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worst moves by Kenny Williams


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Considering how relatively cheap Wells was, why the hell not? We could have done some damage with Loaiza-Wells-Colon-Burhle in the playoffs.


And yes ERA drop from 6.60 to 3.60 IS a big deal, especially early on when Lofton (who quits on losing teams and thrives on winning ones) and Durham were on fire and we needed just that little something to go on win streaks. Who knows, if we were only a few games behind Twins at the ASB, we probably don't trade Lofton and Durham and maybe even get get Everett-type impact player instead to battle Twins down the stretch.....instead of packing it in by July.

You have points there Brando ... but they are all if's, coulda's and woulda's. :huh:

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You have points there Brando ... but they are all if's, coulda's and woulda's.  :huh:

Hey, with these momentum swings and streaks in baseball, you NEVER really know for sure.


I mean, one day Twins were 5 games under .500 and 9 back of the Royals. Next thing you know they are winning 90 and the division with it.


There is no doubt in my mind we are a playoff team with Kip Wells with us in 2003. That is in the bank.


Now 2002 is a different story: Kipster wins literally 3 times as many games as Ritchie PLUS we keep Durham PLUS Kenny Lofton has an insentive to actually TRY....PLUS we get an impact player at the ASB, PLUS Josh Fogg pitches out of the pen where he is lights out PLUS the pressure is on the Twins.......It's 50/50 we win or they win at the end, really. But either way, there are MORE fans (the team did give up in July afterall) in the park and a higher payroll in 2003, allowing us to keep Foulke. And so on.


Speculation? Sure,. but the trade was bloody awful either way./

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konerko bad sign?????


are u stoned??


konerko had two great seasons here and he is one of our best infielders even with last years season


calling him a bad signing is straight up stupid :dips***

No, actually it is right on the money. After 2002, KW signed him to a multi year deal and basically overpaid for a slow, one dimensional 1B. PK's a good guy and had those good years for us, but he's not worth $8 million per year to this ballclub.

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No, actually it is right on the money.  After 2002, KW signed him to a multi year deal and basically overpaid for a slow, one dimensional 1B.  PK's a good guy and had those good years for us, but he's not worth $8 million per year to this ballclub.

While you're on the topic of slow, one dimensional players I hope you dont forget about the Big Skirt. This guy was so brutal at 1st base that we needed Konerko there in the 1st place. That big strong guy was afraid of the ball half the time. Now all he does is swing for the fences in classic Shamme Soso fashion and nobody calls him out on it. Is he a saint or something?


"I dont care about singles and doubles. All I want is homeruns"


That ring a bell to anybody here?

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Yeah I totally agree on the Sirotka/Wells deal....I metioned that in the other thread! :lol:


I was curious is Sirotka employed by any team at the moment or anything?  What's come of him?

That Sirotka/Wells deal wasn't terrible. You may think it made KW look like a dirtbag, but I disagree. The Toronto doctors ok'd the trade after an examination of Sirotka, who will never pitch in the major leagues again. Wells was not good with the Sox, but if he helped Buerhle, then the deal goes from wash, considering Sirotka, Simmons, and Bierne, did nothing after the trade, to a KW win. The Ritchie trade was bad, Kip had as many wins as Ritchie did the year before, and was much younger and cheaper. The White Sox scouts , who once pegged K. Wells as a David Cone clone, thought Ritchie was Jon Lieber II, they were wrong. The Koch trade was bad as well, but many on this and the other boards loved it at the time it was done. Every GM makes some moves that are bad, but I think KW's problem has more to do with his pompous attitude, than the deals he makes. He has at least been average to better than average in the trades he has made. He stole Marte. The trades he made last summer were bold. The Colon deal was great, although most don't want to give him any credit, thinking it was a gift from the Yankees.

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Lowe had his good momenrs and his bad moments (which no one remembers - I remember 4 straght walks to lose a game) and his attitude got way negative - he has nothing elsewhere so giving him up was no great loss other than as that trade turned out to be one that sounded good and played terrible due to Ritchie

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