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QUOTE(Brian @ Sep 26, 2006 -> 08:46 PM)
I really hope Jamie Gold didn't win the WSOP. He is annoying/arrogant as hell.


You're a little late Brian. He won it, way back in August. If it makes you feel better, half his winnings have been frozen by a judge presiding over a lawsuit. It's alleged he promised a guy half his winnings to help him recruit celebrities playing in the WSOP to wear bodog.net gear. The guy did so and apparently has Jamie's voice on his voicemail making the promise.


We shall see how that turns out.........

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QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Sep 26, 2006 -> 09:25 PM)
You're a little late Brian. He won it, way back in August. If it makes you feel better, half his winnings have been frozen by a judge presiding over a lawsuit. It's alleged he promised a guy half his winnings to help him recruit celebrities playing in the WSOP to wear bodog.net gear. The guy did so and apparently has Jamie's voice on his voicemail making the promise.


We shall see how that turns out.........


I know I was late. I always watch the WSOP during the re-runs. I saw that report about the judge holding half his winnings.

After he won it, he became very modest and broke down on the phone with his dad who has Lou Gehrigs.

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I would have preferred Cunningham to win, but sooner, rather than later, a pro will win the WSOP Main Event again. Even considering how many people enter yearly now, there will always be enough pros in the tournament that the odds suggest that atleast one of hundreds of pro players will get hot enough over a 10 day period, and will play well enough over the same period, to be able to maintain enough success to reach the final table, and then maybe even win a race or two.


Every year there's been a pro that made it to the final table, and I see that trend continuing. Annie Duke constantly talks about how it's a great possibility that a pro will never win the Main Event ever again, but each and every year, a pro or two sneak into the running for the final table. Marcel Luske nearly made it to the final 9 in '04, and Harrington did; Mouth Matusow and Scott Lazar made it in '05, and there were pro players scattered through the top 40(including big names such as Ivey and Juanda), and while this past year featured fewer pros getting as deep as they did last year, you still saw Erik Friberg, Jeffrey Lisandro, and Cunningham finish in the top 20.


The day will come, and I'd guess it's within the next 5 years.



Also, I figure ESPN made Gold look a lot luckier than he actually was. He was pretty much controlling the tempo and flow of the table, and he wanted to basically see every flop he could. With his chip lead, he could afford that, so in turn, he's going to hit big on hands people aren't normally going to play. Hell, he always had everyone on tilt. Sure he's an asshole...so are a lot of poker players. Due to his assholeness, he won. If he would have been nice and polite at the table, there's not a chance in hell he wins that tournament.

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I always knew McBride couldn't drive...and now it's confirmed. BTW, you have to be very drunk to get busted for DUI as an athlete in Champaign. A superstar athlete from there in the last 10 years had quite the problem with drinking and driving, and he never got charged.

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Believe it or not, Fort Wayne. It's been talked about all year about revitalizing the downtown, and moving/rebuilding a stadium's been the biggest idea.


It's still not official or anything, but they just issued the sketches and everything yesterday. Supposedly if this all goes through (it needs to), it will be ready for opening day of 2009.

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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Dec 21, 2006 -> 10:24 AM)
Believe it or not, Fort Wayne. It's been talked about all year about revitalizing the downtown, and moving/rebuilding a stadium's been the biggest idea.


It's still not official or anything, but they just issued the sketches and everything yesterday. Supposedly if this all goes through (it needs to), it will be ready for opening day of 2009.


good for them, because the old place was terrible.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Dec 21, 2006 -> 11:34 AM)
good for them, because the old place was terrible.


Yeah, the old place is Comiskey when it opened in 1991, w/out the insane upper deck. It's just a block of cement with seats; there's no character in it.


The sketches of this new stadium look cool, and though this city fears anything that has to do with change, this would be a great thing for this place moving forward.

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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Dec 21, 2006 -> 10:40 AM)
Yeah, the old place is Comiskey when it opened in 1991, w/out the insane upper deck. It's just a block of cement with seats; there's no character in it.


The sketches of this new stadium look cool, and though this city fears anything that has to do with change, this would be a great thing for this place moving forward.


I remember the fight over the Jungle expansion quite well... Lawsuit central.


Yeah, I don't miss NE Indiana at all.

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