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DEAL LIKELY: New York Daily News (WITH LINK)


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I agree. This is like a bad "acid flashback."


It's over, and you haven't taken that crap for 7 years, yet the residue still messes with you and haunts your day-to-day routine. You can't get away, no matter how futile your attempt is.


Either make the deal or don't. Dammit, make a decision. This isn't rocket science, people.

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Who do you have in mind to produce in right field.


Like I said - take Nomar + the new right fielder; compare it to maggs and valentin (whom I assume we will ship). 


I think it will take someone with 3/4 of maggs' production to BREAK EVEN on that swap - who does kenny have in mind?  Juan Gonzales?  That guy is crashing faster than the 1929 market.


You don't take risks when the best case is to break even - that's what kenny williams is doing.


As for sullivan, you don't take risks on all star players to get a middle reliever.


So really, what is the point of this deal?  To please gammons?


Kenny says he will try to resign him - didn't he reject 15 million?  How do you expect to resign him?  Hope he has a lousy year and the price comes down?  Is he worth $10 million much less $15 million?  Not in my opinion

No he rejected 4yr 48... he was asking for 5 yr 75 million which he is worth just cause he is a SS

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On no planet, in no known dimension, under no accepted hallucinogenic drug is Nomar Garciaparra worth 15 million a year.


Please, for the love of god, send him to L.A./Anaheim

Cosider what the star SS make and then look at what Nomar has done 2 batting titles averages something like 24hr and 100rbi's along with a Avg. over .300 and he has a good glove and great range how is that not worth the money? Of'ers are a dime a dozen and maggs would be easy to replace but having an all-star SS is IMO worth paying a premium.

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Cosider what the star SS make and then look at what Nomar has done 2 batting titles averages something like 24hr and 100rbi's along with a Avg. over .300 and he has a good glove and great range how is that not worth the money? Of'ers are a dime a dozen and maggs would be easy to replace but having an all-star SS is IMO worth paying a premium.

I don't know if you've read some of the other threads, but Nomar's batting numbers over the last three years have been awful away from Fenway Park. Something to the tune of .266 BA, .772 OPS. But that's really not the point. In baseball, when 11-15 players have to contribute something EVERY GAME, you can't pay one player $15 million, when most team's payrolls are in the $50-$70 million range. If the Sox's payroll is going to end up around $60 million in 2005, you can't give any one player 1/4th of your budget. No team should be paying that, Tom Hicks is an idiot for what he gave ARod.

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1) He doesn't want to play here, he's a Californian, as is his wife!

1a) Why would he want to play here?

2) He will leave after 2004 season, and we'll get NOTHING for him...if Reinsdorf won't pay Maggs (one of HIS OWN), why would he pay (more for) Nomar?



:bang :bang :bang :bang :bang :bang :bang

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Godfather...if Sosa's worth $18-20 million per, Nomar's worth $25-30!!!

Although I dont get your sarcasim there. In now way did I say Nomar is worth 25-30 million so dont make an ass out of yourself by putting words into my mouth. Sosa's contract was signed when the market was at it's high point right now the market is at down fall and contracts for star players have dropped in value and years offered. Also not one time during my post did I say pay him 15million dollars per. What I said to clearify it for you is that the fact that he is a SS puts him at a premium. Now looking at the market as it is today Nomar IS worth 12-14 million a year rather you think the sox should pay him that money or not is your opinion but not a fact. Blame the O's for the market being so high on SS this year compaered to anyother position cause they over paid to get Tejeda. As for the sox payroll being only 60million next year who knows they do have the deal with comcast that Imsure will be paying them a pretty penny which may allow them to up the stakes a little. All im saying is that if we can try and resign Nomar before just shipping him out it would benefit the team more from a PR prospective cause now you have a NAME superstar not one who is Hidden away ( Maggs ). It would not in anyway hurt us to try and lock him up. Think about this Nomar playing short for the sox for the next 5 years or so would help bring in some fans compared to trading Maggs for Nomar then spinning Nomar off for lets say Mota and Prospects no matter how good they are this will look like nothing more then the sox being cheap to the casual fan rather then making themselves better for the future. The only way we get a bigger budget to work with is if the fans come out to watch the games and that will not happen if the casual fans see us just trading away all the good players cause they cost to much for young guys who " maybe " good in the future. Look at the whole picture from all prospectives

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How do you figure?  Almost all of Sammy's numbers blow away Nomar's.  I know you are in this whole "nothing good can come from the northside" mindset, but  in no way, shape or form does Nomar deserve to make more than Sosa.

Because Nomar plays a harder position, didn't choke in the playoffs, and doesn't play on a team that choked big time.

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In baseball, when 11-15 players have to contribute something EVERY GAME, you can't pay one player $15 million, when most team's payrolls are in the $50-$70 million range


Goddamn right is what you are. I am sure I've said it before, but only Bonds/ARod/Pedro/Prior deserve that kind of (20+% od the payroll) money, the latter two because they can single-handedly change the course of playoff series pitching on 3-day rest. Well, maybe Sammy Sosa in his prime (1998-2001) as he not only produced like no other but was a HUGE name that not only sold the Cubs but also baseball.


In basketball, you can give the ball to MJ in every possession if you want and he can guard and shut down the best player of your oppoent's......In hockey, Mario Lemeiux plays the majority of minutes, EVERY power play, every shorthand and Martin Bradeur/Dominik Hasek can potentially single-handedly change games EVERY NIGHT of season and playoffs (without Guerrer in 2003, Anaheim doesn't even make it past Detroit).........Even in football, Bret Farve and Joe Montana had the ball on EVERY play.


Basicall is different. It's just is. An impact of one player is smaller and so the salary should be reflective of that.


The only way Maggs is worth 14 Mill to the Sox is if he puts up HOF numbers (975-1000+ OPS) year in and out and/or our payroll is 75 Mill. Neither is likely.


And he wants an unreasonable 5/75. At least Albert Belle had it in him to drive in 160-170 runs in if the conditions are right....

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Godfather...if Sosa's worth $18-20 million per, Nomar's worth $25-30!!!


Sosa was making 15-16 Mill in the last few years. You must have him confused with Delgado, Manny and Bonds.


Sosa is an INTERNATIONAL superstar and a Chicago icon. That's a few extra (tens of) million he brought to the table over a few years.


Sosa was the best slugger in baseball in 1998-2000 and had an even better year in 2001 only overshadowed by ascention of Bonds. Nomar could hang with him in 1998-2000, but not anymore and certainly NOT away from Fenway.


Yeah being a solid fielder at SS is more important than RF, but this 15- 20 Mill a year talk is ridiculous. Especially if you have a 55-58 Mill payroll.

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Brandofan: Like I said Nomar for 15 million no but for 12-14 why not he could possibly help bring in some revenue and if not you could always trade the guy. Also like I said earlier if the sox trade their best player for another superstar then spin him off to the Dodgers or Angels or for that matter whoever the casual fans woulld look at that like a team not trying to win. I know we know better then that but its not the die hard fans that would be upset and not show up at the game it would be the casual guy who wouldn't show up. Thats my concern cause if we are to ever get some more flexability we will need the casual fans to show up at the games and lets face it for the casual fan there is alot in a "name" a name such as Nomar.

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Brandofan: Like I said Nomar for 15 million no but for 12-14 why not he could possibly help bring in some revenue and if not you could always trade the guy. Also like I said earlier if the sox trade their best player for another superstar then spin him off to the Dodgers or Angels or for that matter whoever the casual fans woulld look at that like a team not trying to win. I know we know better then that but its not the die hard fans that would be upset and not show up at the game it would be the casual guy who wouldn't show up. Thats my concern cause if we are to ever get some more flexability we will need the casual fans to show up at the games and lets face it for the casual fan there is alot in a "name" a name such as Nomar.

The White Sox really don't have many casual fans. Neither Nomar, ARod, Pedro, Schillng, whoever is going to put one extra person in the seats if the team is 15 games under .500 at the break. Paying a player $12-15 million a year in hopes that you would recoup that money in attendance is foolish business and not at all realistic. As a baseball team owner, your product is your team, and a good product is a competative, contending team that at least puts on airs that it cares about the fans. Very few people are stupid enough(Cubs fans) to throw their money at a poorly-managed, non-competitive team just because they want to see one particular superstar. Casual fans don't go to see players anyways, they go for atmosphere/fun, and unfortunately the Cell does not have much of a rep for either.

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Yeah Prior sure can change the outcome of a game singlehandly, look at Game 6 of the NLCS, with 5 outs to go, what a choke, and they blame it all on my idol


I don't want to insult you....Let's just say that 9 times out of 10 Prior gets out of that infamous inning with no more than 2 runs given up and Cubs make it to the world series. Bartman and Gonzo made him get 6 outs instead of 3.


Prior is a rookie and he is already a big-time WINNER. Did you notice how he only gave up 3 runs to Marlins in Game 2 after the Cubs took a 10-0 lead and basically had the game in the bag? When Cubs were stingy with runs against Braves in Game 3, he shut that awesome line-up down COLD in a pivotal game that basically won the series....That's what MONEY pitchers are all about.

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Can we PLEASE put an end to the "I want Nomar because he is a big name and will bring people to the Cell" discussion. :dips***


Recent evidence suggests this is simply not true. Look at attendance with Albert Belle, David Wells, Frank Thomas, Roberto Alomar, Bartolo Colon etc. The only way the Sox draw is if they win.


The only way they win next year, and the years after, is if they trade Nomar for young, locked up pitching. I agree with the Capn, it doesn't matter what KW says now. He would have to be an idiot, which I think he might be anyway, to tell people he is trading Nomar. It would substantially decrease his value.

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Mayb we don't hav to giv up Cotts or Wright now. In this Star Telegram article, it syas the Red Sox r goin to giv the Rangers minor league pitcher Jon Lester and cash.


ARLINGTON - Rangers owner Tom Hicks is ready to have Alex Rodriguez's situation resolved one way or another so general manager John Hart can finish the business of putting together a team for 2004.


Hicks said Sunday that he wants the situation resolved by 4 p.m. Tuesday. If there is no deal by then, the Rangers will move ahead with Rodriguez, the 2003 American League MVP, as their shortstop, Hicks said.


"If we don't have anything done that's to our satisfaction by four o'clock Tuesday, I've instructed John Hart to go ahead and do what he needs to do to put a team together," Hicks said.


Yes, there was a deadline set for last Thursday by the commissioner's office. But that was only for the Boston Red Sox to talk directly to Rodriguez and his agent, Scott Boras. That deadline didn't keep the Rangers and the Red Sox from talking.


But, now, Hicks has set his own deadline. Because Rodriguez is his player, his deadline means much more.


The players in the deal are set. The money is unresolved. The Rangers are willing to trade Rodriguez to the Red Sox for outfielder Manny Ramirez, minor league pitcher Jon Lester and cash. Hicks has lowered his demand on the financial considerations from more than $25 million to the $13 million to $15 million range.


The Red Sox have not signed off on the money. Boras has negotiated a $12 million reduction in the value of his client's 10-year, $252 million contract in exchange for marketing, merchandising and logo rights. The Players' Association has approved that agreement.


However, the Red Sox apparently want more off the contract. Their initial request was for $28 million, but that was rejected by the Players' Association, which squashed a potential deal Wednesday.


There are some within the Red Sox organization, notably club president Larry Lucchino, who do not want to pay the Rangers any money. But Hicks has made it clear he won't do the deal without the money. Any cash the Rangers receive will allow them to be more aggressive in the free-agent market, and they have targeted right-handed starting pitcher Sidney Ponson.


Another group of free agents were made available Saturday when a number of arbitration-eligible players were not offered a contract by their teams. Among those of who could interest the Rangers are pitchers Danys Baez, Braden Looper, Damian Moss and Jason Johnson, and outfielder Jay Payton.


The Rangers could also close a deal quickly for free-agent outfielder Ben Grieve if they don't acquire Ramirez.


"I've been very consistent throughout the process," Hicks said. "We love Alex Rodriguez. He's the best player in baseball. I've made it clear that the only way we would trade Alex is if it would make us better faster, and it would give him a faster chance of being on a pennant contender.


"These negotiations have been very complex, and we're getting to the point where we need to do what's best for the Texas Rangers."


Hicks said he would be happy to build a team around Rodriguez, though the Rangers probably won't be able to afford Ponson if the trade doesn't go through.


"We have the best young infield in baseball," Hicks said. "It may take us a little longer on the pitching side if we don't do this, but that's all right. We'll see what happens between now and Tuesday."


Rodriguez and Boras are frustrated about the Red Sox's insistence on taking out of the contract.


But Red Sox owner John Henry told the Boston Herald, "Although there have been some disagreements, I believe the principals involved in all sides have had good intentions so far."


Hicks said he did not talk to the Red Sox over the weekend. He did talk twice to baseball commissioner Bud Selig to inform him of what's taking place.


"This has taken on a complexity," Hicks said. "It's not the Rangers negotiating with the Red Sox. It's not the Red Sox negotiating with Alex or the Red Sox negotiating with the Players' Association or the Players' Association negotiating with Alex.


"It's all of the above. From our standpoint, it needs to be resolved."

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Mayb we don't hav to giv up Cotts or Wright now. In this Star Telegram article, it syas the Red Sox r goin to giv the Rangers minor league pitcher Jon Lester and cash.


ARLINGTON - Rangers owner Tom Hicks is ready to have Alex Rodriguez's situation resolved one way or another so general manager John Hart can finish the business of putting together a team for 2004.


Hicks said Sunday that he wants the situation resolved by 4 p.m. Tuesday. If there is no deal by then, the Rangers will move ahead with Rodriguez, the 2003 American League MVP, as their shortstop, Hicks said.


"If we don't have anything done that's to our satisfaction by four o'clock Tuesday, I've instructed John Hart to go ahead and do what he needs to do to put a team together," Hicks said.


Yes, there was a deadline set for last Thursday by the commissioner's office. But that was only for the Boston Red Sox to talk directly to Rodriguez and his agent, Scott Boras. That deadline didn't keep the Rangers and the Red Sox from talking.


But, now, Hicks has set his own deadline. Because Rodriguez is his player, his deadline means much more.


The players in the deal are set. The money is unresolved. The Rangers are willing to trade Rodriguez to the Red Sox for outfielder Manny Ramirez, minor league pitcher Jon Lester and cash. Hicks has lowered his demand on the financial considerations from more than $25 million to the $13 million to $15 million range.


The Red Sox have not signed off on the money. Boras has negotiated a $12 million reduction in the value of his client's 10-year, $252 million contract in exchange for marketing, merchandising and logo rights. The Players' Association has approved that agreement.


However, the Red Sox apparently want more off the contract. Their initial request was for $28 million, but that was rejected by the Players' Association, which squashed a potential deal Wednesday.


There are some within the Red Sox organization, notably club president Larry Lucchino, who do not want to pay the Rangers any money. But Hicks has made it clear he won't do the deal without the money. Any cash the Rangers receive will allow them to be more aggressive in the free-agent market, and they have targeted right-handed starting pitcher Sidney Ponson.


Another group of free agents were made available Saturday when a number of arbitration-eligible players were not offered a contract by their teams. Among those of who could interest the Rangers are pitchers Danys Baez, Braden Looper, Damian Moss and Jason Johnson, and outfielder Jay Payton.


The Rangers could also close a deal quickly for free-agent outfielder Ben Grieve if they don't acquire Ramirez.


"I've been very consistent throughout the process," Hicks said. "We love Alex Rodriguez. He's the best player in baseball. I've made it clear that the only way we would trade Alex is if it would make us better faster, and it would give him a faster chance of being on a pennant contender.


"These negotiations have been very complex, and we're getting to the point where we need to do what's best for the Texas Rangers."


Hicks said he would be happy to build a team around Rodriguez, though the Rangers probably won't be able to afford Ponson if the trade doesn't go through.


"We have the best young infield in baseball," Hicks said. "It may take us a little longer on the pitching side if we don't do this, but that's all right. We'll see what happens between now and Tuesday."


Rodriguez and Boras are frustrated about the Red Sox's insistence on taking out of the contract.


But Red Sox owner John Henry told the Boston Herald, "Although there have been some disagreements, I believe the principals involved in all sides have had good intentions so far."


Hicks said he did not talk to the Red Sox over the weekend. He did talk twice to baseball commissioner Bud Selig to inform him of what's taking place.


"This has taken on a complexity," Hicks said. "It's not the Rangers negotiating with the Red Sox. It's not the Red Sox negotiating with Alex or the Red Sox negotiating with the Players' Association or the Players' Association negotiating with Alex.


"It's all of the above. From our standpoint, it needs to be resolved."

Looks like it might happen, cause Texas just lost Grieve to the Brewers. If we can get Nomah and Williamson for Maggs I'll be happy and even happier if we don't give up a prospect

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