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I know we left some people out


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  Steff said:
Of course you will  ;)



Are you and Angie staying there..? Jim and I decided to.

Yes we are. I made reservations a while back. And I even have most of the room paid for between some birthday money (gotta love my mom) and a gift cert I got off a points site on the net. So I don't even have to go into debt to go this year :) We'll have to get in touch to get something ironed out.

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  southsider2k4 said:
Unfortunately, I am serious.  I find out Friday for sure what is wrong.

I don't envy you at all. They really aren't something to laugh at. A friend of mine developed them once when we were backpacking and about 12 miles from the trailhead.


Fortunately they have new methods of breaking them up that do not involve castration.

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after feeling a similar pain in my junk, I went to the doctor...I'll never have a problem again...and I'm never gonna do that after pulling my pants down. man, I haven't done that in a while, but I thought they just stuck their hand down there....he said something about...just dont tell your parents, here's a lollipop :D


good lord, how do you girls do that? and WHY would you ever go to a guy to do it? If I had a woman doctor...hello ackward?!?!

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  sox4lifeinpa said:
good lord, how do you girls do that?

I overheard two ladies I worked with telling how they selected a gynecologist.


One lady said she liked the old men because their hands shake . . .

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  Texsox said:
I overheard two ladies I worked with telling how they selected a gynecologist.


One lady said she liked the old men because their hands shake . . .

oooooooooooh snap! :lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting



seriously though, I told miss sox4life she's gotta go to a woman...she concured...not cool.

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  southsider2k4 said:
Personally I just want to thank everyone for all of the nominations that I was given.  It makes me feel like I am not just wasting time at work to be here, but actually contributing something to the global Sox community.  Plus to be put up on the same platform as the guys that I am finalists with,  makes it all of the more cool to me.


Thanks to everyone out there



Yeah, you're good... :headbang :)

but apparently I've been wasting my time here :bang

I think brando has opened my eyes a bit...


I'm wondering what I actually do contribute here...Actually been mulling over this for over a month..before the contest(mind you) and I think I'm gonna take a break from soxtalk for a while..


I feel it in my gut that it's time....I just don't have that gusto that I had earlier in the year....I'm not enjoying myself anymore for some reason..

I don't know what it is exactly.....I've made cool friends here with Jas, Heather, Cap, Ian, Spiff..these are truly great people and have made me kept coming back...


And will still enjoy to keep talkin to most of them on AIM or whatever once in awhile.....But I think it's time for me to take a break..relax...just read posts and whatnot(for a while at least)


And mind you this decision has NOTHING to do with this contest or anyone has said...that would be petty and retarded


I just need a break..that's all

I'll continue just to read all the posts...so not a total lost :D


I bid you all a farewell and to continued success of Soxtalk :headbang :headbang :headbang :) :fthecubs


I'll talk to some of you later on AIM...just saw LOTR and can barley contain myself :lol:

god, I'm so geeky :P :cheers

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Yeah, you're good... :headbang  :)

but apparently I've been wasting my time here :bang

I think brando has opened my eyes a bit...


I'm wondering what I actually do contribute here...Actually been mulling over this for over a month..before the contest(mind you) and I think I'm gonna take a break from soxtalk for a while..


I feel it in my gut that it's time....I just don't have that gusto that I had earlier in the year....I'm not enjoying myself anymore for some reason..

I don't know what it is exactly.....I've made cool friends here with Jas, Heather, Cap, Ian, Spiff..these are truly great people and have made me kept coming back...


And will still enjoy to keep talkin to most of them on AIM or whatever once in awhile.....But I think it's time for me to take a break..relax...just read posts and whatnot(for a while at least)


And mind you this decision has NOTHING to do with this contest or anyone has said...that would be petty and retarded


I just need a break..that's all

I'll continue just to read all the posts...so not a total lost :D


I bid you all a farewell and to continued success of Soxtalk :headbang  :headbang  :headbang  :)  :fthecubs


I'll talk to some of you later on AIM...just saw LOTR and can barley contain myself :lol:

god, I'm so geeky :P  :cheers

WELL Gashie Ill miss you and I hope you come back, and sometimes we all need brakes in fact I took 2 1-week long brakes in the past 8 weeks

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  TheBigHurtBEGOOD said:
WELL Gashie Ill miss you and I hope you come back, and sometimes we all need brakes in fact I took 2 1-week long brakes in the past 8 weeks

thanks Hurt...but I'm gonna be taking more than a week break..meaning I prob won't be posting at all in '04...kinda break

who knows, I'll prob come back this date next year :D

take care, and you can take over my mod duties over at the HELP board....what the hell... :D

Heads or Jas can prob take care of that :)

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thanks Hurt...but I'm gonna be taking more than a week break..meaning I prob won't be posting at all in '04...kinda break

who knows, I'll prob come back this date next year :D

take care, and you can take over my mod duties over at the HELP board....what the hell... :D

Heads or Jas can prob take care of that :)

WHOOOOOOOOHOOOOOO I might be a mod and I can be in a different color I feel special thanks Gashie

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Yeah, you're good... :headbang  :)

but apparently I've been wasting my time here :bang

I think brando has opened my eyes a bit...


I'm wondering what I actually do contribute here...Actually been mulling over this for over a month..before the contest(mind you) and I think I'm gonna take a break from soxtalk for a while..


I feel it in my gut that it's time....I just don't have that gusto that I had earlier in the year....I'm not enjoying myself anymore for some reason..

I don't know what it is exactly.....I've made cool friends here with Jas, Heather, Cap, Ian, Spiff..these are truly great people and have made me kept coming back...


And will still enjoy to keep talkin to most of them on AIM or whatever once in awhile.....But I think it's time for me to take a break..relax...just read posts and whatnot(for a while at least)


And mind you this decision has NOTHING to do with this contest or anyone has said...that would be petty and retarded


I just need a break..that's all

I'll continue just to read all the posts...so not a total lost :D


I bid you all a farewell and to continued success of Soxtalk :headbang  :headbang  :headbang  :)  :fthecubs


I'll talk to some of you later on AIM...just saw LOTR and can barley contain myself :lol:

god, I'm so geeky :P  :cheers

Holy s***, GASH, I did THAT??!! I feel like a complete f***ing ASS now.


Couldn't you tell I wasn't serious? You made the Top 5 (there are hundreds of members on this site) in voting, how "irrelevant" can you be?! My goodness.


I only WISH my posts got same attention/hits as yours.


But if you feel like taking a break for 3-4 months to concentrate on other things, I HIGHLY recommend it. I've got only 2 more weeks of posting left myself.

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  TheBigHurtBEGOOD said:
WHOOOOOOOOHOOOOOO I might be a mod and I can be in a different color I feel special thanks Gashie

I'm a mod at the Help board and don't have my name in another color, so I don't get why would they put your name in another color?


TheBigHurtBEGOOD, just :begood, kay? And only I can call him Gashie...

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