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I wanna kick his ass for some reason.

He's just a guy who happened to know someone before they became someone. A dorm-mate of mine back in college grew up in Dekalb and dated Cindy Crawford when they went to high school together. Of course noone believed him until he came up with prom photos. Man, he shoulda kept that relationship going...

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From what I have seen, people before they were famous aren't what they are once the become famous.


My best friend's brother dated Jenny McCarthy in HS and my fiance knew her through a good friend of his in HS. According to my best friend's brother, she wasn't all that back then (most of what you see is plastic according to him) and had no personality to boot. My fiance doesn't say much about her (I don't think he knew her, just knew of her because of a mutual friend), but I got the impression that had he not put his eggs in one basket, he might have tried to get a date with her.

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That says a lot about your basket! Way to go. :cheers

LOL! That was way before us (I was only 12 when he was a senior in HS). The basket I was referring to was a girl he had a serious crush on that really was only interesting in friendship with him. Sad thing is, she was killed in a car wreck a few weeks after HS graduation. It screwed him up really bad for a while.

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LOL!  That was way before us (I was only 12 when he was a senior in HS).  The basket I was referring to was a girl he had a serious crush on that really was only interesting in friendship with him.  Sad thing is, she was killed in a car wreck a few weeks after HS graduation.  It screwed him up really bad for a while.

That is very tragic and sad to hear. You really have not had much of a chance at life by the end of high school.

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From what I have seen, people before they were famous aren't what they are once the become famous.


My best friend's brother dated Jenny McCarthy in HS and my fiance knew her through a good friend of his in HS.  According to my best friend's brother, she wasn't all that back then (most of what you see is plastic according to him) and had no personality to boot. My fiance doesn't say much about her (I don't think he knew her, just knew of her because of a mutual friend), but I got the impression that had he not put his eggs in one basket,  he might have tried to get a date with her.

Jenny McCarthy grew up in a neighboring parish from me and went to h.s. down the street from me. I often wonder how many times we rode the same CTA bus.

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Jenny McCarthy grew up in a neighboring parish from me and went to h.s. down the street from me. I often wonder how many times we rode the same CTA bus.

didn't she go to mother McCauly... I seem to remember her sister being a good volleyball player there... I could just be hallicinating again.



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Jenny McCarthy grew up in a neighboring parish from me and went to h.s. down the street from me. I often wonder how many times we rode the same CTA bus.

She hung with my best friends cousin and dated his buddy for 2 years and was all the skank that she is now. She made a beer bong for them and got wasted many times showing them how to use it. We have pictures somewhere.. I'll ask Jill to find them. She was a nasty dirty blond back then too. Huge eyebrows.. LOL

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Jenny McCarthy grew up in a neighboring parish from me and went to h.s. down the street from me. I often wonder how many times we rode the same CTA bus.

You from the Archer Heights / Brighton Park area? I am too. I grew up near Archer and Kostner. The 7-9-11 grocery store where she worked is like a mile from my parents house.

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She hung with my best friends cousin and dated his buddy for 2 years and was all the skank that she is now. She made a beer bong for them and got wasted many times showing them how to use it. We have pictures somewhere.. I'll ask Jill to find them. She was a nasty dirty blond back then too. Huge eyebrows.. LOL

Pretty much confirms what I suspected and what I've been told. Once a worthless whore, always a worthless whore.

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