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Wood Floors

Queen Prawn

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Wow, changing floors like toothpicks....lol


What happened to the whole "letting the wood age as to look as if actual people lived in the house" thing? So it gets a couple shades darker over time and couple of scratches here and there, big freakin' deal.



It does "age" with time. And it looks great. However.. when you pay all that $$ and then get a scratch in it, then moisture gets in there.. and you know what happens when wood gets moist.. ? It rots! Then it begins to stink. Then it turns black. Then I suppose you could argue that wood is a natural substance and doesn't belong INSIDE the house...?? :P

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Don't get started about moving..I swear I've moved more times then anyone not in the military.  Moving for us is like spring cleaning, lol.  Its the time of the year where we finally clean all our crap out. 


Of course when we move we move like 2 blocks away and then my dad and I (Mainly me...he uses the excuse I'm young so I Should do it all) move everything and by the end of the two or three days it takes, I'm absolutely dead tired. 


Thats why I told him this time, we ain't moving until I'm done with school and moved on my own :lol:

From June of 2000 to May of 2002 I moved from Orland Park to Moline to Plainfield to Washington. We've been here for 1.5 years and we've sworn that we're never moving again. If my house burns down we'll pitch a tent in the ashes and call it good enough!

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It does "age" with time. And it looks great. However.. when you pay all that $$ and then get a scratch in it, then moisture gets in there.. and you know what happens when wood gets moist.. ? It rots! Then it begins to stink. Then it turns black. Then I suppose you could argue that wood is a natural substance and doesn't belong INSIDE the house...??  :P

Maybe it's the whole American breakability that's to blame. Carpenter's incompetence maybe. Floors made so you have to replace them all the time. Etc


I remember apartments of my childhood and adolescence- they were probably the 1/5th the size of your house, had easily as many parties/people over not only during summers but virtually all year long (adults, kids, pets, furniture rearranging, you know the drill) and still looked GREAT as I remember it. Nothing even remotely close to rotting.


I had only seen a few pieces replaced here and there like 1 or 2 times in my entire life. I don't remember anyone complaining about how the floor is not what it used to be before, etc. Then again, it's FLOORS so I doubt if anybody cared as long did was clean and not broken. I guess I absorbed the low-maitanence approach from that time. It's cheaper and less stress-free that way I find.



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