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Palestine vs. Israel


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  1. 1. Who is right here?

    • Palestine?
    • Israel?

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Yeah, those guys played some mean chess... er, um, wait...  :P

Forgive him father for he knows not what he refereth to......Landau was so f***ing brilliant and tough that in all his entire Academia profesorship tenure, with all the bright aspirant minds that come and gone, he gave out only 20 passing grades....Twenty.


But, the citizenry of BOTH nations is apparently dumb as mud compared to the US, by virtue of our whopping 242 Nobels


Mehears quote a few of them are South Side-edicated, too... :)

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Mehears quote a few of them are South Side-edicated, too... :)

Heck yeah, U of C is Nobel Central. Not like Berkley-calibre egg-headded, but their brain pans stack up to anybodys.


And wtf, I fail half a class in a term and I'm an A-hole, but this Landau Bozo fails most of his class and he is a genius?!? :bang

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What do you teach?

Usually undergraduate marine ecology and regional biodiversity. I've taught evolutionary ecology, statistics and experimental design, and a graduate benthic (marine bottom-community) ecology in the past as well. Very exciting stuff, right?

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Usually undergraduate marine ecology and regional biodiversity. I've taught evolutionary ecology, statistics and experimental design, and a graduate benthic (marine bottom-community) ecology in the past as well. Very exciting stuff, right


You lost me at "regional bio-something"....But that's because I am stupid, it probably IS pretty damn exciting.


If you're so smart, how come you didn't get my lame S&G/Berkeley/Graduate reference? Some academian.

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Doing a quick google search, I found he posts on other journals where their staff is composed of people like Ann Coulter, Dr. Laura, David Limbaugh, George Will


Why on shrinking Ozone layer would anyone put George Will alongside with Coultergeist and Dr. Laura?


He wrote one of the best baseball books of the last 15 years and has a keen political mind...He is not even a Cub fan anymore!

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Gee Israel4ever I logged in expecting to read the three worst things Israel and Palestine have done and how you would place the blame.


I don't think it will take much research for you to give a percentage that you feel Israel is wrong in all this.


My guess is it will be impossible for you to assign any blame towards Israel. This is why this issue continues for decades and decades. Each side is as dug in as you. That's the single biggest barrier to a lasting peace.


You talk about worldwide hatred of Jews and call PA retarded. Nice way to make friends.

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I don't think it will take much research for you to give a percentage that you feel Israel is wrong in all this.


Blame Breakdown:


40% Palestine, 20% Israel, 40% Other**



** - Islamic countries, Arab countries, USSR, Europe, UN counsel, power cabals like FRC, independent wealthniks, etc

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Tex, don't expect facts from I4E. We've asked for them a bunch of times but he never has them. And he never did discuss the anti-semitism that was on FAUX, er excuse me, FOX News Channel.


Thanks for the backup on the chart I posted, FlaSoxxJim.


I have said that what the Palestinian suicide bombings are deplorable. It's just trying to use facts in this debate to show the side that Israel is doing things wrong as well and are being called on it by people everywhere, even their most elite fighting force. As Tex said, it is sides entrenched so far deep like I4E that is preventing peace in the region. The Palestinians who see so much s*** every day of their lives and the "collateral damage" bombings etc. make people a LOT more willing to strap explosives to their chests and hop on a bus along the Green Line. Some Israelis enshrine guys like the asshat who shot up the mosque. They predicate their ideology that all Palestinians don't want peace to justify their beliefs. I personally believe that there should be more responsibility place on Israel's shoulders because it is actually a state, has a better economy at the current time and is the one causing the greatest amount of injury/death. As long as there is Ariel "War Criminal" Sharon in power and Yasser "Bad Man" Arafat in power, we're looking for a long and unfortunately very bloody trip going around in circles. I believe it is the violence of the Israelis in collateral damage, the wall blocking people from getting to work etc. that makes people more willing, even if they don't want to, to adopt the ideology of Al Aqsa's Martyrs Brigade, HAMAS, Hizbollah, etc. If radical right wing Zionist fringe groups all say that the Palestinians don't want peace, then it's a self fulfilling prophecy.


When a friend of mine, a Jewish friend of mine for all those who are wondering so he doesn't get labeled a "Palestinian terrorist whore" by somebody [i'm looking at you I4E], wrote a column the day after Yom Kippur saying that the hardline Israeli right wing needs to forgive many Palestinians. My favorite quote in there is "They needed a leader but all they got was an Arafat".


I posted the article link somewhere in these 37 pages, it's a really nice read.


But then again what would I know? I'm just a terrorist whore, Jew hater, anti-Semite that doesn't know my ass from the hole in which we found Saddam.

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An addition to my last post so it's not misconstrewed, I do think the Palestinians are at fault with suicide bombs. I just think that there are only so many times that you can see bulldozed homes, murdered family members, IDF troops keeping you from going to work and your children from going to school, the schools being attacked and then you just go nuts and want revenge on the people that have made their lives so terrible. It's hard to negotiate with somebody who has seen so much s*** that they are so deeply entrenched in wanting to strike back at the people who did it.

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I have said that what the Palestinian suicide bombings are deplorable


See now that just doesn't mesh with the picture Israel painted of you. I am confused here, Apu are you or are you not an antisemitic, antiIsraeli, intifada-favoring, dead linking punkass commie he's led us to believe you were?


Edit: my bad Apu, I should have remembered you were a whore as well. A whore who dabbles in fiction.

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I do appreciate one thing about Israel4ever , he works for the US government fighting terrorism and only logs in here during the day when he's at work! Our tax dollars hard at work ;)

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I just thought of something, Israel4ever is fighting terrorism and he's spending a lot of time here, which one of you f***s is a terrorist? Hmmm could it be apu? You know he's started a file on you buddy.

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I do appreciate one thing about Israel4ever , he works for the US government fighting terrorism and only logs in here during the day when he's at work! Our tax dollars hard at work


Israel is not wasting taxpayers' money. He is here investigating you and him and her but especially YOU there ducking behind the stained leopard print couch in a small Champaine dorm.


I support Bush 100% :usa

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Israel is not wasting taxpayers' money. He is here investigating you and him and her but especially YOU there ducking behind the stained leopard print couch in a small Champaine dorm.

Woohoo! They'll never catch me! Never copper, never! :ph34r:


Oh, and did someone say Apu's a whore AND he loves puppies....Hmmmm, I like this kid more and more....If only he'll wash my dishes too.

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If radical right wing Zionist fringe groups all say that the Palestinians don't want peace, then it's a self fulfilling prophecy.


Now that's ridiculous. I was even willing to go along with the whole "My daughter's brains were blown all over my face on the playground by an Israeli bullet, I want revenge, praised be Allah" premise, but this is too much. It's akin to saying "Arab world hates us so much and considers us a world-conquering Zionist virus, we are traumatized and have no choice but to live up to the billing". At some point, you gotta accept responsibility for your actions as YOUR doing, YOUR fault. That cuts both ways, of course and you know what I think about Arab Slayer Sharon....


And, besides, how do you know Palestinians want peace at all let alone peace at a significant cost to their religious and national pride? Becuase one of your friends is Palestinian or maybe because you saw an activist on TV? Why noble Palestinians could never support terrorist organizations; all those mass flag burnings and rallys calling for Isralie blood are an unconventional way of expressinglove and desire for peace......And what is this BS about "radical right wing fringe group", wichih are presumed to be a minority? Israeli MAJORITY does NOT think Palestinians want peace and supports harsher measures such as the Fence. Majority, many quite centrist and moderate.


I'll say this to you one more time: Zionism is NOT = Imprerialist Aggression.



And since the won territories RIGHTFULLY belong to Israel (you'll be giving up Texas and California any moment now, I presume? What, you mean UN won't be pressuring you anytime soon? Well, they must know what's best.....), that means there was NO invading, there is NO occupying either; Israel is DEFENDING itself and it's territories from hostile and desperate neighbors as far as it's concerned. Sure, it may feel magnanimous one of these days and throw Palestine a land bone in a grand Rabin-ian gesture of peace....but make no mistake about, it AIN'T no Imperialism, which incidentally you can inquire Britain, France, USSR, Germany and a few others about.


And in the unlikely event that Israel gets attacked AGAIN and manages to capture half Asia Minor in the process, that STILL won't make it Imprerialist in any way shape or form but imaginary. Deal with it.


[/wishing Palestinian economy will reboud propelled by the cash influx created by Arafat and Co reimbursting stolen money, and suffering stops and all is well in the region]

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