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Take it for what its worth (from the Score)


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And hey, EVERY free agent pitcher is a gamble.  Any major league pitcher's arm could go out at any time.  There are very few freaks of nature like Clemons, Nolan Ryan, Maddux, etc. who pitch forever.

Instead of "freaks of nature," it could be more like exercise fanatics. Clemens, Ryan and Maddux are known to spend lots of time on conditioning, so perhaps its more like committment to stay in shape than just pure luck that keeps some pitchers fit and healthy while others go by the wayside.

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Right now, I'm so over everything that I am just sick of hearing rumors. I'm just going to wait, no point in getting overly exciting. This is how the entire offseason has been.


I'm with you, buddy. Working full-time and going to school full-time takes a lot of energy, and I'm only given so much energy per day. I'll just sit back in the La-Z-Boy and relax and see what happens.


I don't want to drain my mind any longer with rumors and "hearsay." If something happens, I'll be one of the first ones on here chatting. But until then, I'm just a spectator (with a few sarcastic posts per day, of course). :D

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I know... I completely misunderstood it when I read it the first time. Thanks for calling me out there Yas....  :P

I hope the members of your cult following take that "calling out" in the spirit in which it was intended. I'd to be a victim of the "The High Order of the Preistess of Doableism". :lol:

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I hope the members of your cult following take that "calling out" in the spirit in which it was intended.  I'd to be a victim of the "The High Order of the Preistess of Doableism".  :lol:

LOL.. I'll have to check the status of Leader RPS.. I know he took the robe to get dry cleaned..

You gotta keep an eye on him. :lol:

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