with the big market/big money teams. That is both absurd and impossible!


If you go to a restaurant that has average (at best) food and service, would you keep going back there, hoping that if you do, maybe the food/service will improve?

I didn't think so!


The ONLY way you can show JR that you don't approve of the direction (or lack thereof) that the Sox are going...you HAVE to stay away from the Cell. If not, enjoy a .500 (barely) team that will NEVER be a serious playoff contender.


Don't buy into JR's bulls***!

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I am happy we re-signed CLee and Buehrle too, but, who the hell is gonna pitch for us. We will probably non-tender Schoenweiss today, so, "he gone"!


Starting five: Buehrle



Israel4ever, (fast ball in the 60s), no breaking ball, but will work


Steff, sounds like she can "bring the heat"!


Optimistic yet???

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:rolleyes:  lazy lawn ornament gets to stay ..........  Mags goes BS

The fact that Maggs wants for one year, what Carlos makes in two that has nothing to do with it. Besides Carlos outproduced Maggs for 1/3rd the cost last year, I have no problem paying Carlos half of what Maggs wil make for essentially the same production.

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BrandoFan...do you work for the Sox?




"Fans" like you want it both ways; you want the Sox to spend like a small-market team, (even though they are a big market team),


Boy, do you have me pegged or what?! Cut to the very core of what I am all about. Damn you're good, israel4ever.

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I have no problem paying Carlos half of what Maggs wil make for essentially the same production.


Now let's not get carried away here, ss. Shouldn't we wait until Lee can at least post 350 OBP or 500 Slug before we pencil him in the All-Star game? He's almost 28 which is historically the PEAK year, not the beginning of prime.


I do understand your point about salary/extra year of service. I like them both, and I wish we could keep both. Oh if only we could turn back the clock to 2002 in that espect.

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Why do we even have a team if we're going to trade everyone away when they get good? I know Reinsdorf is a cheap bastage, but c'mon already.


I truly fear that our team won't have Lee, Ordonez, OR Thomas on it next year. We'll be like the 1985 Cardinals - one "power" hitter (Konerko), and the rest will be scrappy guys who combine for 30 HR between the 7-8 of them. :puke :blink: :puke


That would work great if we played in the old cavernous Busch Stadium.


If you have ulcers or a weak stomach, I truly suggest rooting for another team. :rolleyes:

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Why do we even have a team if we're going to trade everyone away when they get good?  I know Reinsdorf is a cheap bastage, but c'mon already. 


I truly fear that our team won't have Lee, Ordonez, OR Thomas on it next year.  We'll be like the 1985 Cardinals - one "power" hitter (Konerko), and the rest will be scrappy guys who combine for 30 HR between the 7-8 of them.  :puke  :blink:  :puke


That would work great if we played in the old cavernous Busch Stadium. 


If you have ulcers or a weak stomach, I truly suggest rooting for another team. :rolleyes:

I must say, I enjoy reading your posts. You have an articulate and unique way of expressing yourself. Keep it up. :headbang

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I must say, I enjoy reading your posts.  You have an articulate and unique way of expressing yourself.  Keep it up.  :headbang

I agree 100% with ya there YASNY. There always seem to be sum great discussions late on the boards with Pastime. :headbang

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BrandoFan...do you work for the Sox?


I have put a lot of money is JR's pockets, and have NOTHING to show for it. The more money he gets, the more he pockets...he doesn't spend it to make the Sox better.


"Fans" like you want it both ways; you want the Sox to spend like a small-market team, (even though they are a big market team), and you want them to compete with the big market/big money teams. That is both absurd and impossible!


If you go to a restaurant that has average (at best) food and service, would you keep going back there, hoping that if you do, maybe the food/service will improve?

I didn't think so!


The ONLY way you can show JR that you don't approve of the direction (or lack thereof) that the Sox are going...you HAVE to stay away from the Cell. If not, enjoy a .500 (barely) team that will NEVER be a serious playoff contender.


Don't buy into JR's bulls***!

You talk as if the Detroit Tigers are playing in the Cell. Didn't this team win the Central three years ago? And they couldn't draw flies. The team has been competitive. Barring last season, they have certainly been more competitve than that team on the North Side, yet draw half as many people. Not every team makes the playoffs every year, yet more people show.


The fact is Sox fans don't get out to the games. Referring to your movie analogy, a movie producer won't throw millions of dollars into a movie he knows people won't come out to watch. That's what the White Sox are. Winning hasn't brought the people out. Superstars haven't brought people out (see Albert Belle and Bartolo Colon). Doing their utmost to be fan friendly hasn't brought people out (see all the kids clinics, tailgaiting, and promotions). And trying to respond to complaints to the park with renovations hasn't brought people out. Upping the payroll has been shown to be a poor investment.


Well, that's not entirely true. Marginally more people showed up last year and the payroll has been increased. More and more people come out and you'll see your payroll reach great heights. Until then though, b****ing about the payroll, based on past history, is living in wonderland.

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You talk as if the Detroit Tigers are playing in the Cell. Didn't this team win the Central three years ago? And they couldn't draw flies. The team has been competitive. Barring last season, they have certainly been more competitve than that team on the North Side, yet draw half as many people. Not every team makes the playoffs every year, yet more people show.


The fact is Sox fans don't get out to the games. Referring to your movie analogy, a movie producer won't throw millions of dollars into a movie he knows people won't come out to watch. That's what the White Sox are. Winning hasn't brought the people out. Superstars haven't brought people out (see Albert Belle and Bartolo Colon). Doing their utmost to be fan friendly hasn't brought people out (see all the kids clinics, tailgaiting, and promotions). And trying to respond to complaints to the park with renovations hasn't brought people out. Upping the payroll has been shown to be a poor investment.


Well, that's not entirely true. Marginally more people showed up last year and the payroll has been increased. More and more people come out and you'll see your payroll reach great heights. Until then though, b****ing about the payroll, based on past history, is living in wonderland.

Great f***in' post, IlliniBob.


You're right about "slightly increased" attendance of 1.9 in 2003 and a lot of it was PADDED with half-price nights, kids days, free tickets-- ask Red Sox fans what it's like have an outing of 4 at Fenway.........But, hey, Red Sox fans are not like our blue-collar folks who can't afford games and have to work in the mornings.


Rule of Thumb (not to be confused with Donald. L. Thumb, the fictional colleague of late Leo Strauss): every extra 100,000 fans = roughly 2.5 Mill in revenue at USCF.


I wish JR would realize what an opportunity he wasted in 2002 and 2003 by trying to be as cheap as possible and open his wallet in 2004-2006. But it ain't happening..........So if fans want the payroll to go up by 15-20 Mill, the yearly attendance has to go over 2.6 Mill.

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Its pretty sad that you guys accept winning the division three years ago, what have you done for me lately. I thought things were on the upswing with the trades for Robbie Alomar, Carl Everett, and the rest, but things are back to normal, and you guys are happy. STOP LIVING IN THE PAST, ITS FOR LOSERS!!!!!!!

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Steve Bartman's my idol is damn right!


First point, it was 3 years ago;


MY point, it was winning the AL Central...that doesn't mean dick! It's like kissing your sister, nice, but it means NOTHING!


The LAST time the Sox were a SERIOUS contender was the year that JR killed by orchestrating a baseball lockout/strike.


So...screw JR, and ALL of his kiss-ass apologists! (You know who you are!)


SBMI...Rock on, my brother!!! :headbang

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MY point, it was winning the AL Central...that doesn't mean dick! It's like kissing your sister, nice, but it means NOTHING!


On the contrary-- kissing your sister can occasionally lead to heavy petting, panty-ripping and some unbelievably hot-ass sex. Just ask your parents.


And your point is simply pathetic. The 2000 team could have EASILY caught fire and spanked everybody in the playoffs-- they certainly did smoke the

Yankees and Mariners in the regular season and were Sirotka, Eldred, Parque, Howry and Baldwin second-half injuries (they continued to pitch but weren't the same and would undergo surgeries soon thereafter) away from winning 100+ games.....3 years ago my ass.


If I am JR, I keep the money just to spite self-entitled poseurs like you.

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IlliniBob...how many games do you go to per year?


When you go to a Sox game, do you feel that you get your money's worth?


Do you feel you get out of the Sox "experience" what you invest in it?



Seeing as I live near Peoria, I don't get to nearly as many as I used to. I get to maybe two a season. But really, it doesn't matter, since I'm not pissing and moaning that they don't spend enough money.


But to answer your question, I never walk out of there feeling cheated. Like I posted earlier, they've been competitive for the most part, I see a MLB game for a decent price, I get to park within a 3 minute walk of the park, great food, good seats, and a fun time out. I don't see how it can be beat.

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IlliniBob...let me ask you this...


Have you ever played in a sports league, i.e. softball, basketball, whatever, where your team was so bad that you knew you were gonna get pounded every game? I have, and it's NO fun.


I compare that to the current Sox...is it fun knowing that at your team's best, they're nowhere close to being a viable playoff contender?


II am not trying to discourage you; keep on coming to the games and spending your hard earned money if you enjoy doing so. But, do so knowing that they're not going to be competitive, and if you believe otherwise, you're going to be let down.


Take care.


Sell Jerry Sell!!!!

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1) You're a jackass!


2) Maybe I missed something, but, didn't the Sox get their asses thoroughly kicked in 2000. They weren't even close to winning a game in the Seattle series. They were outhit, outpitched, outmanaged, outeverythinged!


3) You're still a jackass!


4) If you're going to follow your team with "blind-fanaticism", be a cubfan! If you can't be objective, we don't need you.


5) See #3!



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) If you're going to follow your team with "blind-fanaticism", be a cubfan!


Now I am overly optimistic?! Wow. Thanks.


If you can't be objective, we don't need you.


Who is "we"? The overwhelming majority of people on this board are DEDICATED and LOYAL fans who put their (often mid- and small- sized) WALLETS where their damn mouth is, and have FUN going to games and hang out, and would LOVE NOTHING more than to see the World Championship Trophy on the SouthSide of the best f***ing city in the world.


Alas, it's thanks to (cheap and/or fairweather) "fans" like YOU that will never happen.


Give me ONE lovable dumbass yuppie Cub fan (preferrably an inebriated co-ed) over TEN whinny, self-entitled, hypocritical johnny come lately b****es like you.



With all due respect.

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