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WillieStoke in Love

Guest williestokes

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Guest williestokes

I shall start this post by saying that I have never been strong in the dating game. I have friends of the opposite sex but incredibly few of them have gone out with me. It doesnt quite help that my high school has a local reputation for having rather snotty women. So on New Years Eve I was skiing in the mountains of West Virginia and I went to a teen party at my resort. I started dancing with this girl and, after talking to her, I must say she was the nicest (and one of the hottest) girl Ive ever met. We started making out and we had a fantastic time. Unfortunately, I wasnt thinking straight and before I dropped her off at her lodge I never got an email address or anything. She said she was going to miss me, and, well goddammit, I miss her. Now Im back in Roanoke and Ill return to school in a few days. Theres no chance in hell Ill ever track down Laura from Pennsylvania, and now instead of trying to overcome just the girls will, Ill have to overcome my own will as well. Everytime I see a girl from now on, Im going to compare her to Laura and no one will ever even come close. Im so glad I met her and I miss her so much but unfortunately Ill never see her again.


And on top of that, I was in the ghetto the other day (for reasons known but to God) when I saw some poor man get gunned down for no f***in reason. If theres something so terrifying I never want to see it again, its that.


So, to sum things up, I made out with the girl of my dreams whom Ill never see again and I saw someone get shot. Truly depressing. :(

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Guest williestokes

Nope. Thats the worst part. Theres not a single thing I can do. Laura from Pennsylvania is all I know. She had a friend there who I met briefly and there was another dude I met at the party but I cant even track him down. Here I am in a city of snobs, why couldnt God have put Laura down here and some school slut (something we have plenty of) up there? I miss her so much it hurts. If every girl in Pennsylvania is like she was, Im movin' there cause Pennsylvania must be Heaven!

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That story depressed me too. But dammit dog, you can't just give up so quickly. You gotta do somethin, get a huge ad in a national paper, or take over every tv channel like they do in the movies. Maybe you could do somethin that attracts media coverage and she'll see you on the news and recognize you. Get creative, cause if she was that stellar you can't just give up so quickly, you'll regret it forever.


:bringit :bringit :bringit

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Guest williestokes

I know the resort but I dont know the last name, room number or anything like that. Im only 16 and doing all that would be nearly impossible. I guess Ill just settle for dreams inside my head because now, thats all I have. This hurts bad, I really could have down without the shooting. :(


And I have turned to music to help. Aerosmiths "I dont want to miss a thing" and "Walk this way" are nice.


The line from the former, "Even when I dream of you, the sweetest dream will never do" applies perfectly to my situation, and "Walk this way" just has the greatest beat.

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Guest williestokes

I thank you guys for all the support but it wont ever happen. Shes hundreds of miles away, my parents are too harsh and watchful, and that would kind of consitute desperate stalking. I cant believe Im making these bulls*** excuses but its over. Youre right spiff. Im not going to be able to do a damn thing and I will regret it forever. :(

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Guest williestokes

Actually the worst part is that, even though I can remember ever second of conversation that night, Im struggling to picture her face in my head. Its hard to reminisce that night in my head when I cant picture her face. I would recognize her if I saw her but I can only vaguely see her in my head. That happens a lot. It especially sucks when even though the girl youre trying to picture is really hot, you only see the face of a really ugly girl you know. Well, atleast that happens to me. And it happened here. Im really sorry if it sounds like Im whining, Im just very depressed. :(

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Guest williestokes
WOW I cant even imagine how you feel

Pretty s***ty man. And this wasnt one of those superficial things where hormones just took over a horny teenager. As cheesy as it may sound, I loved kissing her but I loved talking to her even more. A wonderful person.


I guess Im better guy from having met her. I used to look at porn, whack off and drink but I dont anymore. Its only been 3 days but Ill never do that stuff again, her sweet innocence convinced that no one needs that s***. I am truly a better person from having met Laura. Too bad nothing more could come of it.

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Guest williestokes

No. She did say, however, she was disappointed that very few people were dancing because where shes from theres not many dances. By that, Id guess rural. Im so sad about this Im seriously about to cry. :(

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By that, Id guess rural
welcome to 9/10ths of Pennsylvania ;)


actually, my guess is that she's from either the Erie or Pittsburg area. probably south western PA. we've got ski lodges on the east side, so thats probably why she went that way (to w. va)

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Guest williestokes

I just hope that wherever she is she really does miss me too. Yet I hope shes not as sad as I am. I hope she thinks about me in a reminiscent, happy way.

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sox4lifeinpa looks like u got a job on ur hands. track this laura down.  :lol:. Hope things work out for ya williestokes, sounds like u found sum1 really special there.

I'm from Eastern PA (think philly)...who knows dude, she could be there next year at the same time...you could tell her how much you thought of her during that span, and then she falls for you...end, or beginning rather, of story...

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Guest williestokes

Thanks man. Once again, thanks for everything, spiff, PA, dbaho and everyone. Not only wont I find her, I honestly doubt Ill never find anyone like her. She was the nicest, cutest (cute in the way you'd like to introduce her to your parents) person Ive ever met.

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PA, youre wonderful, man. I figured many people would shun this post as whiny, yet you seem really caring. Thanks a ton.

(I'm sure I'll get ripped for this...but)


I just have a heart for this kinda stuff. I've been living in texas for nearly two years and dating miss sox4life that whole time. I know what it's like to long for someone and not have it right in front of you. granted, I know my girl's name and get to kiss her, etc (insert your favorite, "so does everyone else" joke here).


keep your head up dude. I know it hurts. something better is on the way

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Guest williestokes
better to have love and lost, than to have never loved at all...


dude, just think, if you liked this chick, wait til you meet and fall in love with the girl you marry....


you've got time buddy

I think thats the greatest advice Ive seen yet in a thread of great advice and support. Imagine if I never met her. Id still look at porn and drink and all the other bad things I did. Im better person having met her and I wish, if it was even possible, that shes now a better person from having met me.

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I think thats the greatest advice Ive seen yet in a thread of great advice and support. Imagine if I never met her. Id still look at porn and drink and all the other bad things I did. Im better person having met her and I wish, if it was even possible, that shes now a better person from having met me.



my job is done here :)

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Guest williestokes
(I'm sure I'll get ripped for this...but)


I just have a heart for this kinda stuff. I've been living in texas for nearly two years and dating miss sox4life that whole time. I know what it's like to long for someone and not have it right in front of you. granted, I know my girl's name and get to kiss her, etc (insert your favorite, "so does everyone else" joke here).


keep your head up dude. I know it hurts. something better is on the way

Well, PA, I wish you the best in keeping it up with Miss PA and for the millionth time, thanks for your care, advice and support. :headbang

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my job is done here :)

sox4lifeinpa our resident love life expert has done it again. Nah.. also I give props to williestokes as well cos I prob wouldn't hav posted a story like this if this happened to me, and u've got da guts too and now I really hope things work out for ya.

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