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Palestine vs. Israel


Who is right here?  

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  1. 1. Who is right here?

    • Palestine?
    • Israel?

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The answer is simple. Israel controls the land, and as such controls the economy and movement of the people on this land. Therefore, as an occupying power - they are responsible for the welfare of the Palestinian. No American government official would dare say that they are NOT responsible for the lives of Iraqis affected by our occupation. We take an active role in improving their lives. It's something that the Americans have had a history of doing. See Germany, Japan, France in the 1950s. Even the Phillipines (although our efforts were hampered by World War II) and a corrupt leadership friendly to the US.

And, the Arabs that live in Israel live far better lives than 99% of Arabs living in Arab countries. You can't expect Israel to roll over and die for Arafat and his terrorist regime, can you?


Please don't use the term "occupying force", Israel "occupies" the land because it is Israel's land, no one elses!!!

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And, the Arabs that live in Israel live far better lives than 99% of Arabs living in Arab countries. You can't expect Israel to roll over and die for Arafat and his terrorist regime, can you?


Please don't use the term "occupying force", Israel "occupies" the land because it is Israel's land, no one elses!!!

Do you mean Israel is only responsible for the Jews living within the borders?

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You said Arafat should be assasinated. Is that in self defense?

Arafat is a murderer! Since I DO believe in the death penalty, I believe he should be tried for war crimes, and executed. Since Europe, the UN, etc., are so anti-Israel that will never happen.


Arafat is THE biggest obstacle to peace and needs to be eliminated if peace in the middle east is to ever be realized!

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I guess you weren't around when various posters called me racist, Nazi, f***ed in the head, etc.

You are very good at the innocent game... <_>


You dish at record speed, and scream loudest when it's sent back your way.

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Can someone please tell me what value does this thread have any longer.. ?


If all that's left is ignorant posting back and forth I vote to lock and file it. It's clear some can't play nicely with others..

Can Someone PLEASE ban this Anti-american, Anti-semitic, Anti-chicken pot pie, poster?


this thread MUST and WILL live on :rolleyes:

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Do you mean Israel is only responsible for the Jews living within the borders?

The "palis" claim they want to be self-sufficient, so let them be self-sufficient.


If it was up to me, they could either go to Jordan to live, or, I'd give them all of Gaza, fence them in there or HEAVILY police the borders, let them be self-sufficient! They wouldn't last 6 months.

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You are very good at the innocent game...  <_<


You dish at record speed, and scream loudest when it's sent back your way.

Anti-semitism pisses me off! Sorry that I lowered myself to name calling and mud slinging!


(But, to the people who I singled out, I do not apologize!)

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Can Someone PLEASE ban this Anti-american, Anti-semitic, Anti-chicken pot pie, poster?


this thread MUST and WILL live on  :rolleyes:

In the archives my good man. At times we had great debate and at other times, some mud slinging. I had hoped it would die a natural death. Yesterday it dropped to page 2 for a while but came roaring back.


Further debate is pointless, no one is changing their minds. We are just going to increase the flames. Let's learn from past mistakes.


Brando, Kudos for a topic that carried on way longer than anyone would have thought.

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I never said I justify killing, UNLESS IT'S IN SELF DEFENSE AND/OR IN TIMES OF WAR!!!


Unfortunately, both of these apply re. the "palestinians", who have declared a "jihad" (Holy war) against Israel, Jews (and America).


Israel has EVERY right to defend herself! I can't quote Scripture, and don't feel that the Torah applies, what is applicable is Israel's Right to Exist!



BTW, I'm all for ending this thread, too! Most of the posters have no knowledge and/or have read nothing re. the issue.

Give it a rest. What is applicable to you is whatever pushes your racist agenda. You have supported murder, segregation, and any other means other the sun to achieve your jingoistic gains.


Part of me wishes I hadn't wasted so much time pointing out the hypocracy in all of your arguements, but another part of me just thinks that your can really be THAT ignorant and still survive for what you claim as 40 something years. But then again the world must be real easy to figure out in the black and white that you see it in. If you don't support the slaughter or deportation of Muslims, then you must be an anti-semite.


You are singularly the biggest discrace to Zionism and Judianism I have ever seen. The Jewish religion has a long and proud history. It is a great religion based on love, not of yourself, but others. Never once have you thought of anyone but yourself in any thread you have ever made.


I have no doubt that this conflict would have been settle millenia ago, except for racists like you who cannot handle peace. What it is about people who are different from you that scares you so much? Let go of your racist hatred and become a shining example of the love of Judiaism in the world. It is God's commandment that the world should be able to see him in you through your love of others. All your hatred will insure is that there will never be a peaceable solution in the middle east.


May God have mercy on your soul and show you the light of his love.

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