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Palestine vs. Israel


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  1. 1. Who is right here?

    • Palestine?
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Here's the deal: Israel has to be the "bigger man" here




There is no such thing as a Magical Negro.


There is no such thing as a Magical Homo.


There is no hooker with a heart of gold.



Likewise, there is NO such thing as a Magical Jew/Israeli/Zionist....NOT in politics or military anyway. Don't expect much goodwill let alone altruistic sacrifize from Israel's side. Safety and security first. Palestinian state, economy and quality of life (as much as the former 2 seemingly dependant on the latter 3) are all a VERY DISTANT second. Unfortunately, both sides are stupid and greedy as it gets. The rest is just a technicality.


But then again you already knew all that, didn't you winodj?

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A lot of people are just plain out f***ed in the head. Especially some people who work in Homeland Security.


But you must admit DHS does have some opinionated-ass window cleaners.


You can argue about moral superiority until you're blue in the face but it doesn't create peaceful change or improve the situation. The problem is that Israel and Palestine both lack leaders who can get BEYOND the obvious intense emotion of the situation and look at what has to happen to effect the change that both sides say they want. My uneducated eyes tell me that only Israel has the resources to improve life for the Palestinian common people who (if they do indeed advocate violence against Israelis) may then change their mindset about what and who Israelis are if they finally see a side of kindness from the people who occupy the land they live on.


The average Palestinian has few rights and resources with which to improve their lives. When Israel further exerts its occupational authority on the Palestinians, their quality of life falls. The time has come for Israel to exert its occupational authority to the Palestinians in a more positive way. Only then will the embers feeding the flames of terrorism begin to choke off the stream of terror.


The IDF has every right to do what is necessary and morally correct to stem the immediate threat of terror. But what Israel and the US miss the boat on, is that both states fail to address the root causes of terror. We try to manage, not eliminate, in the name of elimination. And that leads to failed policy.


Makes a lot of sense. Which is precisely why it will be fumbled.

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I prefer to  lick it off of Miss Sox4Life's sweet caramelicious body.



aaaaaaaaaaaah hahaha...that editing posts could go on for DAYS :lol:



the funny thing is, I GET to do that...and you can just dream.... mr humpty dance :lolhitting :lolhitting



f*** y'all :fyou

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Guest williestokes

After 31 pages, this topic is probably completely different, but in response to the original question, I dont really care. They both deserve eachother. Palestine, home of the suicide bomber (a true cowards method) and Israel, architect of Sabra and Shatila (My Lai times 10). Im not allied to either one of these sides and I have no idea why our government is either.

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After 31 pages, this topic is probably completely different, but in response to the original question, I dont really care. They both deserve eachother. Palestine, home of the suicide bomber (a true cowards method) and Israel, architect of Sabra and Shatila (My Lai times 10). Im not allied to either one of these sides and I have no idea why our government is either.

One word, democracy.

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One word, democracy.

That's three words


Getting back to peanut butter, for the perfect PB&J do you spread peanut butter on both halves of the bread so the jelly doesn't sink in or not? There is this local health food store near me that makes there own peanut butter, awesome stuff, better than the store brands.


When I'm out backpacking I like the new stuff in a tube. Makes storage and spreading a lot easier and convienent.

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Well.. after all this mess do we have a difinitive on who pisses the furthest..? The office was betting on the racist.  ;)

With a few people going postal around here I was wondering if the post office is part of Homeland Security ;)

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Add in 2 cups of jingoism and a teaspoon of Hitler youth and I think you have it.

As I said before, the "Hitler/Nazi" references are very insulting and racist. The only "people" calling for genocide re. this issue, are the "Palestinians"!


By the way, please don't try to belittle the job I do; I don't comment on the fact that you blow men for a living!

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1) If these news sources are so plentiful, then you wouldn't mind showing us some of these sources that link Arafat and Al Aqsa's.  Oh yes, from a respected newspaper as well, please.


2) Actually many people here are not "Jew haters" or "Anti-Semites" as you would have many of us believe.  I think a lot of people see your lack of argumentation skills and refusal to show facts proving your case as a means that your Zionist case isn't that strong.  Who knew that just about all Sox fans here are Jew Haters?

Apu...even liberal news media link Arafat and Al Aqsa...it's common knowledge, UNLESS you get your "information" from Al Jazeera!


Check out the Sun Times, Fox News, MSNBC, even pro-Arab media like Reuters and the BBC have said that Al Aqsa is under Arafat's control!

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Nope not anti-Israel, just anti-you.  You have been the only one preaching hate on this whole thread.  Aggresion only begets aggression for mankind, not in God's eyes.  An eye for an eye was Hamurabi's code, not God's. 


To quote from the bible to justify your murderous government, but then ignore that very same bible when it comes to how to treat your fellow man, just goes to show what kind of hypocrate you are.  Many, many times I have made biblical references and you have ignored them all.  And that is because you are so full of murderous hate, that you will use anything to justify it. 


God does not want you to kill in his name.  That is pretty clear in the bible.  There is no asterick in Exodus when God told Moses thou shalt not kill.  He also doesn't want you to advocate murder in his name.  When you stand at the feet of God in judgement, he will turn his face away from you.  It seems to me you have been to deep into your hateful texts and not deep enough in your Torah.  Repent your evil ways, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Killing is self-defense is ALWAYS an acceptable response, especially when your existance is threatened, no matter what the Torah says!

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Damn. It took 41 pages but finally, I'm bored with this.


Here's what I learned.


A lot of people are just plain out f***ed in the head. Especially some people who work in Homeland Security.


Here's the deal: Israel has to be the "bigger man" here. You can argue about moral superiority until you're blue in the face but it doesn't create peaceful change or improve the situation. The problem is that Israel and Palestine both lack leaders who can get BEYOND the obvious intense emotion of the situation and look at what has to happen to effect the change that both sides say they want. My uneducated eyes tell me that only Israel has the resources to improve life for the Palestinian common people who (if they do indeed advocate violence against Israelis) may then change their mindset about what and who Israelis are if they finally see a side of kindness from the people who occupy the land they live on.


The average Palestinian has few rights and resources with which to improve their lives. When Israel further exerts its occupational authority on the Palestinians, their quality of life falls. The time has come for Israel to exert its occupational authority to the Palestinians in a more positive way. Only then will the embers feeding the flames of terrorism begin to choke off the stream of terror.


The IDF has every right to do what is necessary and morally correct to stem the immediate threat of terror. But what Israel and the US miss the boat on, is that both states fail to address the root causes of terror. We try to manage, not eliminate, in the name of elimination. And that leads to failed policy.

A lot of what you say is true, and I commend you for writing it in such an eloquent fashion. I have the following comments, though.


1) Israel has NO responsibility to make "palis'" lives better. The Arabs that live in Israel have better lives, and live more comfortably and with more freedoms than 95+% of Arabs living in Arab countries. But, the "palis" are Arabs, thus, the Arab nations have the reponsibility to help their brethren. The problem here is, the rest of the Arab world sees the "palis" as worthless. (i.e. "Black Sunday" when Jordan slaughtered 10,000+ "palis", (you don't know about that though, but if Israel kills 1 Hamas militant, you and your liberal friends cry foul!)).


2) The word "occupation" is a misnomer, the correct term should be "Disputed Territories". Pre-1967, Egypt, Syria, etc., told the Arabs living in Israel, to get out, and when they destroy Israel, these Arabs would then have their own nation. But as you know, Israel kicked the Arabs' asses, and the pre-6day war Israeli Arabs were made "refugees". (TO THE VICTOR GOES THE SPOILS!!!)


3) Root causes of anti-Israel terrorism...children are "brain-washed" from Day 1 to hate the Jews. They are taught that the Jews are the Devil, and the cause of their impoverished conditions. Meanwhile, Arafat is worth BILLIONS! Money that was given to "Palestine" to improve the conditions of it's people. I can see how that is Israel's fault.


4) I am college/law school degreed, and have an above average IQ...you are probably a fry cook or something similar, with a GED. If anyone is "f***ed in the head"....

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no matter what the Torah says!

Thanks for making the proving of my point easy. You are highjacking the Jewish religion for your own racist political purposes. When you say the Torah doesn't matter, that saids it all. The Torah IS the basis for Zionism. Without the Torah, you have no homeland, and you have no one to hate. But the Torah is not a choose your own adventure book. You can't pick your way around it. To advocate any other action is hypocritical. That just shows how desparate you are to further your racism and hate of Muslims.


And the do's and don't's of life are pretty clear in the 10 commandments. And hate, murder, and everything else that you have been advocating of Muslims isn't allowed in the Torah, Period.


And call me every name you like, I am at peace with myself. I know that I am to love my fellow man, no matter what. You obviously have emense amounts of hate and racism ingraned into your soul. I have watched you advocate everything upto the murder of your fellow man. The saddest part of this is that you claim to be in a position of power of somekind, so you also could have the power to persecute innocent people simply for their race, and seem to take a perverse joy in doing so.

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