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KW got something planned?


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Does KW have a plan for getting a big player for our pitching staff? Or will we just stay with what we have already? If you reply give me your reasons on why you picked either one.


Also Juan Gone was just picked up by the Kansas city royals. Do you feel that KC will be the team taking this division this year? :drink

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1. KW isn't doing s***.

2. I'm not impressed with KC's pitching.

3. This division is so weak no team is a clear favorite, which ever team can get hot and put a few winning streaks together will come out on top. But if i had to pick a favorite i'd still pick the Twins over the Royals.

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Kw's plan is in my mind to somehow have the Sox stay close because of youngsters proving themselves and the younger major leaguers stepping up and improving their games.


Whether it will happen or not, I'm not sure, but if thats the case then the Sox will probably be willing to add a few players at the deadline. As of now, they will just sign a lot of guys to minimum or minor league type deals and it will be an interesting battle at spring training.

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I think Kenny has a plan.


1. Buy 50 bottles of Advil or Tylenol.


2. See what cheap FA's are out there in the next 2 months.


3. Attempt a trade offer in the next 2 months.


4. If #2 and #3 don't produce any fruit, then go into spring training as a heavy drinker, and hope for the best with what you have, of course mixed with minor-league call-ups.


As for the Twins' MetroDump, I heard that they are changing the surface from that Astroturf crap to the new "Astroplay" - that surface you see around the sports world nowadays that looks, feels, and plays like real grass, even though it's not. I can't confirm nor deny that - it's what I heard on Sunday Night Football when the Vikings were on.

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I heard that, too, but until someone puts a lock on the "climate controls", the Twinks will still have a clear home-field advantage.


The division is still up for grabs, if everything stays pretty much as is.

The Royals have about as much offense as the Sox and less pitching.

The Twins are downsized but still have many capable major-league calibre players.

The Indians are growing up fast, and will have a definite say in who wins the Central.

The Tigers are trying to improve by going the mid-level FA route. They will still be pretty bad, but the Sox have to take advantage of them this year. They can NOT let the Tigers cost them the division again this year.

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If that's true about the new turf, it will DRASTICALLY affect the Twins' homefield advantage. I've run on both types, and the new turf is far softer and slower than the old s***. The surface they played on last year was essentially green concrete. This new stuff they make out of old tires plays much more like real grass.

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I think that KW has many plans, but none have worked out. I just hope the one main theme is that we refuse to get ripped off. I can just see trading Konerko, Lee or Maggs and getting nothing concrete in return. You want to help the team improve by trading star players and not just dump salary.

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Trade Konerko ; sign Ponson


You beat me to it. You're exactly right because Konerko is not worth $9 million. Even if he has a season like he did in '02, I don't know if he's worth that much. If we can sucker LA into picking up his contract, I will be very happy. Ponson and prospects are much better than Konerko. Even though Ponson's numbers aren't over powering, he has great stuff.

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You beat me to it. You're exactly right because Konerko is not worth $9 million. Even if he has a season like he did in '02, I don't know if he's worth that much. If we can sucker LA into picking up his contract, I will be very happy. Ponson and prospects are much better than Konerko. Even though Ponson's numbers aren't over powering, he has great stuff.

I disagree with you to an extent. By saying "even if he has a season like his 02 season", you are implying to me that he had a good 2002 campaign. I will disagree with you. His 2002 campaign was night and day, and because of that, it was s***ty. He has 22 homers in the first half, 7 in the second half. He hit .330 in the first half, and I believe .270-.280 in the second half(which is acceptable), and he barely drove in 35 runs in the second half. If he has any consistency(maybe say he hits 10-15 homers in the second half, drives in 50 runs, hits .310), then he ends up with Maggs-like numbers(.320 35 120), and he is worth the $8 million he is getting next year. His 2002 season alone would not be worth $8 mill, which I agree with, but if he had two of his first halfs similar to each other and both were very good(like they were), then I could see him being worth $8 mill.

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I think the Sox are in good position to win the division this yr. Our pitching is solid, we are gonna have a good bullpen and our hitting cant be as bad as it was last yr..


All KC has done is sign a bunch of backups.. Matt Stairs sucks, Benito Santiago is like 60 yrs old, Jose Lima will not pitch the same I saw that bum pitch here in Houston, he licks. KC pitching sucks, and adding Juan Gonzalez isnt gonna do s***, hes a damn baby. I can see the Sox winning it with what we have now. Just look at it.


C Olivo

1B Konerko

2B Harris

3B Crede

SS Valentin

LF Lee

CF Rowand

RF Maggs

DH Thomas


that is not that bad of a group of players.. not to mention




SP Garland

SP Schoenweiss

SP (One of our Minor leaguer/FA)


MR Koch

MR Marte

MR Wunsch


and then some of our good arms in AAA


and we could also see J Reed too, and I would like to see him get a shot.. and what if Borchard finally hits his potential? A lot of things can happen for this team and with the week division, I wouldnt be surprised to see it happen.. this is the SAME TEAM that started the season last yr. Minus Colon, Graffy, Daubach, Gordon, and Rick White. So dont get all negative, we were close enough to be in it half way through it can happen again.

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I think KW's plan is to start a lot of rumors (Maggs to Dodgers, Ponson, Politte) so people think he's trying to make the team better, when really he's sitting on his hands so Reinsdorf won't fire him for going over payroll.



Man...I didn't mean to sound that bitter...

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